The refrigerator in an apartment delivers weight of inconveniences because of noise of his(its) motor, хлопаний by a door and required, often defreezing.
"НГ" has born(taken out) a refrigerator on застекленный a balcony in the beginning of March it, 2012. And " About! A miracle! " Four months the completely maintained refrigerator by two tenants filled by fruit, vegetables, milk and other products of a feed(meal), does not prevent by noise and does not require(demand) defreezing! Why does not require(demand) defreezing? A question open! The parameters of environment(Wednesday) seem identical. The door of a balcony is almost always open in a room. Means, these parameters of environment(Wednesday), nevertheless so different, that морозильная the chamber of a refrigerator keeps quantity(amount) thin снежка, almost constant thickness. Where the similar information from others? Who checked such effect and such phenomenon will explain? The humidity another can? And something can still other? But the fact is the fact! Check up on own experience!
In any case, economy of a living space, electric power and absence of noise - are guaranteed.