On the site it(he) speaks about local infringement of the law preservation of energy and observance it(him) as a whole. THE EFFICIENCY = 4 - 4К - confirms the law of preservation of infinite energy of a point, specifying, that the additional energy acts from other measurements. There is an aspiration to учетверению. Unit умножим on unit, we shall receive unit, and умножим her(it) on four, we shall receive four. But if figures by meaning(importance) more, than four, the square will be more учетверения). If at т. Мельниченко two energy are summarized, one of which will be equal to zero, in result трансгенерации there will be any other energy. In this case one energy turns to four (in a limit). The distinction consists in the forms, kinds, ways, circuits, designs etc. Essential difference is the presence here of simple formula of EFFICIENCY = 4 - 4К. At т. Мельниченко it is required to know proportions of a square of amplitude of a total electromagnetic field. Is not present at him(it) and unpretentious circuit of check. But actually it(he) confirms an opportunity of reception of EFFICIENCY > 1 (см.на his(its) site: "... In loading the additional energy as heat or electrical current is generated... "). Many works it(he) already patents, by his(its) site. Thus, it(he) supports us. Success to you т. Мельниченко Андрей!
The effect of disappearance of a magnetic field, at presence electrical, was observed in бифилярной to winding and management of electrical currents by the special way of switching. But it has not resulted in successful use of high EFFICIENCY. The conclusion is made, that the magnetic field does not need to be avoided, and it is required it(him) maximum to close, using the best technologies of manufacturing магнитопровода and dense winding of an electrical wire. Accounts and the experiments have shown, that it is necessary to test other designs магнитопровода, пермаллоевый a material, a copper wire of rectangular section and to create new keys. The check by winding on separate plates is carried out(spent) that the magnetic flow is distributed on a surface of iron. While improvement on the order. But it is simple check on devices and balance of capacities. The long additional windings and repetitions of experiments because of adjustment in mode of operations with keys and optimization on good quality are coming still. After that the direction of the further work becomes clear. For 10 years thousand tons of a wire are rewound. Variations the incalculable quantity(amount) of checks of the circuits of switching Is carried out(spent). The most simple variants of windings and keys have appeared best. At use of transistors as keys, EFFICIENCY is directly proportional to good quality of the coil and factor of amplification(strengthening) high-voltage (not below than 200-300 Volts) transistor on a pressure(voltage). Has appeared, that gravitation and electric power - have strong similarity. Most important is that the electrical circuits "гравилета" and "вечняка" (on a terminology on one of forums) coincide, but design different.
In 1997г. the first effect of gravitation was checked simply. The coil from our old electrobell (the core from it(her) was taken), at influence on it(her) through the diode by pulses of a current, jumped up concerning a plane, on which before submission of pulses laid. Some tens coils of an aluminium wire by section 2мм also skipped from the auto accumulator 12Вольт at consumption of tens Ампер. Then to it(her) the same design of several tens coils was added still, and there was a movement of the coil. Some grammes of aluminium easily moved (did not twist, and moved in space) hundreds grammes of a material. The opportunity of movement was not excluded at the expense of interaction with electrical, magnetic fields and every possible metal designs of a building etc. Three accumulators were destroyed behind some tens checks. It was obvious, that at weight of the accumulator about 20кГ "гравилета" to receive (" the forces will suffice "). But it while all passive "гравилетация" (forgive for expression). To this time the open coil (weight 30 kg) gave hundreds units of EFFICIENCY. The coil from aluminium of weight 0.5кГ gave with магнитопроводом 3кГ 30-40 units of EFFICIENCY. There was an idea her(it) to divide(share) into a part, creating a design of outcome of the first experience. In a result 30 Ватт подпитки, 900Вт on the coil and she(it) with the core in flight. The core closes a magnetic flow, the metal screen closes the rests of electrical fields and she(it), weight 3.5кГ, (suspended on a strong string) moves (does not turn, namely moves) in any direction. The subjects which are taking place near to the coil react differently. The materials from iron, меди, aluminium, wax, paraffin, glass were checked. One subjects are drawn, others make a start. There were assumptions of various types of interaction of various fields. The coil could also raise in subjects every possible whirlwinds and move them. The static charges were not excluded etc. it became clear, that with gravitation while rather early to play. She(it) should long be studied, to study in it(her) to operate, to create сложнейшие of system, and first of all converter of inexhaustible energy from every possible kinds and forms (negative, neutral and positive). Therefore designs, offered on forums, are not denied and all material about gravitation carefully to study, despite of arising difficulties and failures is offered. " It is convenient to the consumer to use electromagnetic and gravitational fields. A picture for transformations of an acoustic kind the picture for transformations of an acoustic kind a picture for transformations of an acoustic of an electromagnetic& waves. The negative and positive kinds are present in нейтралях alongside with independence. Complex(difficult) questions of management of standing waves and the transfers from them of energy while push away, as the laser and nuclear energy. Besides electromagnetic fields (for convenience) abstractly refer to as, though it is clear, that we simply transform unknown kinds and forms, and we speak about concrete spectra. It prevents cooperation. The new terminology is necessary. The magnetic flows influence any field, which causes the magnetic flow, but it rather and not particularly. The electrical charge is and there is a difference of pressure of environment(Wednesday). It does not contradict a nature, and explains her(it) more precisely. Therefore, avoiding an electricity and magnetism, you create them.
04.04.2010г. The participant of a forum UX0LW on infinite energy of a point considered(examined) analogy of processes of amplification(strengthening) of signals concerning the messages on materials Теслы and Зиновьева В.П.
" UX0LW:
Pay attention.
Similar effect of "amplifications("strengthenings") for a long time described Теслой, I practically have found out ещ ё in 70 years, working with elementary passive диодными балансными by amalgamators of frequencies in a mode of the terminator of the multiplier. "
It(him) answer:
You perfectly define(determine) effect, т.е, practically open it(him) in other variants of interaction of signals (энергий). The effect of amplification(strengthening) occurs at correct construction of the circuits.
This effect becomes valid by most clear at your concrete reference on Теслу. Besides you result a concrete example confirming this effect. Балансные amalgamators on diodes have the properties of division and subtraction, working in a mode of the terminator of the multiplier, keeping the certain sizes of parameters at the expense of change of other sizes. Thus, making division and subtraction, your circuit reduces influence of extraneous noise and handicapes and makes increase of amplification(strengthening) of entering signals (энергий). It is possible to consider(examine) this phenomenon in the concrete circuits with concrete elements or, continuing the logical analysis on the basis of existing knowledge in more detail. Зиновьев В.П. Sincerely to you is grateful for your participation in consideration of effect on such high level, taking into account, that you investigate this effect also on continuation of several decades. Such joint work invariable will result in stronger development of electronics and its(her) technologies in various areas of its(her) existence, as the electromagnetic waves and fluctuations are a basis of bases of space and time.
The double energy, concerning energy подпитки, can enter the reader into error, if it(he) has studied materials of a site unsufficiently. It is necessary to repeat a part earlier пройденного of a material.
Подпитка delivers energy of a point in checked 30.12.09г. the circuit during half of period of following of a pulse. Concerning this half of period, the energy on loading and other sites of the circuit of a point is compared. However condenser подпитки manages the second part of the period to spend independently and without leaving a trace, that was found out in July 2008г. by the author and it was informed to them in the Internet and other places of the information. This notice has caused someone on some forums wrong representation of a reality. It was necessary in addition to explain, that it is not simple disappearance of energy, and its(her) transition in other measurement and that by this negative energy is possible in addition to take advantage, that the author after detection of this effect and has made. In the given experiment this process is used in the other place, and in the condenser подпитки while it is necessary to return energy for all period. Means, all double energy of loading will go to return.
There are unused two energy of losses on switchboards, which it is possible to return, operating synchronization, and also it is possible to return eight энергий of radiation дросселем, which also, having improved his(its) design. Thus, operating physical processes in the circuit and elements of a design of the device, it is possible to operate new infinite productive forces of a point, not resorting to human expenses. The man rises on an infinite level of management of a nature with the help of consciousness.
If the man to ask: " What such infinity of a point? ".
It(he) will answer: " you what, mad?
However this man constantly uses relative infinity in mathematics, physics, in use, using words: vacuum, anything, zero and together with them beside he(it) has indissolubly subjects, thing, number etc. etc. It(he) operates with the indefinitely large and small sizes easily, calculates, makes between sizes and zero of the attitude(relation), and in every possible way hesitates to accept real infinity, and especially, when the speech comes about infinite energy. To it(him) from birth drive in in a head impossibility of infinite energy, and especially in any point. About aspiration to balance as is wished listen, but not смей to speak about energy without accumulation. At such убеждателей any energy (but at all infinite, you see she(it) will break off all) in any kind is able to collect, for example, in atom, in a nucleus of atom and what large was (but necessarily less infinity), she(it) for them is safe. Such несусветную bosh the man perceives, зазубривает and as scare all life твердит.
However equations, circuit and formula of infinite energy of a point became a reality. Опровергатели of infinite energy of a point on the sly have calmed down. However relative infinity of energy неопровержима, and balance, irrespectively, is impossible. To operate energy - means to operate a relativity.
The relativity is expressed by effect of algebraic division - Эфалд, being relative dialectically. It is the fact, obstinate fact of a general and uniquitous infinite relativity.
Versions of management of time are structural, functional, basic and other circuits.
The images of various devices can be represented by their general(common) circuits.
Неисчерпаемость of space and time is shown by their infinite circuits for the observer. The infinity is proved by the formula - EFFICIENCY = 4 - 4К, allowing to see variant of increase of useful energy of the closed system. The various variants of a statement of the formula of the author allow her(it) to apply by infinite ways to the theory and practice. The formula enables receptions of infinite energy from any point of space at the appropriate management of environment(Wednesday) of this space. Various samples by capacity up to килоВатта of electromagnetic energy in the coil of inductance, i.e. 1000 Volts of working meaning(importance) and current of working meaning(importance) up to 1 Ампера are received. On the circuit moves thus about 15 Ватт of a managing electrical current from a network (after straightening: 300 Volts and 50 миллиампер). All electromagnetic energy is radiated in space. The iron it(him) almost does not cling because of a bad design. The pulses have the unipolar form straightened двухполупериодного, unfiltered current. The iron with such form begins to work from EFFICIENCY more than 10 % on frequency less than 20 Hertz. Thus the coil of weight about 30 kg as much as possible optimized. It(she) needs 50 - 100 kg good магнитопровода for one of unknown number of experiments. Thousand variants of coils are checked up for 15 years. It seems - what problems - from килоВатта to take and to return only 15 Ватт. The ring will become isolated, and перпетуум мобиле - independent source of energy differently. But this bad decision. There are already theoretical decisions incomparably better, time for their realization practically only is necessary The autonomy is "перпетуумия". That's all. Besides when the variant of the decision even in this case was found, the coil of 30 kg all was cut for search of new variant. Now it is necessary her(it) воссоздать from historical огрызков, which all путаны, are mixed. The wire was going even жгутами from 300 parallel kilometer wires, diameter 0,1мм. That the autonomy (перпетуум мобиле) gives, to explain does not cost. If to name as the eternal engine, дурачки запрыгают from delight, and independent engine to name, not clearly, but doubts does not cause, though this same. As soon as the man receives an independent source - it(he) the God and to play with anybody does not become. At him(it) in hands inexhaustible energy. It(he) at once will begin her(it) to multiply indefinitely and it(him) to not stop. It(he) is independent and is relentless. With it(him) it is possible only on - good and on - honour. It(he) will not give to anybody a source, will not show, it is checked up by a history. Anybody and never of God saw, though all something feel. However Gods communicate with the Gods, except for the uniform God, by the general(common) information. It is a lot of tasks. Most important - to not turn to the monster. EFFICIENCY of the coil is directly proportional inductive, and back is proportional to active resistance of a wire or, in other words, is equal to good quality. If you now it have not revealed, will lose time for numerous checks. While you in a prize for the account ВЧ, and this parity(ratio) is tolerant. But you are going to wind by a thin wire. Be close(attentive).
" UX0LW: Владимир Петрович has written (а):
" The Circuits of amplifiers very complex(difficult) and only on the first sight elementary, In the circuit function the certain sets двухзвенных of rings of effect of algebraic division and subtraction. Pay attention. " Similar effect of "amplifications("strengthenings") for a long time described Теслой, I practically have found out ещ ё in 70 years, working with elementary passive диодными балансными by amalgamators of frequencies in a mode of the terminator of the multiplier. For example.
On inputs(entrances) диодного of the amalgamator we have two bearing(carrying) signals of the rectangular form U1 (t) =U2 (t) with the basic harmonics f1, f2, accordingly. On an output(exit) without suppression bearing(carrying) for the account диодного удвоителя of a pressure(voltage) is received two signals 2U1 (t) =2U2 (t) (minus of loss on diodes, in this description I neglect) with the same frequencies f1, f2. Ещ ё we have target signals F3=f1-f2, F4=f1+f2, which depending on parities(ratio) of frequencies entrance U1 (t), U2 (t) have amplitude from a root from 2, up to double. Besides we have two numbers(lines) of harmonics "ёлочкой" with the amplitudes. At all it the complex resistance of inputs(entrances) and output (outputs) диодного of the amalgamator are identical and are constant. The given effect has found a physical explanation and practical application all some years back. "
You perfectly investigate a theme of transformation of infinite energy of a point, demonstrating variant of increase of amplitude of target signals of the circuit with passive elements. But you yet do not show results of the attitudes(relations) of sizes энергий an output(exit) to энергиям, consumed by the circuit. In result it is impossible to give a power estimation of your circuit.
Whether it is simple the circuit of amplification(strengthening) with new, found out parameters, whether she(it) still is also circuit from EFFICIENCY more unit? Not looking on anything, the passivity of elements is the relative phenomenon.
You give a pulse of researches of a new direction of natural process in space allowing to occur of additional kinds and the forms energy. Зиновьев В.П. Considers(examines) various kinds and forms энергий in examples of amplifiers and other circuits. At each circuit there are active and jet elements, which make management энергий, cooperating in the circuit, passive and active variants. You confirm the fact of increase of sizes conducting to occurrence of a square of size of energy on loading, proceeding from a reality and rules Ома and Кирхгофа. So all kinds энергий cooperate, but this interaction is not always found out by the subject and devices. These processes are found out Зиновьевым В.П per 60 years, were submitted to the teacher of physics of high school. Under your messages, still Тесла investigated the similar phenomena.
Thus, we with you are not lonely in a history of mankind, in which always there are individuals appearing on a planet with the similar purposes of researches. Зиновьев В.П. Represents amplifiers for various variants of research of space and time, basic task putting a problem and decision of management of infinite energy of a point by an active way on the basis of his(its) circuits of amplifiers allowing to make the best processing of managing signals. You perfectly emphasize complexity of work with electronic engineering, representing circuits with passive elements and results of their work.
Without devices there is no sense to work on ВЧ. The good voltmeters and миллиамперметры (up to several Ампер) are necessary. Осциллографом too it is possible to measure, but it(he) needs to be protected because of dearness and repair. If were ВЧ high-voltage transistors with high Ки (коэф-volume a moustache - I on напр-ю), the transformation while was not - @ necessary. Capacity plays a role (at a correct choice at it(her) a wide range of work) a little.
Having devices, will find a range of inductance.
The longitudinal waves (gravitational waves) - are transformed in electromagnetic and on the contrary. It is decided(solved) by a winding. They should be kept for work on an electromagnetic field by glue or mechanical compression. The capacities of windings "eat" a current.
Direction of acoustics (undressed of gravitation) essentially strengthens effect. It will be комплексно, but the concentration with всесторонностью gives the greatest effect. Electromagnetism is investigated in parallel with gravitation and electronics.
Further there is a question of active resistance of environment(Wednesday) to an acoustic and electromagnetic wave with allocation of heat. There is no movement, there is no energy, there is no form and kind, this same. Here too there is a lot of work. The pleasure of increase of EFFICIENCY, скважностью, was short. She(it) омрачилась, on time, бесследным by absorption by the condenser of energy of all period and has forced it to reconsider process of return. Магнитопровод is necessary because of difficulties of work п/п of devices in ВЧ a range. The independent sample is necessary. As soon as it(he) will be received, all sharply will change. At once there will be a transition on a MICROWAVE without магнитопровода. While the experiment will be carried out(spent). It is necessary to do(make) windings a lot of.
Complete autonomy by one sample of the received technology needs a lot of material. "Н" on a forum wrote about tens millions dollars (in an equivalent on today), spent to him(it) (earned by him(it) under the contract with one of сильнейших of the enterprises in the world in 88-90гг.) on reception of results. At alteration of a design on the next experiment and repetition of checks previous, the expenses almost repeat each time up to the certain moment (with some reduction). The expenses are strongly reduced, but are still great.
Can much doubt and argue, but! The high pressure(voltage) (кВ) on high frequency cause a statics, kill микрофлору. The subjects are drawn by a statics of a high pressure(voltage), but energy there to not take. It is a lot of decades of adjustment of black-and-white and colour TV sets up to tens per day with the purpose подработки in teleworkshops etc., behind. In TV sets of these effects at pressure(voltage) from 600 Volts up to 27 кВ though take away. You spend on manufacturing of a constant magnet 1 кВатт, make the generator and, receiving energy, admire неисчерпаемостью of a magnet. You are glad зашкаливанию of the ammeter in амперах on distance without connection or at contact only by one wire. The ammeter on the large currents has shunts as short coils of a wire of the large section. At a high pressure(voltage) and ВЧ, small coils резонируют on small currents of radiations, delivering them in the device, not shunting these currents. It turns out selective resonant волномер in a rather wide spectrum of frequencies, is especial at a sine not wave signal. With a terrible roar an arrow(pointer) зашкаливает on limits of tens Ампер (though the device is not connected). It пройдено 15 years back and the reasons are found out at once after effect in some hours. The messages on the reasons it were not till May 2009г.
Come back in a beginning and методично, consistently, step by step define(determine) the purpose, put a task, make algorithm, carry out(spend) experiment. It is necessary, repeat by a shuttle. All acoustics зажмите mechanically in electromagnetism, then she(it) yours. In transformers it do(make) магнитопроводом and maximal compression of coils. Магнитопровод loses energy because of an illiterate design. The work on ВЧ will now be carried out(spent), in this direction. On the orders the success is already received. But this direction new also has sets of variants of researches. The time is necessary. The magnetic wave goes on a surface of iron, almost проникая inside as acoustic and electrical on ВЧ. Think, search. You have connected an electricity with acoustics, and a magnetic field with acoustics give back to a uncle?
The work with devices requires(demands) the large knowledge and practice.
The voltmeter and ammeter accept a signal by different ways: the ammeter by the consecutive shunt, voltmeter parallel. The ammeter increases resistance to a circuit, the voltmeter reduces. Further they have transformation of the accepted energy from the shunt. There is a comparative mistake apparent anomalies. " Do not search блох ". Give result. You further will proceed(pass) to finding - out about primacy the hen or egg, particle or wave? Instead of the decision of a task there will be a discussion about мироздании, various representations of a matter (ether, zero, anything etc.), демагогия about "левитации", "телекинезе", "телепортации" etc. Where an independent sample? It is real. Give result. Give the device.
The formula of definition of EFFICIENCY perfectly works.
Currents, for example, all of unit and tens миллиампер at small deviations(rejections) of loading. In the formula of opening is precisely spoken about preservation of working meaning(importance) of a pressure(voltage) on the condenser. The offered circuit with concrete elements confirms immediate realization of the formula of definition of EFFICIENCY. To copy in variants it is possible indefinitely, but the Law Ома is applied in practice successfully at good knowledge and skill quickly to consider(count) in mind(wit) for the elementary cases, such, as this example. Гениальность is a simplicity, but not собирание of set of another's effects. The formula: EFFICIENCY = 4 (1-К), where To - factor of filling of a pulse, speaks about a limit of EFFICIENCY = 4 units at switching the resistor and condenser. If скважность of a pulse N = T/t = 5, where Т - period of a pulse, and t - his(its) duration, To = 1/N = 1/5 = 0,2. EFFICIENCY = 4 (1-0,2) = 4*0,8 = 3,2. Т.о. the EFFICIENCY = 3,2 units turns out. The generator of the radiofan(radioamateur) easily gives out a rectangular pulse with such скважностью. On an input(entrance) of the circuit it(he) will submit, at working meaning(importance) of a pressure(voltage) of a pulse of 10 Volts, only 2 Volts of working meaning(importance) of a pressure(voltage) and accordingly of current through the resistor 7,5 whom about 0,27 мА, adding capacities 0,54 милливатта (пренебрежимо it is not enough). From a source of a pressure(voltage) of 12 Volts in the circuit 2.4 Volts of working meaning(importance) kept on the condenser will act(arrive). Through the resistor R2 from a source of a pressure(voltage) on the condenser the current (12-2.4) / (5*470) = 4.085 мА will act(arrive), giving back 2,4*4,085 = 9, 8 милливатта. The condenser will be unloaded through the resistor R2 by a current 2.4 / (1.25*470) = 4.085 мА. Total through the resistor R2 will pass a general(common) current 8.2 мА, causing on it(him) a pressure(voltage) 8,2*470 = 3,85 Volts and capacity 3,85*8,2 = 31,6 милливатт. EFFICIENCY = 31,6/9,8 = 3,2. Ч.Т.Д. (that it was required to prove).
Check up under the formulas and, спаяв the circuit, on devices.
_____________________ EFFICIENCY = 4 (1-К). ________________________________
January _26 2010г. the letter on personal mail with results of experiments by one of the researchers - participant of the project "С" has come. It(he) has permitted(solved) to dispose at the discretion, therefore results are published here with the analysis of the made mistakes. At first we analyze the first experiment:
" Hi Владимир Петрович!!!!! I want to inform results of my experiments. Frequency - 2кгц. Скважность - 3. A pressure(voltage) of a source - 13В. Transistors КТ315, КТ361. The resistor МЛТ-0,5 820 ом (812 ом on a tester). Capacity With and - 200 мкф. A tester amateur M890G. A current of consumption from a source - 2.4 мА. A pressure(voltage) on the resistor (variable effective - 5В). Capacity consumed = 2.4 х 13 = 31,2 мВт. Capacity on the resistor = 52 / 812 = 30,8 мВт. "
The analysis: If at you the current of consumption passes only through the resistor and is not shunted by transistors, on the resistor it(he) will be double, i.e. 4.8 мА. The capacity on the resistor will be equal I*I*R, or 4.8*4.8*0.812 = 18.7 мВт. U = 13 In
Скважность is equal 3. The working meaning(importance) of a source of a pressure(voltage) after the switchboard BC will be equal: U0 = U/N, or 13/3 = 4.3333 В. Average meaning(importance) of capacity spent by a source of a pressure(voltage) in a circuit of a charge: P0 = U0 * I1, or 4.3333х2.4 = 10.4 мВт. EFFICIENCY = 18.7/ 10.4 = 1.79
Now under the formula of EFFICIENCY = 4 - 4К = 4 - 4x0/3333 = 2.66.
The account was carried out(spent) in few minutes. Later перепроверим. Your mistakes consist in wrong accounts of power consumption (you not учли скважность) and capacity on the resistor (it is necessary просуммировать currents on it(him), announce the sum of a square and result умножить on size of the resistor). Let's continue the analysis of the first experiment:
_Ошибки Of this researcher are typical and all experts in electrical circuits accepted for correct measurement, therefore the mankind has passed by real-life infinite energy of a point stipulated by the third law of Newton. The same mistakes were made by the researchers offered Зиновьевым В.П. The circuits on a number(line) of forums during all 2009г, after the publications of the circuits and equations of a conclusion of the formula of EFFICIENCY = 4 - 4К since January 17 2009г. After the instructions(indications) Зиновьевым В.П. On losses of energy by the power supply of the circuit at the expense of his(its) internal processes and mistakes of switching, the researchers amicably have begun wrongly to transfer these losses on ostensibly consumption of this in addition lost energy RC by a circuit. They amicably do not want to recognize other measurements and, irrespective of скважности of a pulse, at definition of average capacity of consumption of energy RC as a circuit, multiply all size of a constant pressure(voltage) of the power supply on size of a current determined by them also on their imaginations if only to be laid in EFFICIENCY less than 1.
We continue the analysis of mistakes of the participant of the project: If in his(its) circuit the current of consumption passes only through the resistor and is not shunted by transistors, on the resistor it(he) will be double, i.e. 4.8 мА. The capacity will be equal the resistor I*I*R, or 4.8*4.8*0.812 = 18.7 мВт.
By results of the participant "С" she(it) is equal 30,8 мВт.
Size of a pressure(voltage) of a source in his(its) circuit U = 13 In
Скважность on his(its) measurements is equal 3. The working meaning(importance) of a source of a pressure(voltage) after the switchboard BC should be equal: U0 = U/N, or 13/3 = 4.3333 В. "С" Here it hides and in definition of capacity of consumption RC by a circuit wrongly inserts constant meaning(importance) of the power supply (см.выше his(its) representation). Average meaning(importance) of capacity spent by a source of a pressure(voltage) in a circuit of a charge is necessary to consider(count) on the formula: P0 = U0 * I1, or 4.3333х2.4 = 10.4 мВт. Let's repeat our account in the resistor: the capacity will be equal the resistor I*I*R, or 4.8*4.8*0.812 = 18.7 мВт. In result at us EFFICIENCY = 18.7/ 10.4 = 1.79
At him(it) is see higher, in his(its) representation.
Now we shall check up under the formula of EFFICIENCY = 4 - 4К = 4 - 4x0/3333 = 2.66.
His(its) mistakes consist in wrong accounts of power consumption (it(he) has not taken into account скважность) and capacity on the resistor (it was necessary просуммировать currents on it(him), announce the sum of a square and result умножить on size of the resistor).
From the analysis of mistakes it is visible unshakable desire "С" by any ways to prove EFFICIENCY less than 1. But, Dear "С". If RC the circuit has taken a share of a pressure(voltage) from the power supply, this share it(he) in it(her) and has given back, as you try. Other business, where the source has managed to spend still energy? More detailed analysis missed by the scientists, has shown mistakes of the researchers of the switching phenomena. Switchboards because of own capacities, of not synchronous work and others there are not enough of investigated processes in them, in capacities of the circuit and power supply, allow to be shown new unknown earlier to properties and laws of transitions of electrical charges of a current on other measurements (known unexplored in this direction or unknown).
The mistakes of this researcher are typical and all experts in electrical circuits accepted for correct measurement, therefore the mankind has passed by real-life infinite energy of a point stipulated by the third law of Newton. The same mistakes were made by the researchers offered Зиновьевым В.П. The circuits on forums during all 2009г, after the publications of the circuits and equations of a conclusion of the formula of EFFICIENCY = 4 - 4К since January 17 2009г. After the instructions(indications) Зиновьевым В.П. On losses of energy by the power supply of the circuit at the expense of his(its) internal processes and mistakes of switching, the researchers amicably have begun wrongly to transfer these losses on ostensibly consumption of this in addition lost energy RC by a circuit. They amicably do not want to recognize other measurements and, irrespective of скважности of a pulse, at definition of average capacity of consumption of energy RC by a circuit multiply all size of a constant pressure(voltage) of the power supply on size of a current determined by them also on their imaginations, or represent other erroneous variants of account of energy if only to be laid in EFFICIENCY less than 1.
We continue the analysis of mistakes "С": If in his(its) circuit the current of consumption passes only through the resistor and is not shunted by transistors, on the resistor it(he) will be double, i.e. 4.8 мА. The capacity on the resistor will be equal I*I*R, or 4.8*4.8*0.812 = 18.7 мВт.
By results of the participant "С" she(it) is equal 30,8 мВт.
Size of a pressure(voltage) of a source in his(its) circuit U = 13 In
Скважность on his(its) measurements is equal 3. The working meaning(importance) of a source of a pressure(voltage) after the switchboard BC should be equal: U0 = U/N, or 13/3 = 4.3333 В. "С" Here it hides and in definition of capacity of consumption RC by a circuit wrongly inserts constant meaning(importance) of the power supply (см.выше his(its) representation). The mistakes "С" consist in wrong accounts of power consumption (it(he) has not taken into account скважность) and capacity on the resistor (it was necessary просуммировать currents on it(him), announce the sum of a square and result умножить on size of the resistor). Average meaning(importance) of capacity spent by a source of a pressure(voltage) in a circuit of a charge is necessary to consider(count) on the formula: P0 = U0 * I1, or 4.3333х2.4 = 10.4 мВт. Let's repeat our account in the resistor: the capacity on the resistor will be equal I*I*R, or 4.8*4.8*0.812 = 18.7 мВт. In result at us EFFICIENCY = 18.7/ 10.4 = 1.79
At him(it), see above, in his(its) representation.
Now we shall check up under the formula of EFFICIENCY = 4 - 4К = 4 - 4x0/3333 = 2.66.
TOTAL: On submitted "С" to the indications of devices of EFFICIENCY = 1.79.
_Это Obstinate fact.
Acknowledgement(confirmation) of EFFICIENCY more than 1 and the explanations, convincingly show necessity of more serious attitude(relation) of the scientists to works Зиновьева В.П., published in the Internet more than one year.
The letter from " of old familiar " is applied below which offers a number(line) of variants of cooperation. " Hi Владимир Петрович.
Whether tell, please, probably in your circuits ЭФАЛД of amplifiers application bipolar, and field transistors. You spoke, that with application of your circuits it is possible to give the second life to radiodetails, пылящимся on shelfs. Yes, I see it, such opportunity has appeared. But would be not bad to use in your circuits and field transistors. Whether there is such opportunity? Prompt, please, how to change the circuit, that the field transistors too could be used? Yours faithfully Николай Николаевич. " 22.11.09г. The answer:
Hi, dear Николай Николаевич!
By me was developed and the set of the electronic circuits on field transistors in 80 years, with success was investigated. The field transistors have the characteristics as against bipolar transistors. They are easier for putting all on inputs(entrances) of cascades or amplifiers. The large entrance resistance of field transistors allow to create better the circuits on sensitivity. The development of amplifiers completely on field transistors requires(demands) time. The concrete application dictates the decisions. The bases of development of amplifiers with use Эфалд are available on a site. I will now carry out(spent) research of a source of infinite energy of a point without application of magnetic materials, about what also there is an information on a forum and site. The amplifiers enter into a source of energy by a component. While the experiments with bipolar transistors will be carried out(spent). The field transistors involve(attract) with the opportunities, but there is no time for research of their opportunities in the given conditions. The greatest capacities of a source of energy can be received on тиристорах. It also one of directions of power(force) units of the circuits of a source of energy. Undoubtedly, there will be a transition to field transistors in a complex with bipolar transistors and тиристорами, alongside with other intensifying and switching elements. Probably, it will take place in the near future in connection with the new requirements to synchronization of the circuit. Small consumption of currents by circuits of management - basis of high EFFICIENCY. You by the way lift a very valuable question. 29.11.09г.
2Сегодня 15:42:46 the Author: uepapx the Participant Is registered: 2009-11-29 Messages: 1 Respect: +1 Positives: +0 IP: [?] Has lead(carried out) on a forum: 27 minutes Last visit: Today 16:28:55 Hi dear Владимир Петрович. The participant under number 358 is I, Николай Николаевич, was registered, as "uepapx" (letter latin). A thank for the invitation to participate in your scientific development. I shall be glad to render advantage(benefit) to you and your scientific work, if you concretize a task. 1. You wrote: " the Author thanks PasinkSN, which has checked up and honourly has informed results, having confirmed effect, having received sensitivity of amplifiers in пикоВольтах ". Whether it is possible to ask you, or somewhere to read information, or to contact to the participant under a name PasinkSN more particularly to find out, on what circuit, for what type of entrance devices (gauges) it(he) has received пиковольтную sensitivity. I would wish to repeat his(its) experience. You see nothing strengthens so scientific validity, as repeatability of result. 2. Still I would like to state one idea and to ask you, whether she(it) is correct. I think, that in the circuit ЭФАЛД of the amplifier, than the face values of radiodetails will be more identically picked up, especially high parameters can achieve from the point of view of reduction of noise and increase of sensitivity. You see at effect of subtraction, than the face values of radiodetails are closer on size, the closer to zero result of subtraction, and the less result - noise. Whether rights I? Yours faithfully Николай Николаевич. Is edited uepapx (Today 16:28:51) +1 + - The answer:
Dear Николай Николаевич! On my site there is such material - copy from соответстыующего of a forum: " the Author represents a response on amplifiers on one of forums on a theme: " Is checked efald " in iron " "...:... Idea submitted in " by that " ветке, was very reasonable. But on my sight, was to describe by the short formula or one phrase essence of idea enough. Схемка of the amplifier is constructed very competently. I at last have found that idea, construction of the amplifier with sensitivity 1 пиковольт, overlapping 4 decade of entrance pressure(voltage) or currents, and compensating own noise. Now is created and other more stable circuit, but author Зиновьеву мо ё deepest respect and gratitude for idea is used... (PacinkSN - Often visitor of a forum KAZUS.RU)
In archive there are wholly pages from the specified forum. To me, the same as also to you it would be desirable to see the circuits PacinkSN - Often visitor of a forum KAZUS.RU. For any reasons it(he) them did not publish. I personally managed amplifiers on cheap transistors КТ3102 with sensitivity on tens orders above пиковольт. The sensitivity нановольт is reached(achieved) by the circuit, given by me, on a site. You have transistors with Ки on two order above. Пиковольты for you anything. You need to begin from the two-transistor circuit allowing on transistors КТ3102 and КТ3107 to have микровольты. Then to develop her(it) under my recommendations and to receive theoretically any sensitivity by escalating двухзвенных of rings. On my site of the recommendation is. Publish the circuit here and we can with you begin. Probably, the public will support ideas and will develop them. The our work for nothing will not pass. The advantage(benefit) is obvious to a society(community). uepapx has written (а): "
" 2. Still I would like to state one idea and to ask you, whether she(it) is correct. I think, that in the circuit ЭФАЛД of the amplifier than the face values of radiodetails will be more identically picked up, especially high parameters can achieve from the point of view of reduction of noise and increase of sensitivity. You see at effect of subtraction, than the face values of radiodetails are closer on size, the closer to zero result of subtraction, and the less result - noise. Whether rights I? " You are absolutely right. If you have understood it, that, means have understood the reason параллельности of two identical amplifiers. However in one amplifier with the advanced network двухзвенных of rings the subtraction plays a role, but not such important, as division. The subtraction in the same circuit improves sensitivity on the order, and division on some orders. The identity is necessary, but is unsufficient. It is necessary to penetrate into essence of two rings: one with the maximal negative feedback, and second with minimal, but both ideally connected rings - ring with identical elements, except for some.
uepapx написал(а):a Thank for the invitation to participate in your scientific development. I shall be glad to render advantage(benefit) to you and your scientific work, if you concretize a task.
Dear Николай Николаевич!
Cейчас the most important task is the acknowledgement(confirmation) of concrete figures of parameters of the elementary circuits эфалд on the part of the participants of a forum. It will convince the readers of necessity of independent work under the circuits. The questions will appear, and you can on them answer the readers. So our grown-ups of the teacher per 60 years acted, having published elementary qualitative схемки on transistors in magazines, newspapers and brochures. Радиолюбительство was mass. " Become dusty on shelfs " on your words the element base will begin to work as a result of your concrete practical and theoretical works. You will open weight of the new phenomena in the circuits and in a nature. And " one in a field воин ", but: " the idea then becomes force, when she(it) takes possession of weights " (В.И.Ульянов). Confirm even one fact. Further main task will be creation of the independent power supply with use of amplifiers for management of infinite energy of a point.
The beginning of work by the author on transformation of energy on transistors has taken place per 60 years during training in high school. Then study in КАИ, work. There was a time, a lot of material was investigated on various posts of faculties of high SCHOOLS, НИИ, factories and associations USSR, but it has appeared unsufficiently. For the sake of realization of ideas in a reality the author leaves a post of the main engineer of regional industrial association and in final result achieves an object in view - receives first of the formulas of energy between measurements.
To understand necessity of works of the author, it is necessary to know processes occurring on a planet during its(her) existence. To learn these processes, there is not enough просиживать in audiences of schools, HIGH SCHOOLS and libraries, investigating another's creations on carriers of the information. It is required to pass hardest tests of a nature on the skin.
In the fans(amateurs) to study on another's mistakes, here not a place. They of two transistors to understand be not capable, though move in their billions in microcircuits and complexes, spoiling the validity and admiring the disgraces, giving out them for ingenious works. In result is received huge помойное a bucket from perfect crystals, which could not dispose really of. At one time and Great Ленин has understood absurdity of dependences of transitions of quantities(amounts) in quality, having created the creation: " It is better, less, yes it is better ". _Великий The commander Суворов ordered and learned(taught) to be at war " Not by number, and уменьем ", and at training воинов is constant by him(it) repeated: " It is heavy in ученье, it is easy in fight ". _Небольшая The work Great К.Маркса " the Manifest коммунистической of a party(set) " is recognized ingenious and is equated to huge on volume to works greatest мыслителей of epoch.
Theft коммунизма and effect of indemnification
Since 50 years, village мальчишки, as well as "Н", and девчонки fed all country USSR.
In games they were engaged of hour two per day.
It is not necessary to think, that they in a village were engaged only единоборством, cards, домино, шашками, chess, music, singing yes in the other idleness. In the morning of a house it was necessary истопить печки голландки, since early morning till the late evenings in the winter to clean(remove) навоз at home animals and of birds, to distribute to a forage, to change подстилки at them and поить. Houses to prepare meal for family to support cleanliness and order and to look after younger children and old men. Since early spring till late autumn the works on the kitchen gardens and collective-farm fields, and also on отлову сусликов, destroying crops were added. In the autumn by winter the guys needed to prepare fuel to furnaces, hay and straw by an animal, grain to a bird, to pack cellars by barrels with a winter feed(meal) of family and vegetables in compartments, to clean(remove) корнеплоды from collective-farm fields in collective-farm storehouses, in which then during one year to touch these корнеплоды, rejecting гнилье. Preparation of fuel for school and processing of school and collective-farm gardens too were on their shoulders. They ploughed on tractors, sowed and cleaned(removed) a crop. The two одиннадцатилетних of the boys, is independent without the driver, carried and unloaded a grain from under combines from fields which are taking place in 10 - 15 kms from village till 30 four-ton machines per day almost without dream since July 15 till September, unloading a grain by wooden shovels. The guys are more senior worked on combines and tractors. Девчата worked on a current, on fields, plantations and farms. A feed(meal) мальчишкам and девчонкам did not suffice. The fur-trees жмых, slices corn початков from силосных of holes in the winter, summer ate сусликами, birds and their eggs, fish from ponds and речек, and grasss from meadows. All this extracted in time, which practically was not. They needed perfectly to study at school, to carry out the tasks pioneer and комсомольских of the chiefs. Almost all riches of villages were taken out in закрома of a native Land for коммунизма.
All built коммунизм. Who has appropriated(given) it(him) to itself?
Now many films show episodes with application of the weapon.
In послевоенные 50 and 60 years малокалиберные of a rifle and the guns of 16 calibres were on sale мальчишкам, reached(achieved) 16-year's age and entered in ДОСААФ, in which accepted at submission of the application and payment копеечных of payments. Practically all him(it) also entered on achievement of the specified age. Almost in each house these ружей and the rifles sufficed. Those who could not buy the weapon because of shortage of money, made поджиги - self-made trunks. Everyone were ready to an appeal on war, since to nobody was trusted, that she(it) has terminated. Мальчишки is more younger also used this weapon for a hunt for the wolves, зайцев, foxes, кабанов and other game, that how to live. They still did(made) onions(bows), арбалеты and рогатки for отстрела of predatory birds - коршунов, hawks etc., since those destroyed a home bird. From a beginning 70 all weapons, except for hunting have required to hand over.
The memory of it(him) has remained.
Героизм in films of any hits after passage of such life at general arms is simply frivolous even with their bombs. Anyone мальчишка did(made) any bomb, and tested her(it) with the friends подальше from village in the large holes per 50 years. The fascism on inertia seem недобитым. The war was by a handicap to development of mankind in the necessary direction. The downtime is necessary скомпенсировать. The similar tasks of indemnification arise at creation of every possible systems of automatic control of energy and temporary transitions. In 1980г. by the scientist have put a task to create the auto guide on the basis of the household portable tape recorder. Noise and the handicapes complicated the decision of this task. It was necessary to code and to decode the program of management of signals of transitions of a soundtrack by the elementary way. In the certain conditions the task was decided(solved) in СКБ "Прометей" КАИ. Simultaneously in СКБ "Прометей" КАИ many tasks, alongside with the auto guide were decided(solved). One of tasks - was a theme of the dissertation of the author: " Recognition of images ". In this theme the basic moment was the decision of a question of analog division of signals. The author in May 1980г. decides(solves) this question by stabilization of one of a component of composed signals, adjustment these composed, resulting(bringing) to the attitude(relation) others a component. The report follows the chief СКБ "Прометей" and collective. On application of this idea the employees СКБ "Прометей" submit the applications for the inventions. The correspondents from information services "Татарии" for fixation of the inventors arrive. The basic electrical circuit more concretizes a question of research of EFFICIENCY in the auto guide being general(common) example for some processes, and in the auto guide are used or there are elements similar to the circuits, submitted in the book. In result the continuous analysis of the circuits under the new formulas is necessary. All cascades of the pulse and analog circuits can have значимый variant of similar result dependent on many factors, which need to be taken into account