The attitude (relation) - division on triodes
Whether it is possible to create the machine of division of function on function, having only the power supply and amplifier on one triode? It appears it is possible! And here experts understand that turns out. The machine turns out which can do(make) absolute вс ё, only to work it is necessary. If one triode divides not so qualitatively, электронщики will add that is necessary and will receive, that want, it is natural in any time. At first it is necessary to lead(carry out) experience, then experiment, and then to check up uncountable quantity(amount) of variants to receive general(common) functions and it is possible to decide(solve) tasks. But what experience, how it(him) and where to carry out(spend)? The answer now is also example is. It is best to carry out(spend) it(him) on standard parts - two identical three-cascade amplifiers executed on transistors of different conductivity. These parts are published since 60 years and are well known for the radiofans(radioamateurs) under the directories. The parts are going separately, are checked by a standard way and incorporate on submitted in the book, circuit. In the circuit receivers of radiation, as is known, are the usual resistors transistors, circuits of a feed(meal) and other elements, which give in the circuits unacceptable noise. In this circuit this noise is destroyed by division and subtraction. And all "highlight". THE CIRCUIT of the amplifier WORKS STEADILY EVEN In CONDITIONS of HANDICAPES In AREA ОСТАНКИНСКОЙ of a TELETOWER, ЭКРАНИРОВКА FROM BELOW And SIDEWAYS IT IS REQUIRED In EXCLUSIVE CASES. THUS SENSITIVITY And FACTOR of AMPLIFICATION(STRENGTHENING) of the CIRCUIT IS HIGHER, THAN At OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS, FOR EXAMPLE 544УД1, And IT IS the AMPLIFIER of the SPECIAL CLASS. THE CIRCUIT ALLOWS TO CHECK BANKNOTES ON MAGNETIC PARAMETERS (AT CONNECTION of the USUAL RECORDER HEAD). At presence of strong external noise the circuit is improved удваиванием of cascades (indemnification). It is a lot of variants of the decision, and the essence is constant. Connect various gauges, filters, receive devices of various purposes(assignments) and applications. Variants is indefinite much, and in the directories the structurally various circuitry for a long time is present. Substitute everywhere and everywhere this circuit, develop her(it) and receive effects. Besides the circuit will give you an opportunity to add inexhaustibly many new elements and functions. You see she(it) decides(solves) the integrated and differential equations at its(her) correct inclusion.
The various variants of representation of the decisions of tasks of division are considered(examined) concerning similar variants carrying out function of division by different ways. This relativity is an example of a general(common) relativity of function of division.
The steady attitudes(relations) in the circuit of management of infinite energy of a point, turn out at absolute stabilization of the certain parameters of the circuit at the expense of its(her) absolute factor of amplification(strengthening) on a pressure(voltage) provided with other first attitudes(relations) in this circuit. The attitudes(relation) give rise to the attitudes(relation). The first attitudes(relations) are created by primary cells of the circuit. These cells are started by primary energy received from a primary source. In any case are necessary the primary power supply and circuit of management of energy, into which the specifying generator which is giving out on several outputs(exits) managing pulses on the appropriate switchboards for transformation of infinite energy of a point enters. Now it is known, that the switchboards deform temporary and other parameters of pulses by transfer of management from managing electrodes on the power(force) output(exit). In result there are inevitable losses of energy.
The basic task in this case is the greatest possible reduction of these losses.
Management of infinite energy of a point through reason
Automated management by processes of selection of the appropriate elements of the circuit, its(her) adjustment and observation of parameters have the restrictions because of complexity of training of electronic mechanisms of infinite memory of the man accrued in genes at long-term training, at participation of a society(community) and computer engineering. But the human consciousness of limits has no in comparison with any engineering.
Conclusion about an opportunity of management of infinite energy of a point from here follows through reason. The theory and the experiments confirm this conclusion. The infinite procedures of adjustment of the circuit for a conclusion from it(her) already of received tens EFFICIENCY of energy show vain потуги of some experts to predict circulations of such circuits. For them it is possible to result an example Great Амати, creating by the unique automatics of a violin. Though violin were not intended for reception of any EFFICIENCY, however that it is impossible, that it is impossible. It is impossible on a flow to predict the geniuses and Gods. It безрассудство. It is impossible to own infinity through poor reason. For the beginning it is required to take possession of the certain knowledge, to study electronics, to create necessary amplifiers, to be convinced of reliability of infinite energy of a point, to find theoretically infinite variants of management of this energy, to pass the large way of check of these variants, to choose best and to proceed(pass) to most important - reception of high EFFICIENCY practically on the basis of synchronization without магнитопровода. It is very possible, that this process will be necessary to repeat each time at creation of the new circuit in a case of detection of the unknown phenomena in concrete elements and environmental nature. The variants of processes of management of infinite energy of a point are considered concerning known and reference processes управлени
New sciences
The new formulas, equation and circuit allow to create new sciences.
These sciences are based on knowledge which is taking into account infinite functions of movement of a matter. The experiments with devices evidently have shown necessity of introduction of new sciences. The physics of processes of a charge conducts to chemistry, in which the quantum mechanics is a basis of nuclear modeling of substances. Physics and chemistry allow to pass to philosophy, biology and another, following from general(common) communications(connections), sciences. Harmony both periodicity of processes of space and time oblige to take into account the new phenomena, property and law in all sciences, and enable to translate them in the category of new sciences. More than five thousand years back are open the phenomenon of magnetic interaction of subjects. More than two hundred years the theories of an electromagnetic field are created.
The general(common) programs of schools and technical HIGH SCHOOLS are the sections of electrodynamics(electrochanges) of physics. However till now in electrodynamics(electrochanges) there are no integrated functional dependences of transfer of a magnetic flow raised in the solenoid, from lengths магнитопровода and perimeter of cross section магнитопровода. The dependence has appeared such: Фсол = To * (integrated sum from цi), where Фсол - magnetic flow of the solenoid, To - factor of residual losses of a magnetic flow of the solenoid, цi - magnetic flow of one plate магнитопровода, i - quantity(amount) of plates магнитопровода. Thus цi is directly proportional to length of perimeter of cross section of a plate магнитопровода and back is proportional to length of an average power(force) line магнитопровода. In result, at the same properties, and dimensions магнитопровода, the magnetic flow from the solenoid is transferred on магнитопроводу the more, than more plates in магнитопроводе, conducting a magnetic flow, or is more qualitative магнитопровод. Is found out, that one of the basic questions at физиков at account of the formulas, is the measurement of working meaning(importance) of a pressure(voltage) on обкладках of the condenser at his(its) charge and category by process of a continuous sequence of pulses of an electrical current. As a result of research of this question the known academician of a number(line) of public academies has informed on the phone author that the invariance of the specified pressure(voltage) in the submitted process - is opening of the author, which considered(counted) this phenomenon known under the laws of switching. Has appeared, that in the laws of switching the invariance of a pressure(voltage) was known only at the initial moment of time of change of a pulse. The new knowledge bears(carries) new changes of the theories and sciences. October 20 2009г. the same academician of the international academy and number(line) of other academies (it(he) is the largest expert of the inventions and opening of a lot of areas of sciences, including physics, power etc.) there came to the author for examination of serviceability of a real design from EFFICIENCY more than 30 units (one unit is a 100 %) energy of an electrical current with target capacity 100Вт and entrance about 3Вт. The academician left for examination after the preliminary analysis it EFFICIENCY by the expert of a high level, which has confirmed these results of the circuit. The repeated examination has confirmed a reality of an opportunity of creation of an independent sample under condition of absence of the new unknown phenomena contradicting to results of examination and requiring(demanding) the appropriate correction of a design and the theory. The check was made by testers, осциллографом and allocation of heat at comparison entrance and target(day off) of currents distinguished on the order. The target pressure(voltage) exceeded entrance more than twice, and the target current exceeded thus entrance more than ten times. As pressure(voltage) of an input(entrance) and output(exit) Volt was measured in hundreds, the target current on devices was about 300мА, at entrance about 30мА, the resistors by size by resistance 50 Ом and rated power 0,25 Вт reacted to an entrance and target current in a proportion. On an output(exit) the resistor in some seconds дымился, and on an input(entrance) is warm of the resistor was not felt almost by hand. Simultaneously academician has offered previously to discuss the concept and principle of functioning of a source of energy from EFFICIENCY > > 1 (ЭФАЛДИ). It(he), in particular has noted: " _1. The author of a new principle for a source of energy and appropriate parametrical converter results the global explanation of the mechanism of his(its) work. Here there is a set of questions of the coordination of conceptual basis of the author, for example, with electrodynamics(electrochanges) Максвелла at a level of the theory of a field and electrical circuit. To advance in this direction, we shall plan some program of the analysis and research.
In - it is necessary in quiet conditions to define(determine) first, analogues and prototypes for ПП - Зиновьева, in - second, it is necessary with the help of generalized electrodynamics(electrochanges) and theory of electrical circuits to understand the mechanism of work of the concrete device, and then to pass to analysis of a global principle of reception of energy from environment (is possible of vacuum and probably of ether), in - third to lead(carry out) the analysis of measuring procedures and equivalent circuits of the concrete technical decision. Then it is possible to return to a problem as a whole.
2. On the first question it is possible at once to name both classical analogue, and analogues in group of converters " of free energy ". _Таким as analogue it is possible to consider(count) parametrical amplifiers and converters with the capacitor diode. The equivalent circuit Тевенина for these devices takes into account for an any spectrum of frequencies a phenomenon of variable capacity or "эластакса" ~ of return size. The individual closed contour with variable capacity is replaced by infinite quantity(amount) of cells, but with constant parameters. The matrix form of process takes into account presence of infinite number of virtual generators, size Э.Д.С. Which depends on currents in cells. As a first approximation matrix импедансов of such parametrical converter is equal:
[ Z (Wn) ~ infinity] (1)
For some range of frequencies the circuit ceases to be closed, and the rules Кирхгофа are necessary be for generalizing and for passing to the equivalent circuit Нортона and to take into account results of the theory of circuits with a negative impedance developed for transistor contours and to operate by model of vacuum or an ether. 3. The not classical converters from EFFICIENCY > 1 are analyzed, for example, in the book Г.А.Кирпичникова " Physics of the abnormal world and man " Volume 6. Novosibirsk 2005г. For the analysis the author uses the theory дипольного and квадрупольного of vacuum offered В.Л.Дятловым and others физиками. Similar that the basic principle of this approach was known Хевисайду. It(he) allows to take into account not only electromagnetic, but also other kinds and forms of interactions. As lack of a method and theory it is necessary to consider(count) that fact, that she(it) is not adapted to the theory electrical (or others) circuits and there is no way of display of equivalent circuits of process and real device. In the book the author uses the terms " сверхъединичное transformation of energy " and " sources of free energy ", results a new mathematical formalism of fields and substance, and also space and time. The physics of space and time for energy is formalized in separate 4-м volume, with use тензорного of representation of base parameters and properties. Free energy Г.А.Кирпичников understands energy of a known or unknown origin, which is accumulated by that or other device from an environment. Among extensive group of such devices closest by a principle of action, is the converter - capacitor parametron проф. А.В.Чернетского. "
1. The academician marks: "... The author of a new principle for a source of energy and appropriate parametrical converter results the global explanation of the mechanism of his(its) work. Here there is a set of questions of the coordination of conceptual basis of the author, for example, with electrodynamics(electrochanges) Максвелла at a level of the theory of a field and electrical circuit... " The author Зиновьев В.П. Many decades created the theories and real projects of a source of infinite EFFICIENCY. It was possible to it(him), after study of electrical circuits, electrodynamics(electrochanges) Максвелла and other sciences, to create elementary working models and elementary formulas on a basis it seemed of the known laws, but the infinity in the formulas of mathematics at the careful analysis with physical interpretation opens "bad" infinity of the analysis of the existing laws and requires(demands) continuous process of research agrees of the laws диалектики (denying of denying, struggle and unity of contrasts, continuous jumps in development etc.). The author Зиновьев В.П. Repeatedly repeats these known trues диалектики and passes to indefinitely(indefinite) to the maximum doctrine - To the attitude(relation). It(he) demonstrates model, circuit, formulas and equations showing aspiration to infinity, which is not present limits. Any theories, formula and the designs can not contain in themselves infinity, but principles and the directions of movement to it(her) roughly can show with continuous research and appropriate correction. Questions "... The coordination of conceptual basis of the author, for example, with electrodynamics(electrochanges) Максвелла at a level of the theory of a field and electrical circuit... " Require(demand) time. The equations of the author Зиновьева В.П. Are submitted in the form convenient for the coordination with the equations Максвелла. As in the submitted equations Зиновьева В.П. There are sizes of electrical currents and charges, these equations can be expressed in differential (I = dQ/dt - force of a current of an electrical charge in time (I - a current, Q - charge, t - time)) and integrated forms. The electrical currents and charges do not exist without a magnetic component. Having expressed комплексно the available equations, are possible are to made by(with) the necessary coordination with "... For example with electrodynamics(electrochanges) Максвелла at a level of the theory of a field and electrical circuit... ". 2. Further academician writes ":... To advance in this direction, we shall plan some program of the analysis and research. In - it is necessary in quiet conditions to define(determine) first, analogues and prototypes for ПП - Зиновьева... "... On the first question it is possible at once to name both classical analogue, and analogues in group of converters " of free energy... ". _Здесь The academician offers some variants of the theories and models of some scientists, which consider(examine) processes from EFFICIENCY > 1. "... As such analogue it is possible to consider(count) parametrical amplifiers and converters with the capacitor diode. The equivalent circuit Тевенина for these devices takes into account for an any spectrum of frequencies a phenomenon of variable capacity or " эластакса " ~ of return size. The individual closed contour with variable capacity is replaced by infinite quantity(amount) of cells, but with constant parameters. The matrix form of process takes into account presence of infinite number of virtual generators, size Э.Д.С. Which depends on currents in cells. As a first approximation matrix импедансов of such parametrical converter is equal:
[ Z (Wn) ~ infinity] (1)
For some range of frequencies the circuit ceases to be closed, and the rules Кирхгофа are necessary be for generalizing and for passing to the equivalent circuit Нортона and to take into account results of the theory of circuits with a negative impedance developed for transistor contours and to operate by model of vacuum or an ether... ". "... Parametrical amplifiers and converters with the capacitor diode... " Are the concrete form, but Зиновьев В.П. Considers(examines), alongside with a concrete design, abstract model of ideal switchboards, capacity and resistor. Therefore circuit Тевенина is applicable(applied) only to concrete model Зиновьева В.П., his(its) theory, serving only for check. "... The converter - capacitor parametron проф. А.В.Чернетского... " By the academician for the analysis yet is not submitted. "... The not classical converters from EFFICIENCY > 1 are analyzed, for example, in the book Г.А.Кирпичникова... As lack of a method and theory it is necessary to consider(count) that fact, that she(it) is not adapted to the theory electrical (or others) circuits and there is no way of display of equivalent circuits of process and real device... ". Thus, as it is visible from the preliminary analysis, it is possible to make a conclusion about the beginning of research and стыковки of the theories of the author with the theories of a number(line) of the scientists. Actually it is offered by(with) the academician, showing differences of works of various groups and separate scientists.
Similarity of the theories of the author and Great Rod are obvious under the attitude(relation) of direct proportions of dependences of energy from frequency. But the distinctions consisting in the circuits, designs of models, technology of excitation энергий and other processes are natural also. The atomic model a rod differs from the electrical circuit of the author. Rods does not represent of the working circuits and parameters of model, and at the author the equations, parameters of the concrete circuits and indications of devices on the elementary elements are in detail considered. The check - is actually that practice, which understand activity of the researcher, concerning materials of research, in a direction of acknowledgement(confirmation) of results of his(its) works by other variants and ways. The received results are checked by logic, theoretical, mathematical and other analysis, physical, chemical and other experiences, experiments and various other variations. The greatest interest is caused by(with) the automated check of results on the basis of the logic conclusions. The logic of the attitudes(relations) and relativity is known from a far antiquity.
Logic of the attitudes(relations) all great philosophers, scientific, engineers and inventors used. The attitudes(relation) allow to exclude mistakes of the researcher in the best way.
Relativity - complex expression of the attitudes(relations) of special cases.
At first to the researcher the signals from a researched material in a various kind act.
Then the researcher searches for logic and synchronous communications(connections) of signals and their attitude(relation).
Synchronization. Абсолютность and relativity.
The synchronization of parameters of switchboards is a major factor for transformation of infinite energy of a point. For example, you work with a mistake of time of switching 1 %. The switchboard has the minimal resistance to switching a little Ом. A pressure(voltage) of switching, we admit(allow) some thousand Volt. Thousand Ампер of a current, at a pressure(voltage) of thousand Volt, will fall on some Ом, closing the coil upon the one 100-th share of duration of a pulse. Tens Ампер of a current will be lost for the period with a mistake of time of switching 1 %. And if you work all on hundreds миллиампер or on Амперах? About what EFFICIENCY in such case there can be a speech? Засинхронизировать with accuracy 1 % at the large capacities is already very complex(already difficult). The example shows what to synchronize, minimum, it is necessary in thousand time better. Look осциллограммы of rectangular pulses on real switchboards with such currents and pressure(voltage) on various frequencies. Be convinced, that the fronts of pulses are filled up, their tops and the bases have emissions, and duration, by their transfer from the switchboard on the switchboard through inductance and capacity, so vary, that the problems and tasks of transformation become clear. The reality is caused by synchronization of work of systems.
Model of abstract system from EFFICIENCY it is a lot of more than 1 is realized by the device on two transistors КТ3102 and КТ3107, controlled standard generator of rectangular electrical pulses. The transistors КТ3102 and КТ3107 have factors of amplification(strengthening) on a pressure(voltage) close to 1000 and few(not enough,poorly) deform parameters of transfer of a rectangular pulse. It allows to lead(carry out) qualitative experiment of research of EFFICIENCY much more than 1. The experiment will show a relativity of EFFICIENCY much more than 1.
The relativity will be shown by presence of subsystems with various EFFICIENCY in one system. This relativity will result in a conclusion about a relativity of measurements.
Presence of relative EFFICIENCY it is a lot of more than 1 is absolute.
The researches of physics of process of electrical currents in the circuit will show unknown properties of electrical charges expressed in the formulas. The formulas show relative абсолютность of their application.
Абсолютность of the formulas is expressed in their alphabetic expressions, and in accuracy of application, in the certain borders, which show a relativity of these formulas. Абсолютность and relativity of the formulas conduct to абсолютности and relativity of measurements. The formulas demonstrate transformation of kinds and forms of charges. From the formulas it is visible, that the quantity(amount) and sizes of charges unloading the condenser, differs from quantities(amounts) and sizes of charges charging the condenser, in (N - 1) time. It proves to be true by the formula of comparison of size of time for a current of the category of the condenser with his(its) size of time of a current of a charge. The working meanings(importance) of a pressure(voltage) of consumption and category of the condenser thus are equal. The opportunity of transformation of kinds and forms of charges for boundless variants of application of the formulas Зиновьева В.П is proved.
Principle of a superposition, preservation and change - are shown in the theory and practice, allow to decide(solve) the certain questions of synchronization more effectively, considering(examining) relative processes, communication(connection) and decision of analogues. For the decision of tasks ТОЭ the principle of a superposition is effective. Preservation - for example - stabilization in electronic devices. The stabilization can be carried out only by change of handicapes. The author shows, how the kinds, form of energy and movement will be transformed at use of primary factors. One size of a charge moves, and suddenly she(it) is increased, causing increase of energy. Actually it, is transformation to a new kind and form. And it also is new substance new element new world.
All points and fields in infinite spaces and times are connected by power functions.
The electrical charges, being by components of electrical fields of an electromagnetic field, exist as points of the third law of Newton, allowing to operate infinite energy of a field on the basis of the formulas of the author and Newton. The examination has confirmed a reality of an opportunity of creation of an independent sample under condition of absence of the new unknown phenomena contradicting to results of examination and requiring(demanding) the appropriate correction of a design and the theory. The acknowledgement(confirmation) opens prospects of research of electromagnetic fields, despite of some difficulties of their switching in the circuits of electronics.
To the beginning radiofan (radioamateur).
From what to begin study of materials? So the new readers beginning radiofans(radioamateurs) and professionals, schoolboys, engineers and scientists set a question. To begin it is necessary from practical examples of comparison of known circuitry and circuitry эфалд, using known sources of the information and materials of the book. The transistors allow to carry out anyone circuitry of a nature by a method of modeling of processes, involving(attracting) the special attention of the talented people. " The Transistor (from англ. transfer - to transfer and resistance - resistance or transconductance - active interelectrode conductivity and varistor - variable resistance) - electronic device from a semi-conductor material, it is usual with three conclusions allowing entrance signals to operate by a current in an electrical circuit. Is usually used for amplification(strengthening), генерирования and transformation of electrical signals... ... The first patents for a principle of work of field transistors were registered in Germany in 1928 (in Canada, October 22, 1925) addressed to the австро-Hungarian physics Юлия Эдгара Лилиенфельда. The source [is not specified 15 days] In 1934 German физик Оскар Хейл has patented the field transistor... ... In 1947 Уильям Шокли, Джон Бардин and Уолтер Браттейн in laboratories Bell Labs for the first time have created the working bipolar transistor shown December 16. December 23 the official representation of the invention was held and this date is considered as day of the invention of the transistor. On technology of manufacturing it(he) concerned to a class of dot transistors. In 1956 they were awarded with the Nobel Prize on physics " for researches of semiconductors and opening of transistor effect... " (http: // So, the transistor is created more than 85 years back are artificial on a planet.
The transistors are be "n" and "p" of conductivity.
In the Internet the information on transistors and old transistor circuitry suffices.
The new circuitry begins from the moment of creation эфалд of the circuits on transistors created by the author at the moment of opening to them in May 1980г. " of effect of algebraic division ", in СКБ "Прометей", КАИ. From this moment the old circuitry leaves in небытие, since she(it) is unable to carry out infinite functions of amplification(strengthening), infinitesimal of signals, them indefinitely qualitatively to transform for needs of the man and gods. The effect of algebraic division allows to operate time of energy of a point, due to management of the attitude(relation) энергий of time and times энергий. It is possible to use the received new formulas, equation and the circuits not only technical or theoretical variants. The intelligence is capable to transfer functions of engineering and theory to practical activity by various ways. The model generated in consciousness, makes proportional work and carries out management, similarly real device, as a result of a presence(finding) of the decisions of similar management in a nature and ability to live. In result - it is possible to apply the new formulas, equation and the circuits by mental images and to receive effects. The formulas and the circuits strengthen веру in reception of infinite energy from any point, thus create a barrier to destructive forces of uncertainty in tomorrow's day, and this beginning of management of time of energy. More perfect mechanism of new knowledge will be the following step of the researcher, which practically will see and will feel devices on the basis of the formulas and equations. Then the infinite perfection of received knowledge, т.о is required. The continuous requirements of improvement and results will appear. The man continuously improves the theory and creates practical mechanisms on the basis of an intellectual and physical nature, spirit and body. The infinite combinations of particles and waves of a nature allow to decide(solve) any tasks at correct management of time of energy of a point. The concrete practical circuits of electronics are only models for consciousness, in which there are similar processes, in infinitesimal scales, but the management of other systems begins in them. Studying models, it is possible to create the validity.
The transistor and school.
The compelled necessity forces to distract on other themes, except for apparent basic and main, though the attitudes(relation) and infinite energy of a point of measurements are obligatory attributes of any theme and any contents by correct consideration of a question. To the transistor the main role in manufacture of the attitudes(relations) and management of infinite energy of a point is allocated(removed) practically. Before occurrence of works on creation of the transistor circuits on a basis эфалд, the sciences used the transistor absolutely incorrectly, creating, obviously indefinitely mankinds, braking progress, sciences and engineering. The transistor begin to study in high school, receiving only concepts of his(its) physical structure of semiconductors and principle of amplification(strengthening) of electrical signals with a high degree of sensitivity. Such approach of school is caused by illiteracy of sciences of electronics not taken possession bases эфалд in creation of transistor amplifiers. The electronic lamps also can be used for эфалд of amplification(strengthening), but the transistors are created with various проводимостями, allowing to receive incomparably maximum effect of amplification(strengthening) and sensitivity of the electronic circuits. The chiefs of sciences of a planet perfectly have understood идеальность эфалд in a direction of development of electronic amplifiers, but do not hasten with the announcement to the author благодарностей and awards, though эфалд amplifiers are ideal and indefinitely all existing amplifiers in all existing amplifiers in all Old, conducting in a hell, the science of transistors, indefinitely concedes to a science эфалд of transistors, which is capable to create new transistors including whole ensembles of old transistors, but now with infinite effect on sensitivity and amplification(strengthening). The old science therefore limited knowledge of transistors in high school, that did not see prospects because of absence of knowledge эфалд, therefore could not proceed(pass) border of sensitivity of one transistor, even наворачивая of a mountain of transistors in the circuits and microcircuits. The entrance capacities of the circuits reduced all efforts схемотехников to zero. Эфалд the circuitry allows to enter into educational process of high school an absolute science of transistor circuitry, providing infinite progress of mankind in the indefinitely close and far future. The science of transistors receives fundamental development from the beginnings of knowledge эфалд in construction of the transistor circuits. Similar, scientific Russian state understand essence эфалд of transistor circuitry, paying special attention electronics. It is possible to understand official silence of the Russian scientific WOUNDS and world(global) academies of sciences, on questions эфалд of transistor engineering, also by positive goods from them. If they did not understand essence and saw mistakes in the theory and practice эфалд of amplifiers, these amplifiers would be instantly erased from the person of ground, преданы забвению and general derision. The academicians and scientists with world(global) names is far from being шутники and неглядя smear in a dust of the theory and practice of the people with mistakes.
Inadmissible MISTAKES of some "experts"
Roughest and inadmissible MISTAKES of some "experts" who have been found out on "abrupt" forums the Internet at check of the formula of EFFICIENCY = 4 - 4К:
1. Because of unwillingness to lead(carry out) experiment, "experts" have no even representation that the condenser automatically keeps constant on обкладках size of working meaning(importance) of a pressure(voltage) equal to size of working meaning (importance) of a pressure(voltage) of rectangular pulses of a continuous sequence charging the condenser. Some "experts" offer anybody the unknown theories distinguished from standard ТОЭ and do(make) the erroneous conclusions.
2. Some "Experts" do not wish to understand, that:
1) The functions of instant meanings(importance) and square of instant meanings(importance) of a rectangular pulse coincide.
2) In a rectangular pulse the root-mean-square meaning(importance) calculated through integral and determined by the area under a curve of a square of instant meanings (importance), will coincide with average meaning(importance).
3. "Experts" do not see, that:
1) In a circuit two work variable and two constant ЭДС. First variable ЭДС is variable ЭДС of rectangular pulses from the algebraic sum of pressure(voltage): a source of a pressure(voltage), and pressure(voltage) of the constantly charged condenser. (" the algebraic sum ЭДС is equal the closed contour to the sum of falls of pressure(voltage) on sites of a circuit " (see. ТОЭ)).
Second ЭДС is variable ЭДС of rectangular pulses from the constantly charged condenser.
2) As a result of the Law of preservation of a charge, at sufficiency of conditions the working meaning(importance) of a pressure(voltage) on the condenser does not vary. On the condenser in all time of process there is a size of a constant charge. At the same time come in the condenser and there leave him(it) other sizes of charges.
3) It is necessary at first to define(determine) a current on the resistor from first ЭДС, then current on the resistor from second ЭДС, these currents to combine, announce result in a square, and умножить on size of the resistor (by a principle of a superposition). 4) It will be capacity selected on the resistor as a result of work of continuous process. "... According to a principle of a superposition, the current created by any source in any element of a circuit, does not depend on other sources. Hence, the complete current in any element is equal to the sum of currents created by all sources on отдельности..."( tehnologiya_i_promyshlennost/ELEKTRICHESKIE_TSEPI.html.).
October 30 2009г. Зиновьевым В.П. The same formula QУ/Qє = N - 1, or Qp = Qє * (N-1) for two kinds of spaces with the account RУ = Rє * (N-1) * (N-1) is deduced in case of transitions of a charge on various spaces of capacity. THE EFFICIENCY = 4 - 4К is a formula, instead of the eternal engine, which is a design. Here not a charge, and process. The mess of AVERAGE and root-mean-square meanings(importance) is eliminated by practice. Study devices, materials, execute check on devices. The functions of instant meanings(importance) and square of instant meanings(importance) of a rectangular pulse coincide. Became to be, in a rectangular pulse root-mean-square meaning(importance) calculated through integral and determined by the area under a curve of a square of instant meanings(importance), will coincide with average meaning(importance). The integrated form of calculation of root-mean-square meaning(importance) will prove definition of working meanings(importance) in the equations of a conclusion of the formula: EFFICIENCY = 4 - 4К. Долженствование the EFFICIENCY no more unit, does not pass, as attempt to adjust to EFFICIENCY = 1. Same will show devices. The mathematics and empress for someone, but practice - always criterion of true can. The mathematics is a model, and practice - reality. The priorities диалектичны also are relative. The result will be sped up due to joint works. The meaning(importance) = 4 is submitted only for given, but in other circuits it is received on the orders above. Labour input съема of energy, the low frequencies and complexity of use of magnetic flows for increase of EFFICIENCY can result you from acoustics in an electromagnetic spectrum. As have shown researches, the meaning(importance) of EFFICIENCY has no borders.
Communication (connection) of the theories with practice
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