_14:13 15.12.2011г.
_В Москве, на Звездном б-ре, температура - плюс три с половиной градуса. Ветер южный.
_Плагиаторы так достали, что приходится перейти к публикациям материалов, с машинным переводом на английский язык. Материалы публикаций на русском языке останутся у автора.
_В результате такой защиты от плагиаторов, автор получит публикации. Читатели смогут увидеть материалы на английском языке. На русском языке будет готовиться книга для последующего издательства в типографии с видеоматериалами на гибких дисках.
In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus three and a half of degree. A wind southern.
Плагиаторы so have got, that it is necessary to proceed(pass) to the publications of materials, with machine translation in English. The materials of the publications in Russian will stay at the author.
As a result of such protection from плагиаторов, the author will receive the publications.
The readers can see materials in English. The book for the subsequent publishing house in a printing house with videomaterials on flexible disks will prepare in Russian.
14:30 15.12.2011г.
Материалы на английском языке. Materials in English.
Сообщений 1 страница 9 из 9
Поделиться115.12.2011 14:46:29
Поделиться216.12.2011 00:31:07
_0:08 16.12.2011г.
_В Москве, на Звездном б-ре, температура - плюс четыре градуса. Ветер южный.
_Все вместе, мы с погодой управляемся лучше. Так держать!!!
_Остается всего неделя до максимального удаления Земли от Солнца.
_Победа общего сознания планеты, очевидна!
_Мужики, есть мужики!!! Сказали, сделали!!!
_Вперед, Ребята!!! "Наша взяла!!!"
_Добъем морозы до конца во всей России, а значит и в Евразии!!!
In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus of four degrees. A wind southern.
All together, we with weather are controlled better. So to hold!!!
There is all a week before the maximal removal(distance) of the Earth from the Sun. The victory of general(common) consciousness of a planet, is obvious!
Мужики, is мужики!!! Have told, have made!!!
Forward, Guys!!! " Ours has taken!!! "
Добъем frosts up to the end in all Russia, so and in Eurasia!!!
0:16 16.12.2011г.
Поделиться316.12.2011 14:54:47
In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus of four degrees. A wind southern.
Молодцы, Мужики!!! Is warmly goes in our party!
We work with a heat further, submitting it(him) on North and in Siberia of Russia!
Bases of the proof of infinite energy of a point of space:
- The point of space exists infinite time in infinite movement;
- The infinite movement of a point exists only with its(her) certain average speed, in infinite time of interaction of average force of a point, with environment(Wednesday);
- The infinite time of movement of a point, at its(her) average speed, requires(demands) an infinite way of its(her) movement;
The result of multiplication of size of average force of a point on infinite size of its(her) way is an infinite size of energy of a point!!!
13:58 16.12.2011г.
Поделиться417.12.2011 01:37:38
In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus two and a half of degree. A wind southern.
Temperature changes, but within the limits of an interdiction of frosts.
We do not reduce intensity of submission of heat and we research a question of infinite energy of a point because of absolute illiteracy of a scientific planet!!!
Axiom and postulate of possession by any point of space: average force and average speed in infinite time - are obvious by simple, close(attentive) consideration of attributes of any point of space.
Infinite movement of any point of space nobody denied, does not deny and will not deny!!!
It is its(her) infinite movement always existed, exists and will exist with its(her) average speed and average force in infinite time!!!
The average speed of movement of a point of space in its(her) infinite time of existence is not that other, as its(her) infinite way with average force.
" The Result of multiplication of size of average force of a point on infinite size of its(her) way is an infinite size of energy of a point!!! " (Пифагор1272).
That did not suffice and there is no " to the Great scientists " a planet for such obvious conclusion???
It is complex(difficult) to make multiplication of size of average force of a point of space to infinite size of its(her) way???
Someone prevents to see by attribute average speed of a point of space in infinite time of its(her) existence???
It is not clear, what the point of space does not exist without average force in infinite time???
It is complex(difficult) to acquire, what the average force does not exist without movement with average speed???
At someone in a head the force can exist without movement???
Without movement and average speed nothing exists!!!
These "scientists" have motionless forces??? Who or what can work without movement, move not moving???
Still questions will be???
1:10 17.12.2011г.
Поделиться518.12.2011 01:55:07
In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - minus of half-degree. A wind northern. Have punched a defense, вс ё-таки malicious forces.
Strong they "озверели". All means have thrown against heat of Russia. Inputs(entrances) on sites информеры of weather blocked by viruses. Attack household and other провокаторами.
Spit on the bastards, Мужики. We work. The infinite energy of a point is proved to technologies Галилея. It means, that the infinite reason of a point, too is proved. All points have infinite Quantity(amount) of the gods and энергий. All people - absolute gods. It is necessary to work and гнать away мразь, усевшуюся on humps of the gods and kindness, using them, honesty, pity and other best Qualities. We work and we give heat on North and in Siberia of Russia. All we work. Mongolia and China Are equaled on Russia. Them warmly depends on heat of Russia.
1:27 18.12.2011г.
Поделиться618.12.2011 11:56:10
In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - minus of half-degree. The wind changes on southern. Means бъем of enemies of heat!!!
The formula of infinite energy of a point of space:
E = F*v*t,
Where E - energy of a point; F - average force of interaction of a point;
v - its(her) average speed of movement; t - its(her) infinite time of movement;
* - mark of multiplication;
F, v and t - attributes of a point of space.
11:21 18.12.2011г.
Поделиться719.12.2011 00:41:59
In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - minus of two degrees. A wind variable. All day goes snow.
For the proof of infinity of reason and energy of a point, the formula of infinite energy of a point of space is deduced(removed):
E = F*v*t, Where E - energy of a point; F - average force of interaction of a point;
v - its(her) average speed of movement; t - its(her) infinite time of movement; * - mark of multiplication;
F, v and t - attributes of a point of space.
All population of a planet the Earth the having secondary education, knows this formula in the letters and other application by the abstract ends of objects.
All scientists again for a long time will break off, since they have maximum scientific ranks, degree, award, privileges, authority, glory, honour, respect, image, recognition, post, and this formula changes all!!!
The well-known and recognized infinite movement of a point of space, from her(it) неотъемлимыми - average speed, force, in infinite time of its(her) movement, causes in consciousness of the man with secondary education - a conclusion about infinite energy of a point.
But when movement of a point "it" causes??? When "it" to consciousness will chew мыслители!!!
Well and what now about "it" the Great Men of science " planets the Earth will tell "???
Will announce new crisis of a planet or still what will think up???
Electronic devices, other circuits, equation, formula and theory of infinite energy of a point, "Scientists", officially have not recognized. " It is terrible by him(it)!!! "
Now them, clear even to the schoolboys, the absolute formula give!!!
React, and officially, Sirs the Great Scientists faster!!!
Will be farther to you even more hardly from a reality of infinite energy of a point!!!
0:07 19.12.2011г.
Поделиться821.12.2011 23:20:32
23:10 21.12.2011г.
Absolute categories of average speed, average force and infinite Time of movement of a point, automatically define(determine) absolute essence формулы:E = F*v*t, Where E - energy of a point; F - average force of interaction of a point;
v - its(her) average speed of movement; t - its(her) infinite time of movement;
* - mark of multiplication;
F, v and t - attributes of a point of space.
All categories of sciences - special cases of kinds and forms of energy of this absolute formula.
Поделиться923.12.2011 10:35:23
In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - minus three and a half of degree. A wind variable. Very bad!!! Have thrown to work with weather ours спецы! Differently whence frosts? "Uncle" wait. "Uncle" will come.
"НГ" a lot of time with the publications of education of minds(wits) is engaged. It(he) believes, that the people will begin all to work with weather, having understood the abilities. The people "have" and eat weather as a nature. " It Is bad "!
"НГ" prepares new materials on abstraction of sciences and their ways of existence in structure of the absolute law, as effects of abstraction энергий of measurements, according to a principle of a superposition.
The abstraction is an allocation of object from infinity of energy of a point existing in infinite quantity(amount) of its(her) measurements. The allocation is possible by a principle of a superposition, on the basis of effect of algebraic division, actually - effect of abstraction. The attitude(relation) - one of kinds of effect of abstraction. The sciences are not thrown out, and are corrected in the form of effects
of abstraction!!!10:25 23.12.2011г.