Бесконечная энергия точки.Зиновьев В.П.


307 научных книг и 32 из 33 - х научных статей (в научных авторитетных журналах) Зиновьева Владимира Петровича, по физике, пройдя более 7 и до 43 - х лет в госбиблиотеках, в полном объёме и масштабе идут во всеобщей ежегодной обязательной государственной реализации с отчётностью на первое января, в том числе отчётностью на 1 января 2024 года, с последним сроком сдачи отчётов 31 марта 2024 года. (ред. 08:02. 10.02.2024г).
Транзисторы, "копеечной" стоимости, КТ3102 и КТ3107, в их восьмитранзисторной схеме, спаянного "на коленке" Зиновьевым Владимиром Петровичем, операционного усилителя, эффектом алгебраического деления улучшают свою чувствительность, и чувствительность этого операционного усилителя, в сорок тысяч раз (с 40 микроВольт до одного наноВольта) даже при пайке этой схемы "на коленке", используя радиодетали ширпотреба. Это улучшение гарантирует прямо пропорциональный прогресс всего человечества, благодаря реализации аналогичных явлений, свойств и закономерностей в его жизнедеятельности. (ред. 03.09.2023г).
Находясь, после обязательной государственной регистрации, в обязательной государственной бессрочной, в том числе денежной, реализации во всех соответствующих видах и формах с обязательным отчислением процентов в государственый пенсионный фонд, после прохождения обязательной государственной семилетки, научные книги и статьи с фундаментальными научными материалами, бессрочно повышают научную квалификацию (степени, звания, должности, зарплаты,...) их авторов, их пенсионные баллы, рабочий стаж, права, положение, обеспечение, содержание и другие обязательные государственные вознаграждения во всех странах планеты.
Используя фундаментальные книги, статьи и материалы Зиновьева Владимира Петровича, делают обязательные фундаментальные прикладные: рацпредложения, изобретения и открытия, пишут книги, статьи, рефераты, курсовые, ВКР, дипломы и диссертации, в том числе платные в 200 странах.
См. в интернет например:
(site:rusist.info диссертация, диплом, курсовая реферат по теме эффект алгебраического деления), скопировав в скобках весь текст и размещая эту копию в поисковой строке яндекс.
Такой же операцией копирования всего текста в скобках и размещения его в поисковике яндекс можно проверить книги этого автора на русском, английском или немецком языках, например:
(site:rusist.info диссертация, диплом, курсовая реферат по теме effect of algebraic division); или
(site:rusist.info диссертация, диплом, курсовая реферат по теме der Effekt der algebraischen Teilung);
(site:rusist.info диссертация, диплом, курсовая реферат по теме Зиновьев Владимир Петрович эфффект алгебраического деления);
(site:rusist.info диссертация, диплом, курсовая реферат по теме Зиновьева Алла Владимировна эфффект алгебраического деления), ...
В 2023 году исполняется 57 лет с 1966 года - со времени открытия Зиновьевым Владимиром Петровичем вечного двигателя - формулы бесконечной энергии движения любой точки E=m×v×v или E=F×v×t, бесконечно превосходящей формулу конечной энергии движения света Эйнштейна - E=m×c×c. Свет ограничен во времени движения, а время движения точки - бесконечно! Точка может бесконечно излучать и поглощать энергию, в том числе и световую. Формула Эйнштейна - бесконечно малый, частный случай всеобщей формулы Зиновьева Владимира Петровича!
>7 лет книге или статье, новой формуле, функции, схеме или иному самостоятельному произведению научной фундаментальной физики, зарегистрированному в государстве = массам МРОТ государству, в общенародное достояние, автору, его содействующим лицам, участникам через государство или напрямую автору ежемесячно и бессрочно со всех стран и с прочих пользователей этой фундаментальной научной физики во всеобщем среднем или ином прикладном образовании, а также во всех видах и формах государственного, народного, общественного, личного, частного и прочего хозяйства (науки, образования, информации, информатики, интеллекта, культуры, искусства, техники, производства и пр.). Это государственный, абсолютно надёжный, обязательный и гарантированный срок государственной семилетки (НИР + ОКР + освоение) для неограниченного по величине объёма и времени вознаграждения, после его определения государством в установленном порядке, например для изобретений - в течение 5 лет после начала их использования. Это бесконечный вклад автора в дело Мира и Добра! Договорной срок проведения НИР, ОКР и освоения, минуя общенародное государство, ограничивает величину и время вознаграждения до нуля относительно этого вклада! ---------------
Логически следует, что: бессрочный (неограниченный) автор Зиновьев Владимир Петрович ("Н") - ограниченный, невозможный бог реального климата и неограниченный, невозможный Господь Бог: неограниченного эффекта алгебраического деления во всех пространствах, временах и измерениях, бесконечной (неограниченной) энергии в бесконечном времени и бесконечного (неограниченного) усиления с нулем шумов точки в эмуляторе! 300 научных книг Зиновьева В.П. в первом квартале, 2023 года, проходят период государственной обязательной семилетки и идут в государственную обязательную реализацию. Научные статьи и книги (более 300 научных книг по физике) Зиновьева Владимира Петровича по теме "Регулировка бесконечной энергии точки" в ведущих Государственных библиотеках России.
,например книга в РГБ.
Зиновьев В.П. (Зиновьев Владимир Петрович). Эфффект алгебраического деления. Общая физика,Том 3.Ч 1.- М:2015. Шестнадцатая книга этого автора, с 18.06.2022г. идёт в гос. обязательную реализацию, находясь в электронном каталоге библиотеки РАН, как и его предыдущие 15 книг с фундаментальными научными исследованиями и поисковыми научными исследованиями материалов в физике, электронике, электричестве и других явлениях, свойствах, закономерностях бесконечной энергии точки и эффекта алгебраического деления. В научном авторитетном журнале "Актуальные проблемы современной науки", номер 2, - М: изд - во Спутник "+", 2021 года, автор этих книг опубликовал статью "Вечный двигатель в эмуляторе EWB512" с его схемой. Этот фундаментальный и реально работающий вечный двигатель в эмуляторе скачивается бесплатно и без регистрации на сайтах efaldiv.ru, efald.ru (с декабря 2020г.), а также на сайте библиотеки КНИТУ КАИ (с марта 2021г.). Преемственность и координация этих фундаментальных научных исследований и поисковых научных исследований, этого автора Зиновьева Владимира Петровича и его дочери Зиновьевой Аллы Владимировны - соавтора его многих научных книг и статей, обеспечивается законом РФ. (копия части текста из этого закона): ______________________________ Федеральный закон "О Российской академии наук, реорганизации государственных академий наук и внесении изменений в отдельные законодательные акты Российской Федерации" от 27.09.2013 N 253-ФЗ (последняя редакция)...Российская академия наук осуществляет свою деятельность в целях обеспечения преемственности и координации: 1) фундаментальных научных исследований и поисковых научных исследований, проводимых по важнейшим направлениям естественных, технических, медицинских, сельскохозяйственных, общественных и гуманитарных наук;...". ________________________________ Бесконечность противодействия, движения, неразрывность времени и энергии точки - это её аксиоматичный, атрибутивный вечный двигатель! Положительный экономический эфффект для человека и всего человечества, от этих научных работ автора Зиновьева Владимира Петровича, бесконечен, а его это авторство - неотчуждаемое право на бесконечное вознаграждение за такие гениальные научные публикации. Сильнее, свободнее, независимее, ценнее, надёжнее такого авторства и его власти, нет ничего во всех пространствах, временах и измерениях! "Написано пером, не вырубишь топором". _________________Кроме того: Автор Зиновьев Владимир Петрович управляет гравитацией (климатом) планеты и космоса под псевдонимом "Н". Он, имея великие астрономические связи, сдерживает силы космоса, которые уже к 2010 году должны были уничтожить планету. Подходят очередные экзамены природы по управлению космическим климатом и ага?! "Летальный исход". "...Это мы не проходили, это нам не задавали...". "... Всё в руках нашего Господа...!" - дружно закричат умники. Однако Бог - это неисполнимое желание человека, т.к. его силы и скорости ограничивает любая точка Желание многое может великого делать при определенных условиях, но оно не раб для людей, не может и не будет рабом работать даже на одного человека, а уж, тем более на миллиарды людей! За все платить нужно по третьему закону Ньютона и люди должны всё уметь и делать сами не хуже своего желания или расплачиваться за него. Искать и учиться нужно всегда, знать и помнить Павла Корчагина (Николая Островского), массу других великих людей, наук и произведений. Автор с полутора лет, сам научившись читать при помощи своей мамы, читает книги, а всё изучает, управляя гравитацией с помощью своего сознания, всю свою бесконечную жизнь, включая свою жизнь до своего появления на этой планете. Истинные сенсы это могут подтвердить, если пожелают. Он закончил очень дорогие курсы фонда парапсихологии СССР им.Васильева в апреле 1992 года, честно получив диплом экстрасенса и его таланты помнят многие. Он только голоданием занимается более 30 лет с конца марта 1991года, с личным рекордом, непрерывного скорректированного голодания "По Брэггу", 70 суток, почти как Великий Будда. "Шутки шутками", а климатом он управляет неизмеримо сильнее всех, легко уничтожая звезды и спутники, гоняя астероиды по космосу, управляя потоками энергии и плазмы Земли и т.д, и т.п.. Дошутятся, достучатся и доиграются многие! Никакая власть не поможет им, а деньги, прослушка, телепатия, люди "Х" и оружие не спасут. ____________________________ Этот автор не бог. Бог, по определению - ничем неограниченная сущность, невозможен из-за ограничений сил и скоростей точки при её бесконечной энергии во времени. Автор этого не понимал и, зная свое могущество, действовал под выдуманным собой, псевдонимом абсолютного бога "Н". Но у этого автора Зиновьева Владимира Петровича действительно достаточно могущества астрономических величин! Однажды, несколько лет назад, ночью, его такое могущество проверяли на этом форуме: может ли он что либо сделать против мирового правительства, находящегося тогда в штате Вашингтон. Он тут же, с помощью гравитации качнул плазму Земли в сторону этого штата, испытывая себя в этом варианте. Заиграли вулканы по всей планете. Под штатом Вашингтон зашевелилась немедленно земля. Президента США, Барака Обаму, спасали на вертолёте! Проверяющий исчез навсегда! Желающих проверять автора на форуме ещё, не нашлось. Автор действовал под псевдонимом абсолютного бога "Н", не понимая тогда, что бог невозможен из-за ограничений точки. Теперь псевдонимом можно не пользоваться и работать проще, предупреждая искренне верующих и неверующих о невозможности бога, чтобы они не требовали невозможного от этого автора, но и справедливо относились к нему по заслугам. Все люди выставляют напоказ все свои документы, заслуги, достижения, преимущества, степени, звания, должности, права и т.д., получая за них соответствующие вознаграждения. Так почему Зиновьев Владимир Петрович, владея такими могущественными функциями, работая с их помощью на всё человечество, обязан молчать и не получать взамен ничего? Это разве справедливо? Кому - то, выдуманным молятся, неся куда-то сумасшедшие дары, а реальному человеку с неизмеримо сильнейшими функциями и работами - ноль без палочки!? Он климат делает отличный, позволяющий получать всему человечеству отличные урожаи и всевозможные богатства, и имеет право обидеться, и применить соответствующие меры (операции, санкции) для компенсации своих затрат! Справедливо, правильно, адекватно!? Ну должны же люди иметь совесть!? ___________________ Многие учителя, преподаватели, инженеры и учёные физики, с умнейшим выражением лица и такой же улыбкой, выдвигают, как им кажется, неопровержимый аргумент против бесконечной энергии точки и такого же её бесконечного КПД. Они говорят, что, дескать, энергия откуда-то берётся же, а значит и КПД её не может быть более единицы! Эти "умнейшие из умнейших, гении" не в состоянии понять, что бесконечная энергия существует в любой точке, ниоткуда не переходя, не берясь, не появляясь и не исчезая никуда, а только превращаясь из вида в вид, из формы в форму, и что отношение этих бесконечностей, т. е. КПД, всегда остаётся бесконечностью по общеизвестным законам отношений бесконечностей в математике! Это прилежные исполнители - гении памяти и комбинаторы чужой авторской, государственной, обязательной, доказанной науки физики, но никак не её новой, неизвестной ранее, ещё не доказанной для них, истины. Зачем им, не по - человечески напрягаться, надрывая свой нежный организм, или ещё не доказанное, чужое продвигать, да ещё идущее против вековых устоев традиционной физики? Внимание! На форуме и сайтах: efald.ru и efaldiv.ru, применяются термины: правитель, правители и т.п., в склонениях. Естественно, что эти термины обозначают злых и жестоких насильников, воров, вампиров - негодяев, пробравшихся к власти над народами и группами людей. Эти термины взяты из сказок для детей и ничего общего не имеют с честными и умными руководителями государств, народов и групп людей.
Дорогие Жители России и Москвы!!!!
Не позволяйте:
-Убирать листву, опавшую на землю, прикрывающую корни деревьев и кустарников!
-Заменять деревянные двери и окна, на металлические и пластиковые.
Кроме того: "Н" рекомендует Вам чувствовать себя с комфортом немного ниже и левее экватора Африки, мысленным образом, с шириной всей Африки около метра, где бы Вы ни находились, куда бы ни шли и что бы ни делали, при этом направление на северо - восток, в образе, должно совпадать с направлением на северо - восток, в реальности, всегда, как бы вы ни поворачивались реально.
Это просто и очень эффективно. Силы вращения земли сделают сами свое дело, и подадут тепло на Москву и Россию.Величину Вашего вклада, при необходимости, могут определить соответствующие экстрасенсы.
Земля станет теплее и добрее!
_Лютый мороз рвется с севера на планету. Спасите ее от холода. Птицы и животные плачут и кричат от боли морозов. Растительность гибнет. Гибнут и страдают люди. Пожалуйста, работайте так мысленно и масимально везде и всюду, даже во сне. Только тогда мы спасем себя и Родную Землю. Результаты Ваших работ увидит немедленно вся планета. Ваше действие будет видно в импульсах, движениях и колебаниях дыма, ветра, облаков, туч и т.д.
_Если Вы включите в действие еще свои руки, "фантомы", иные элементы и функции, то эффект возрастет пропорцонально.
_Если Вы при этом будете заниматься или физическими упражнениями, или бегом, или спортом, или тяжестями, то эффект усилится.
_Эта работа по силам даже инвалидам, людям старым и малым, группам и одиночкам, ученым, инженерам, школьникам, студентам, военным и гражданским. Аудитории студентов, школьные классы, массы и одиночки тренирующихся спортсменов, цеха рабочих и пр., помогут Земле в достатке, регулируя климат и погоду планеты. Нет предела вариантам применения этого метода.
_Планета отблагодарит Вас своими плодами, дорогие участники! Но дайте ей свои тепло и своевременный полив!
Зимой, чтобы сохранить растительность, нужно дать земле плюсовую температуру! Снег недопустим никогда!!!
Работаем, и не забываем, что материальная точка, согласно третьего закона Ньютона, ограничивает силы и скорости любого бога, абсолютно отрицая его всевышность и делая его всего лишь относительной сущностью в сознании человека (в фантастике)! Высокоорганизованная материальная точка - это сознание - точка - является неуничтожимой с бесконечными свойствами, силами, энергиями и т.д., ограниченными другими точками, которых в каждой точке бесконечно, с аналогичными ограничениями. Относительность абсолютна, абсолютность относительна. Фантазируйте, ибо без фантазии нет жизни, а без жизни нет фантазии. Фантазия реальна, реальность фантастична. Только без догм и без наживы!!!
_Бесконечная энергия точки следует из третьего закона Ньютона: Воздействуйте на точку бесконечной силой или бесконечной энергией (конечной силой, бесконечное время) и точка Вам ответит бесконечной силой или бесконечной энергией (конечной силой, бесконечное время). Затем Ньютона попытайтесь опровергнуть глупым вопросом с умным видом: "Откуда точка берет бесконечную силу или бесконечную энергию?".Однако третий закон Ньютона принят человечеством и неопровержимо используется в физике, сопромате и других науках, не применяясь с категориями бесконечных сил и энергий. В физику входят электроника, электротехника, энергетика. Определенные объекты являются точками относительно бесконечности. Нуль является точкой относительно определенных объектов и бесконечности. Бесконечность и нуль являются неопределенностями или неопределенными измерениями точки. Точка имеет неопределенности измерений нуля и бесконечностей связей определенностей и неопределенностей. Эфир, вакуум и иные определенные объекты являются точками относительно бесконечностей и могут дать бесконечную энергию бесконечностей связей определенностей и неопределенностей этих точек. Поэтому из эфира и вакуума нельзя получить бесконечную энергию, не определяя их точками. Нулевая и любая другая точка - всего лишь точка! Бесконечные эфир и вакуум - это тавтология неопределенной простой бесконечности и не может спасти изобретателей всех энергий из эфира, вакуума и подобных определенностей.
Положите лед в емкость с водой (разумеется, чтобы лед плавал в этой воде).
Замерьте уровень воды при: определенной температуре и определенном давлении.
Растопите лед и убедитесь, что уровень не изменится при этих же: определенной температуре и определенном давлении.
Льды Арктики располагаются в глубоком океане и при таянии не смогут увеличить количество воды в нем. Под ними дно океана находится так глубоко, что подлодки ходят под льдом всей Арктики, в любых направлениях, свободно, даже зимой, а корабли идут к Северному полюсу летом по воде, а не по суше! Это знает любой житель планеты из школы и информационных источников.
Подавайте "фантомами" воду, тепло и влагу Атлантики с экваториальных частей планеты (находящихся между Южной Америкой и Африкой) в направлении на север и северо-восток. Реальные результаты: Вновь о погоде в Москве "
Летом нужно делать всё наоборот для охлаждения Евразии!

Science, logic, theory.

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Whence infinite energy?
The new science is born in hardest conditions, in недрах догматичностей of an out-of-date science. The infinite energy of any point of space, time and measurements is expressed by existence of infinite quantity(amount) of kinds and forms of a matter of this any point and infinite counteraction to all internal and external forces, in infinite time. The nuclear energy of an element is great, if her(it) to liberate from "reserved". Weight of an element is small, but gives out great energy. Whence she(it)? The answer is simple: have learned to operate a part of infinite energy of a point pulse, or other management. In each point there is an infinite quantity(amount) of different nucleuses with energy, and in each nucleus - infinite quantity(amount) of other points with new nucleuses etc. The author represents the fundamental formulas, equation and circuit of management of infinite energy of points for research of space and time unknown earlier by variants. It(he) creates the theories with practical devices on the basis of the third law of Newton working periodically in continuous pulse process of course of an electrical current of the rectangular form through capacity, inductance and switchboards. The laws of switching speak about an invariance at the initial moment of time of meanings(importance) of sizes of potentials on capacity and currents in inductance, In such process. Actually, potentials on capacity and currents in inductance, in Process, practically do not change all period of following of an electrical current. The third law of Newton does not deny such phenomenon. It(he) does not speak about time of counteraction, so confirms this new phenomenon. The new variant of action of the third law of Newton is a new opening of his(its) universal properties and laws. It is new sciences!!! In a science the effect of algebraic division is considered(examined) since May, 1980, On an example of the scientists КАИ. With 1994г. the author will carry out(spent) researches of the condenser for reception of a SOURCE of ENERGY of a point with INFINITE EFFICIENCY. The oral messages have allowed the scientists about results of research to increase amount of works of concrete directions, due to the collective analysis of kinds and forms of energy, and also formulations, definitions of a relativity of energy and variants of creation of a SOURCE of ENERGY of a point with INFINITE EFFICIENCY. Existence varied, kept and turning nature confirm presence everywhere EFFICIENCY much more than 1 in a nature of intellectual management of time of infinite ENERGY of a point. THE EFFICIENCY more than 200 units turns out at switching a circuit of a constant current proceeding through standard - the coil of inductance and the condenser. All nature (environment((Wednesday)) consists of infinite quantity(amount) natural and switched by natural switchboards, coils индуктивностей and condensers, гармонических and pulse fluctuations of electrical currents in them on various frequencies, which can be investigated by special engineering. For an example: the coil of inductance of a MICROWAVE of a range is the small piece of a conductor, and capacity - two his(its) any points. In a nature all environment(Wednesday) represents the connected pieces of conductors for its(her) movement with infinite frequencies. The breaks of movements in a nature are observed as light of various ranges of frequencies. Evidence of EFFICIENCY it is a lot of more than 1 in a nature does not cause questions at its(her) correct analysis. The counteraction is possible by presence in a point of any, as much as large force (and the force without energy can not be), capable on it? Newton did not speak about small and final forces and meant any force. Any force automatically means infinite force. Newton did not consider(examine) counteraction of forces in a point, in infinite time. This consideration follows logically and conducts to logic Infinite work (energy) of a point in infinite time. Considering(examining) process of occurrence of the second force (energy) in a point, Great Newton did not consider(examine) marks of forces comprehensively for conclusions of variations of infinity, also, probably, relying on human reason of obvious logic. At the analysis of a place of occurrence of infinite energy it is necessary to consider(examine) set of the facts concerning practice and the theory of research of the analysis. The bases of sciences receive the new contents of categories of infinity and opportunity of their use in theoretical, and practical researches in conditions of real time, as a result of creation of the new theories and realization of the appropriate experiments. The bases, which limited EFFICIENCY no more units, change the properties and laws. Dearness of generators of rectangular pulses and reception by the experts of formation(education) in directions of researches while constrain application of the new formulas in the large scales. However bases can develop already professional scientists, available in a society(community). Dearness of generators of serial industrial manufacture (about 1 млн. руб. For a piece) speaks about much. For example: cost of purchase is only beginning of the charges. Then the charges on study of this generator, on his(its) storage, operation, service etc. will be added Reliability requires(demands) reservation, means it is necessary to buy some generators for reduction of losses of time of researches with application of generators at occurrence in them of malfunctions. The creation of the own generator results in increase of the charges on the orders. The requirement of synchronization being a major factor of management infinite energy of a point, compels to create or to order some generators. The check of the formulas by the circuits of the author shows presence in the circuit aspiration to two infinity: a minus and plus to infinity. In a result the management in the circuit creates the battery of energy with two opposite poles, with aspiring in them to infinity энергиями. The formula of EFFICIENCY = 4 - 4К is fundamental, basic (basis) for research of kinds and forms of a matter (space and time), and also for reception new энергий and movements. The primary source is necessary as start-up of system. As a primary source it is possible to use the accumulator, electromagnetic, piezoelectric or other low-power and tiny generator of energy. Other measurement (or machine of time) can be presented in any kind. It can be at all measurement Герберта Уэллса. Neutral, positive and negative (rather) kinds энергий speak about various measurements, and also are bases for research " of Effect of algebraic division ". The numerous acknowledgement(confirmation) of EFFICIENCY more than 1, in the circuits of the author, various researchers has caused the requirement from some scientific new explanations of the reasons of occurrence unknown as they said of energy. They do not have weight of materials with the facts and proofs of reception of infinite energy of a point by methods of the third law of Newton, Rod, Бора and of other scientists. Now additional explanations of reception of energy are necessary to them. They speak, that ostensibly at Newton the mechanical energy is meant. Actually Исаак Newton nothing meant. It(he) simply spoke, that the forces of interaction of points among themselves, are equal on the module and are directed opposite each other along direct, taking place through this point. So the third law of Newton is formulated. In the formulation the accessory(belonging) of points and point is not defined(determined), be it spatial, temporary, вневременные, one or other measurements, physical both mathematical, philosophical and chemical, biological and public, space etc. points. As the third law of Newton is accepted by a world(global) science, on the contrary, all sciences are simply obliged it(him) to take into account in the proceedings and researches, whether it be mathematics, physics, philosophy or other sciences. Подразумевание of mechanical energy also nothing changes since has appeared and is accepted by a society(community), and scientific world the quantum mechanics, where exactly electrical charge (электрон), being a relative point, is submitted by the mechanics, let quantum, but mechanics of electromagnetic fluctuations and waves in aggregate with the mathematical theory of probability. Besides the sciences studying electrical charges, electrical and magnetic fields from them энергиями and interactions, are a consequence of development of the third law of Newton, but at all on the contrary. Having accepted the third law of Newton, works a Rod, Бора and other scientists, and also quantum mechanics, the scientific world actually has recognized existence of infinite energy of a point. There were no practical decisions and models demonstrating continuous fluctuations of infinite energy of a point, and also general(common) formulas and equations with concrete examples of accounts of EFFICIENCY more than 1 in these decisions and models.
About introduction of infinity.
In a science and practice there is a concept of introduction. This concept is a relative, uncertain and abstract category for a designation of process of interaction of the phenomena, properties and laws, space and time, in the certain kinds and forms with the sufficient admissions of these definitions for the subjects. The infinite energy does not require(demand) introduction, the same as both law of space and time, being by an objective reality of a nature, which needs simply correctly be to be used and to be operated, with the help of consciousness and devices. The requirements of duration of formation(education) of the subject, for the subsequent researches by him(it) of real processes of management of infinite energy of a point, are defined(determined) by abilities of this subject and systems, training it(him). At absence of training systems, the subject can not receive access to infinite energy of a point uncertain time and скатиться to blind submission to a nature. The coordination for acceleration of reception accessible to all population of ground of the elementary source of inexhaustible energy is necessary which cannot be used for operation of the man by the man in any variants. Without doubts, you will find the decision and in acoustics. THE EFFICIENCY = 200 units exists in the real device already more than 10 years. In the literature, the circuits contain far incomplete characteristics, and that with weight of mistakes. With devices of business are even more difficultly. They work on every possible ranges and they need to be had weight, and they expensive(dear). It is enough to tell, that the decent generator of rectangular pulses in the Internet offer behind hundred thousand roubles, is close to one million. Has sold an apartment, has bought this generator, has checked up and has thrown out. Will think, importance, what? Then has earned of years for... сят, has bought and again throw out. The future generation let дерзает. Some experts also shout on forums, considering(examining) the circuits of the author. You thought, expensive(dear), here with honey feed нахаляву? How many opening should be made consistently to come nearer to so close taking place and so to a difficultly controlled source of infinite energy of a point? Let's recollect triumph as a result of reception of energy at the expense of submission on a jet element of a share of energy and съема from him(it) of the much greater energy. This opening was crossed out by opening of the same absorption by other part of the circuit and has caused a celebration of enemies of progress fed for the account одурманивания of the people обезьяньими by the tricks of pseudo-sciences, reigning on a planet. These enemies at all do not pay attention to new great opening, and enjoy only incompleteness of an independent sample, not understanding, as they will be severely punished for a brake of progress causing destruction of a planet. They close eyes and on demonstration тридцатикратного EFFICIENCY, shouting, that the EFFICIENCY can not be more unit, again at all not understanding a rule of a relativity of EFFICIENCY, not them entered. Now new unexpectedness. Is found out, that the circuit in ideal variant does not wish to work with switchboards without changes in them of parameters of circuits of management. The switchboard requires(demands) relative independence of management of the parameters with simultaneous absolute dependence it(him), of influence on him(it) of all spectrum of external and internal signals. The speech here goes not about " мышиной возне ". The switchboards at all do not work in a new mode, though practically nothing has exchanged, and capacity to inductance was added only, but the connection with the switchboard remained constant. The additional researches have shown, that the circuit ceases to create old modes of power(force) parts influencing managing circuits, requiring(demanding) processing of the forms of signals of management. The volumetric communication(connection) of processes of various measurements shows itself in the new forms, forcing to do(make) new opening and to correct all processes. Идеальность of the new circuit on a paper of consciousness, really quickly is not realized. The easy movement жала паяльника and independent sample in "pocket" seemed. Alas! The new communications(connections) are new opening and new inventions, which need to be passed on known тернистому of a way, if not it will be possible it(him) to reduce up to zero, using properties "Н".
Mistakes (distortion) of sciences.
It is a lot of variants of distortions. Someone heaps up simply weight of any attitudes(relations), not seeing and not feeling essence. Someone does(makes) mistakes in the theories, accounts and researches by virtue of infinity of real processes. But someone consciously perverts the facts, that by a consecutive way to intercept the initiative and results to appropriate(give) to itself. Etc. etc. Process this is infinite. In any case of distortion exist, and with them it is necessary to be considered, as Ленину with буржуазией, which, eventually, has passed to a principle of coexistence, dialectically to more reasonable. It is impossible at once перескочить the periods of development from one point in another, passing intervals. The intermediate condition are necessary for overcoming with smaller expenses. This other business. Infinity and its(her) variations, naturally give rise to distortions. You see it too reality. She(it) is caused by attitudes(relations) in диалектике and диалектикой in the attitudes(relations). Only it is not necessary to go in cycles in this question, and it is required to develop his(its) variants of the sanctions alongside with infinite variants of all displays. The distortion can be presented by his(its) antipode, negative kind, combinations of every possible connections and ways of these connections, transforming it(him) to any functions, as it and requires(demands) a reality. Differently(otherwise) to not understand it(him) диалектику, relativity, development and transformation into various kinds of movement and energy. The distortions at times can accept the useful forms. For example, the opponents, sometimes suppose the appropriate distortions and as a result the new progressive theories, methods and decisions are born.
As well as what devices all to measure?
Осциллограф is used for measurements of sizes of pressure(voltage) on sites of electrical circuits. The size of pressure(voltage) can contain in circuits with obvious function of effect the information describing effect on his(its) quality of display. Осциллограмма is capable to comprise weight of harmonics of effect and to display sizes of errors at preservation of required size, change of the sum. For measurements of sizes of EFFICIENCY of the circuits, осциллограмма is irreplaceable at research of effect on high frequencies of radiations of object. The mistakes and errors of measurements of effect осциллограммами pay off for definition of serviceability of the device. Осциллограмма shows results of measurements less approached to results of sizes of real processes, existing in models, than it is possible to receive by complex systems of devices together with accounts under the formulas. However, осциллограммы evidently can show the rough characteristics of rectangular pulses of a continuous sequence in an electrical circuit at high frequencies, which are difficultly perceived by other devices. The efficiency осциллограмм is shown at an estimation скважности of rectangular pulses. Most complex(difficult) in space and time are the categories of preservation and changes conducting to effect of algebraic division, but not to division, as it wishes the man, trying effect of the attitude(relation) to present by attitude(relation), impossible because of infinite change of the attitudes(relations). The attitudes(relation) exist rather, as effects. The mistakes of definition of the attitudes(relations) constantly result in mistakes of the man and naturally his(its) sciences. If it the man does not understand, there are dogmas and ложь, following(next) for dogmas. Already dogmas, конечностями and ложью are a relativity, infinity, uncertainty and диалектика, but while also it the man be not capable to understand, having got confused in the elementary kinds and forms of dogmas and lie, asserting(approving) dogma the law of preservation and not so understanding the next dogma of change. The error of a relativity is defined(determined) by properties of measuring engineering working in an electromagnetic range, which allows to measure parameters of an error in analog, digital kinds and forms of signals of an electrical current. Continuity of creation of dogmas also lie follows from infinite aspiration to zero of sizes of mistakes of varied categories of space and time, measurements and estimations of real sizes of processes in a nature, and to infinity of energy of remaining dogmas and lie. It follows from results of infinite energy of transitions under the theories a Rod, Бора, Гейзенберга, Дирака, Ш., Томонаги and author. The exactest ways of reception of definitions, measurements and estimations are the mechanisms, open by the author, of calculation of the attitudes(relations), amplification(strengthening) of signals of energy and management of infinite energy of a point. The dogmas and ложь try to present some scientists by softer _ by definitions of deviations(rejections) and mistakes, not changing essence of processes of dogmas and lie, though after the certain time they speak about ложности of some last sciences, in due time казавшимися absolutely infallible. The definition догматичности and falsity of various categories, measurements and estimations always will be сложнейшей a task scientific, since неисчерпаемость of infinity will reduce always to zero former definitions by new opening. The indignation of the scientists on this question has no borders, but it is a reality, without consideration which to exist it is impossible, not running in blind religion. The scientists simply require(demand) конечностей and определенностей of a nature, understanding absolute nonsense even of the varied requirements, but obstinately shout: " To submit here final definition ", and then with fury it(him) destroy, create new, with which act similarly and... " The Process has gone ". But how to be? Ingeniously simply. It is necessary to outstrip крикунов and need(requirement) идиотов by duly opening of new kinds and forms of infinite controlled energy. All идиоты will be pleased, will have fun, to laugh to jump and to skip, and the scientists to plough, but!!! To all there comes the end on диалектике of change, there is a sample 30-ти of multiple EFFICIENCY of energy and идиотам more not up to laughters. But they continue орать: " Пущай it(he) us an independent sample to present ". " To all of you! Have gone to be rolled. Панихида will be ahead " (В.С.Высоцкий). The traditional sciences are unable to put tasks infinite энергий of a point, proceeding from their restrictions of EFFICIENCY less unit by a strong-willed way, changing arbitrary final meanings(importance) of functions. The mistake of these sciences consists in exception of infinity of energy of a point and attempt of their representations of existence in the final forms and kinds. Roughest and inadmissible mistakes of physics and the mathematics consisting in their bases of the theories and methods of exception of infinity with the help of definitions and the equations, transform their theories into simple imaginations and assumptions because of imposing nonexistent конечностей in space and time. Recollect mathematics average and higher school, and be convinced of its(her) abstract kind which is not having the rights to refer to as by the theory because of absence of devices, infinity, demonstrating exception, of energy. The mathematics is an abstraction, which does not exist particularly, so, can not prove to be true experimentally and accordingly is not the theory. The same rules(situations) concern and to traditional physics appearing by abstraction of an imaginary point with neglect to its(her) infinite meanings(importance) of functions. Will be more correct (but again as far as more correctly?), if all existing traditional sciences to name as effects of sciences about конечностях, which it is necessary to learn to squeeze out by any ways from infinity, and then to admire with the infinite work in struggle with infinity (" Сизифов work "). Further all becomes clear, and to chew, usual logic for explanatory(sensible) minds(wits), the special sense is not present. If materials of the publications to represent in more detail, for one part of the individuals they lose interest, and for another, on the contrary they are very valuable. It is possible to rely on genetic memory and its(her) conclusions, varying process of the publication by the all-round review of activity of the individuals on a planet and opportunity of the prompt decision of its(her) problems. Attempts to unit efforts with other experts of a planet in creation of a control system of infinite energy of a point while are limited to every possible barriers of a severe reality. The traditional sciences are unable to put tasks infinite энергий of a point, proceeding from their restrictions of EFFICIENCY less unit by a strong-willed way. They, first of all, should be released(exempted) from this порабощения by any abstract borders, corridors and that by similar barriers which are not existing in a reality. The history of a planet shows, that on it(her) always there are people wishing to appropriate(give) to another's work, proceeding from ложности of concept " of the law of preservation of energy ", ostensibly not allowing to operate infinite, uncertain energy of a point. There is an effect of preservation, and preservation can not be owing to infinite movement of a point (its(her) infinite, uncontrollable, неостановимой) energy in time. The theories and practice of the author deny wrong categories of the law of preservation of energy and speak, that each man and near to it(him), has an infinite quantity(amount) of points with infinite энергиями, in each of these points there is a following infinity of other points with infinite энергиями etc. - "bad" infinity of points and энергий. It is necessary to study to operate энергиями of these points, using the formulas and circuits of the author, creating with their help devices on triodes of various kinds of a matter, down to biological, consistently passing from one kinds to anothers, but not trying at all перескочить the elementary kinds, while they are not investigated enough. Anyone кафедральный the expert knows, that the scientific creativity is possible only on freedom. In a science of an oscillatory contour the opportunity of use of his(its) free energy without her(it) подкачки from the outside according to the law of preservation of energy and known principle of physics is denied, on which EFFICIENCY of system there can not be more unit. If the free energy of a contour surpasses in the size size of energy it(him) подкачки, the explanation of such phenomenon by fluctuation of the large size of free energy reserved in a contour by подкачки is done(made). In other words, ostensibly at first energy is reserved up to the rather large meaning(importance) and this energy makes the fluctuations on elements of a contour almost lost-free, therefore and receives the name of free energy. Her(it) can not take from a contour by size superior size подкачки. However author has found at a scientific mistake, which take place because of their bad study of materials of the information in the usual textbooks of physics of average and maximum schools. A number(line) of these mistakes the author has shown by the formulas, circuits, equations and other elements of the theories. The basic mistake consists in a category of a stock of energy, which is not required to be reserved. She(it) needs to be transformed. Other mistakes follow because of bad study of practice and sciences. It is visible on materials of forums, on which the scientists were convinced of the standard mistakes of accounts of electrical circuits. It is enough to the experts only perfectly to know sciences of average and maximum schools, to own perfectly devices appropriate engineering of works with electronics investigated in HIGH SCHOOLS on specialities of electronics, independently to pass sufficient practice in the necessary directions and success will be supplied. To understand mistakes, scientific should at first repeat checks of EFFICIENCY under the theories of the author, it is as though complex(as though difficult) and difficultly was. Let's recollect К.Маркса: " In a science is not present wide столбовой of a road. And only that will reach(achieve) its(her) shining tops, who not being frightened of weariness, карабкается on its(her) stony tracks ". These famous lines are remembered by(with) all students КАИ, were trained in USSR. Existence, interaction and transitions of objects, the functions of the attitudes(relations), are kinds and forms of movements or changes of the appropriate complexes of sizes. The change of bases of categories of sciences of physics, chemistry, electrical engineers, electronics, philosophy, power and other sciences, following them, conducts to continuous change of the forms and kinds of researches of infinite energy of a point, and also theories explaining at a sufficient level these new phenomena, properties and laws. The relativity and диалектика is dictated by(with) such changes continuously, therefore the dogmatic approach to researches of these materials is excluded. The mistakes - to divide(share) kinds of mechanical movements in a reality because of their abstract division on spectra of study of a nature, result in an inaccuracy of understanding of the third law of Newton. In the textbooks of physics напутаны of concept of the mechanics conducting to error in a reality. That the physics represents the mechanics by the simple forms of movements of ph. That she(it) passes to electromagnetism. That suddenly she(it) in electromagnetism applies the usual mechanics. Eventually, the scientists begin to understand the mechanics of movement of a point by a universal category equivalent in all sciences. But now this concept is necessary harmoniously for entering into all rules of physics. Who will make it? The processing of an educational material of schools and HIGH SCHOOLS is uneasy.



Scientific - man doing(making) opening. The opening - object which is bringing in useful radical changes of the real attitudes(relations) of the man with space, time and measurements, in which it(he) is. Radical changes of the real attitudes(relations) - change of all real attitudes(relations). Object which is bringing in partial changes of the real attitudes(relations) - the invention. Change unreal, or abstract attitudes(relations) concern to abstract opening, which practically are indemonstrable because of abstraction and impossibility of acknowledgement(confirmation) practically. As soon as the abstract opening proves to be true by practice, it becomes real opening. All abstract opening concern to the projects, fantasy, assumptions and hypotheses before their practical acknowledgement(confirmation). By power(force) pressing consciousness to not force the population of a planet to recognize as opening objects created by mankind during his(its) ability to live on a planet, despite of false efficiency, which is reduced to effective destruction of kinds, forms on a planet and in space. The requirement to utility of radical changes - means useful use of kinds and forms of measurement, in which there is a mankind, at use of kinds and forms of other measurements.
Preservation of unit by change of area.
There are areas of a science, field of knowledge and practice, range of definition or working meanings(importance) of function etc. The change of area occurs by change of its(her) contents, borders, structure and пр. As unit of preservation unit of size of the characteristic of area undertakes. Further process of the phenomenon goes under the formula of opening. In the field of the circuit the batteries with two opposite poles of infinite electrical energy of a point are found out. One pole gives out charges infinite time, and another indefinitely takes away other charges from other place. Two potentials with infinite opportunities in relation to electrical charges allow to create devices with unlimited functions of areas of the circuit.
To learn - to present a science. The science includes the theory with concrete practical devices. The requirements of a science are those. At first assumptions, then hypothesis and experiments with concrete devices. _Потом The theories are created, checked up practically, on the basis of which the science is formed. Thus, it is possible to learn only with concrete devices.
"... Well, the shiver in hands, has disappeared... Now upward... " В.С.Высоцкий. Yes, come to an end terrible тысячелетия жутких of the inhuman tests which have dropped out on a share of many generations of the people. Исаак Newton has deduced(removed) not clear in the past the third Law. The author has deciphered it(him) and transformed to the electromagnetic form for management with anyone, beforehand by established speed and capacity, electrical energy, as an electrical current and gravitational components. The merits a Rod and scientists, following it,(him,) on development of the concepts of infinite energy электрона are doubtless. However these scientists could not understand Newton and create working models for check of infinite energy on two elementary switchboards, since in their time there was no appropriate electronic component and devices. They also have brought in the contribution to a history of infinite energy of a point, but this energy завуалировали in the theories перенормировкой with indemnification of infinite energy электрона for the unknown reasons. Newton, as against them nothing compensated and not нормировал. It(he) precisely has written presence of infinite energy of a point, expressing its(her) counteraction on any infinite energy working as force, as force without time does not exist. In his(its) definition there are no infinity, but they follow, at aspiration of time to infinity. The force works in time, which infinity it(he) did not consider(examine), Believing логичность of such outcome. Newton did not apply infinity because of them неопределенностей and impossibility of equality, inconsistent logic of mathematics, which is capable to forbid and to permit them to reduce. Recollect, how she(it) dexterously at first will reduce the letters in fractions and equations, and then stayed letters, without conscience and shame, запросто will name as infinity. The letters in mathematics dexterously become final and infinite, as at Джина. Means, all the same infinity can be reduced? If they are equal! Who levels them? Mathematics or жулики in mathematics? Means, the equal infinity exist and are expressed by the equal letters? Usual logic follows further which, probably, any more did not interest Newton in connection with natural underdeveloped productive forces and industrial attitudes(relations) of his(its) epoch. It(he) understood complexities of checks of energy under his(its) theories and did not go deep in a detail. The author has processed all existing information before to reach such conclusion. Modern electronics allows to create miracles in skilful hands.
New history.
The infinite energy of a point controlled by intelligence and electronics, opens a new history. The formulas, equation, circuits and working devices submitted by the author, allow to begin the new annals of an infinite level. " A History - public science studying the past of mankind. At study she(it) is necessary on various sources, first of all written (book, documents) and material (structure, subjects of art and crafts, instrument of work, археологические of a find. At study a scientific method first of all is used.) " (. http: // ru.science.wikia.com/wiki /). " The History of a science is a research of a phenomenon of a science in his(its) history. " (http: // ru.wikipedia.org/wiki /). The scientists always operate with the last time, since the present does not exist. Means, they always study and investigate a history!!! The results of experiments confirm the calculations of the author in a history. The interdiction of EFFICIENCY > 1 is an absolute illiteracy consisting in unwillingness to study infinite and inexhaustible opportunities of a point. Where it is easier to forbid that - or and historically, indefinitely to admire infinitesimal with the additives of the decisions of consumer character to the interdictions.
New property of a matter.
The known public academician, and also one of the experts of electronics, physics and power almost three of year back, personally have checked up the device with тридцатикратным EFFICIENCY of energy of a point transformed by the electrical circuit created by the author. The physics of high school and HIGH SCHOOL begins to study electromagnetic fluctuations and waves from the elementary oscillatory contour. In HIGH SCHOOL thus consider(examine) process of free fluctuation in a contour of energy, which be not capable to take, assuming, that she(it) only reserved from the power supply. More profound researches of electronics, physics and other sciences at simultaneous экспериментировании on real designs with application of electronics, have allowed to make serious opening in the field of physics. The property of a matter is open unknown earlier to create other measurements, in which there can be a free energy, passing in them with new qualities allowing her(it) to take. It is absolute break in the future. This opening is made by December 25 2009г. and is confirmed experimentally in the real circuit. The opening has explained the reasons of so long unsuccessful attempts to transfer(translate) vast energy of an oscillatory contour to consumption. She(it) was radiated, not reacting on магнитопровод and other windings. Now road to radiation is closed, as in a poem about Днепрогэсе " the Man has told to Dnieper: " I by a wall shall lock you... ". There is a new painful expectation of results of the further works and experiments on extraction of energy. The charge consists of uncountable quantity(amount) of fields of various density concerning the standard. The principle of a superposition allows to investigate his(its) fields separately. The objectivity of a charge testifies to presence in it(him) of the same processes, as well as in any other object. The relativity and choice of the standard is provided by(with) relative infinity of the various forms and kinds of sizes of a charge. The aspiration of meaning(importance) of one of sizes to zero concerning the kept meaning(importance) of other size conducts to infinite meaning(importance) of the attitude(relation) of the second size to first. The dot charge has capacities, inductance and processes, which can be investigated by effects. The novelty of management of time of ENERGY of a point consists in creation of devices for perfection of intelligence and on the basis of the decision of a task of analog division with the help of an absolute negative feedback for stabilization of absolute meaning(importance) of the certain size through change of the sum before known sizes requiring(demanding) calculation of the attitudes(relations).
The attitudes(relation) in sciences.
The absolute devices require(demand) absolute energy. It is an ideal, to which it is possible to aspire, indefinitely improving devices and intelligence. The new formulas, equation and circuit of the author allow to see directions of infinite perfection of devices and intelligence. The material of the book is novelty, is especial with introduction of the formula: EFFICIENCY = 4 - 4К. The novelty of the formula consists in representation and sanction, with its(her) help, basic contradictions of space and time. Many sciences understood meaning(importance) of a category of the attitude(relation). The mathematics decided(solved) tasks with the help of fractions, логарифмирования, потенцирования, derivative, integrals, differential equations, thus, carrying out operations of the attitudes(relations) entering into all operations, by and large. Even the simple size in arithmetics and algebra is defined(determined) by the attitude(relation) to unit. The physics using mathematical expressions and the theory of a relativity, nor avoids the attitudes(relations). The chemistry, proceeding from a physical structure of atom, can not act(arrive) differently how use the attitudes(relations). The philosophy by definition is the attitude(relation) of love to wisdom. The biology is based on physics, chemistry and mathematics, on relative disciplines. _Другие of a science lean(base) on these sciences and are automatically relative. Occurrence of the general(common) new formula of the attitude(relation) - result of influence of knowledge of all sciences on consciousness of the man.
Technology of measurements of EFFICIENCY.
The technology of measurements of EFFICIENCY follows from materials of the book. It for the experts " children's лепет ". They never simply measured EFFICIENCY of such parameters seriously, did(made) it наспех and inattentively, relying on the learnt traditional techniques and trusting them, did not penetrate into essence Realities at the necessary level. For the beginning open the directory on physics for high school. In it(him) will find, that the majority of devices are graduated in working meanings(importance) of an alternating current and pressure(voltage). Pass necessary preparation. Find such devices (tester) with the appropriate documents. Study and use for work the generator of rectangular pulses with adjustable скважностью. Study measuring engineering. Study, use for calibration and check of parameters осциллограф, suitable for these works. Measure all specified parameters by a tester and осциллографом, closely(attentively) having studied a material of the books concerning these measurements.
Changes of sciences.
The new sciences are based on knowledge of processes which are taking into account infinite functions of relative movement and a relative immovability of a matter. The experiments with devices evidently have shown necessity of introduction of new sciences. The physics of processes of a charge conducts to chemistry, in which the quantum mechanics is a basis of nuclear modeling of substances (the formula a Rod is known: E = hv. P = hv/t, where t - time of transition, v - speed, h const, and Р - capacity). In view of the formulas, during a periodic sequence of such transitions through space of the category Rp the rectangular pulses, at скважности N (transition through space of a charge Rє), in space Rp will allocate capacity: P = hv (N-1) * (N-1) /Nt, at RУ = Rє * (N-1) * (N-1). In case of periodic transitions of the same form of charges on capacity of space R, in this space the capacity will be allocated: P = hv (4 - 4К) for accounts in the quantum mechanics. These formulas need to be applied to accounts энергий of nuclear levels, and the new laws conducting to creation of new chemistry will turn out. Physics and chemistry allow to pass to philosophy, biology and another, following from general(common) communications(connections), sciences. Harmony both periodicity of processes of space and time oblige to take into account the new phenomena, the properties and laws open by the author in all sciences and enable to translate them in the category of new sciences. More than five thousand years back are open the phenomenon of magnetic interaction of subjects. More than two hundred years the theories of an electromagnetic field are created. The general(common) programs of schools and technical HIGH SCHOOLS are the sections of electrodynamics(electrochanges) of physics. However till now in electrodynamics(electrochanges) there are no integrated functional dependences of transfer of a magnetic flow raised in the solenoid, on магнитопроводу of the solenoid, from lengths магнитопровода and perimeter of cross section магнитопровода. The dependence has appeared idle time: Фсол = To * (integrated sum from цi), where Фсол - magnetic flow of the solenoid, To - factor of residual losses of a magnetic flow of the solenoid, цi - magnetic flow of one plate магнитопровода, i - quantity(amount) of plates магнитопровода. Thus цi is directly proportional to length of perimeter of cross section of a plate магнитопровода and back is proportional to length of an average power(force) line магнитопровода. Due to development of sciences of a relativity, the philosophy receives a new direction of research of infinite functions of space and time at direct practical participation of reason, with the help of absolute perfection of electronics. The new electronic amplifiers allow to create absolute systems of communication(connection) of consciousness with processes in a nature. The new power gives boundless opportunities of changes and preservations of functions of processes of a nature, operating them. As a result of such opportunities there is by a reality a continuous functioning of ability to live of the man. The relativity of infinity of processes of a nature is expressed, for example, every possible mathematical operations (in fractions, proportions, division). There are examples of expressions of such relativities, in which the mathematics gets rid of infinity by preliminary reduction of variable sizes without the account of their infinite opportunities, and after reduction such opportunities enters. Now there is no necessity to have such mathematics perverting true essence of a nature and entering the man in error concerning infinite energy of a point. The new results of practical representation of infinite energy relieve sciences of similar distortions and errors reducing ability of human consciousness to the limited areas. It is impossible so illiterately to operate with relative infinity, without consideration their power properties. Relative infinity or infinite relativity of a science of measurements are dialectic воплощенностью неисчерпаемости of transformations, the movements, quantitative - qualitative transitions and jumps of movement of a nature, life, consciousness, space and time. New spatial and temporary measurements. The dreams of the man find an embodiment with the help of the circuits, equations and formulas of the author. Existence in a modern science of the allocated area of physics allow to transfer(translate) language of physics of the attitudes(relations) of management of time to language of physics of the attitudes(relations) taking into account formulation of the author, is especial with occurrence of new amplifiers and conclusion of the formula of EFFICIENCY = 4 - 4К. Physics - science studying cumulative effects of the attitudes(relations) of substance and a field. The substance and field is a matter of the attitudes(relations). The matter exists only in movement (every possible change), i.e. in the attitudes(relations). Movement are the attitudes(relation) of sizes of kinds of objects. The attitudes(relation) of physics are included into maximum and more complex(difficult) attitudes(relations) of chemistry, biology, astronomy, geology, astrophysics, geophysics, physical chemistry, biophysics etc. The mechanics - part of physics studying the mechanical attitudes(relations) and the reason, causing or varying these attitudes(relations). The mechanical attitudes(relations) - attitude(relation) of a mutual arrangement of bodies or their parts. The classical mechanics studies the attitudes(relation) макроскопических of bodies, which speeds are small in comparison with speed of light in vacuum. Релятивистская the mechanics (is based on the special theory of the attitudes(relations)) studies the attitudes(relation) макроскопических of bodies with speeds comparable to speed "с" (by speed of light in vacuum). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- КИНЕМАТИКА of a SOURCE of ENERGY studies the attitudes(relation) of bodies, neglecting the reasons of the attitudes(relations). DYNAMICS(CHANGES) of a SOURCE of ENERGY studies the attitudes(relation) of bodies and reason of the attitudes(relations). THE STATICS of a SOURCE of ENERGY studies effects of balance of system of bodies under the attitudes(relations) of ph. THE PHYSICS USES MODELS. Considering(examining) infinite energy of a point, it is possible to present a point by the machine of time. The consciousness also can functionally be attributed(related) to a point with infinite energy moving in time and space. The superposition (principle of imposing with a positive effect) various kinds of energy is required. But at first they should be considered separately. They взаимопереходящи. It is necessary while them to allocate, to concentrate, then results to generalize. The various sciences try to study the certain kinds of movements of objects, defining(determining) with the help of a relativity of border of the unit of these sciences and стыковки them with other sciences. Up to what - that of the period of development of a science are content with work in the areas, and then there comes the moment of obligatory functioning of knowledge on the basis of relative infinity of the phenomena, properties and laws of a nature, society(community) and man. Movement and energy are the standard categories of all sciences. These categories do not exist without electromagnetic interactions. Such conclusion finally results in result of a recognition of electromagnetic processes by a basis of a nature and all sciences. The attitude(relation) is the most general(common) phenomenon of electromagnetic interactions of space and time. The study of the electromagnetic phenomena allows to recognize an opportunity of management of infinite energy of any point by means of electronic devices and their biological analogues. Energy and movement exist only in time. The formulas of movement and energy include time. The points are components of all objects. The infinite quantity(amount) of points of any object compels to recognize necessity of management infinite энергиями of all points of object for management of his(its) time. Conclusion about an opportunity of management of time only with the help of management of infinite energy of a point from here follows. The object exists only concerning other objects, having relative энергиями and temporary characteristics shown also only rather. The relativity of the temporary characteristics of object attracts a recognition of a relativity of management of his(its) time. Let's consider общефилософски the proof of infinity of energy anyone infinitesimal points and variants of its(her) perception(recognition) by the man: _Из Of physics third is known з-н of Newton, according to which on any force, the opposite force equal on size and works opposite on direction. Let's strike on infinitesimal to a point by the indefinitely large force, or indefinitely large energy in time. On third з-well of Newton in infinitesimal to a point there will be противодействующая an energy of infinite size. Practically all мыслители come in indignation from infinite force, Working on a point. In their opinion, this infinite force should blow up a point. By him(it) does not come in a head, that infinite working Force and force of counteraction can be distributed(allocated) in any measurements and time, not being demonstrated in the data. The proof is simple on a kind in general, and in particulars can To be considered(examined) indefinitely difficultly. _Рассмотрение Of variants of the proof of infinite energy of a point it is possible to continue indefinitely, erasing in anything amateurish questions "откудывания" of energy. The point will answer impact by an infinite pulse of energy by an infinite pulse without everyone "whence". If to beat on a point infinite quantity(amount) of time by final individual pulses, the point will answer with infinite energy on time. Strike once, remove(take off) on the separate channel answer-back energy. Answer-back energy direct by impact on other point and, having received a third, remove(take off) her(it), having kept and просуммировав in separate storehouse first with second. From third receive fourth etc. etc. Strike by all sum энергий, continue to combine impacts, compensate first, make an autonomy.
Charge and communications(connection) of the formulas.
October 30 2009г. by the author deduces the same formula (relativity) QУ/Qє = N - 1, or Qp = Qє * (N-1) for two kinds of spaces with the account RУ = Rє * (N-1) * (N-1) in case of transitions of a charge on various spaces of capacity. The formula remains constant in case of a charge and category of capacity through one variable resistance or two constant active resistance of space. The infinite (relative) charge is formed on capacity, since Q = C*U, where With - capacity of the condenser, and U - pressure(voltage) on it(him) обкладках. At N --- > to infinity and aspiration of size of a current of a charge of the condenser to zero, size U --- > to infinity. With = const. Q --- > to infinity. I = dQ/dt - force of a current of an electrical charge in time (I - current, Q - charge, t - time). In view of the formulas (relative) charge Зиновьева В.П.: 1). Current of the category: Ip = d (Qє * (N-1)) /dt. 2). Density of a current: j = d (Qє * (N-1)) / (dt*S), where S - unit of the area of cross section of a conductor. 3). Электродвижущая force (ЭДС): ЭДС = Аст.p/Qє * (N-1), where Аст.p - work сторонних of forces at moving Qє. 4). Law электролиза: m = k * (Qє * (N-1)), where m - weight of substance allocated on an electrode, k - electrochemical equivalent of substance. 5). Magnetic induction: B = Fmax / (d (Qє * (N-1)) /dt) *l, where Fmax - maximal force working on the part of a magnetic field on a site of a conductor with a current of the category Ip = d (Qє * (N-1)) /dt and length of a site l of a conductor. 6). The force, with which works a magnetic field with an induction B on an element l of a conductor with a current which is taking place in it a field: F = d (Qє * (N-1)) *B*l*sin @/dt, where - corner between a direction of an element l of a conductor with a current and magnetic induction В. 7). The force, with which magnetic field works on driven charges: F = Qє * (N-1) *v*sin, where Qє * (N-1) - charge of the category driven with speed v in a magnetic field with an induction In, - corner between v and В. 8) Flow of a vector of a magnetic induction (magnetic flow): Ф = B*S*cos, where - corner between a vector In and нормалью to a surface S. 9) Magnetic flow created by a current Ip = d (Qє * (N-1)) /dt in a contour: Ф = L*d (Qє * (N-1)) /dt, where L - inductance of a contour. 10) ЭДС of an electromagnetic induction (E) in a contour, is numerically equal and is opposite on a mark of speed of change of a magnetic flow which is taking place through a surface, limited by this contour: E = d (L*d (Qє * (N-1))) /dt. A number(line) of the formulas (relativity) connects dependences of sizes for creation of the theories and accounts of concrete devices with the purpose of performance of practical works. 1. EFFICIENCY = Rp / (Rє*N), at RУ = Rє * (N-1) * (N-1); 2. Pвх. = U*U * (N-1) * (N-1) / (N*N*N*RУ), 3. Pr = U*U*(N-1)*(N-1)*(N-1)*(N-1)/(N*N*N*N*Rp), 4. EFFICIENCY = (N-1) * (N-1) /N, It is four formulas of EFFICIENCY for transitions on one capacity and two spaces of a point. 5. EFFICIENCY = 4 - 4К, 6. QУ/Qє = N - 1, Qp = Qє * (N-1) These two formulas of EFFICIENCY for transitions on one capacity and two spaces. In the formulas: Rp - resistor of a circuit of the category of capacity, Rє - resistor of a circuit of its(her) charge, N - скважность of a rectangular pulse, Pвх - power consumption from the power supply during process, Pr - capacity selected on the resistor. U - pressure(voltage) of the power supply. К - factor of filling of pulses, QУ - size of the category of the condenser, Qє - size of a charge of the condenser, * - mark of multiplication. It is known: I = dQ/dt. The author receives the formula for RC - circuit: Qp = Qє * (N-1). For the category of capacity (under the theory the electrical engineers) in RC - circuit now it will be fair: IУ = d (Qє * (N-1)) /dt. The formula a Rod is known: E = hv. P = hv/t, where t - time of transition. In view of the formulas of the author during a periodic sequence of such transitions through space of the category Rp the rectangular pulses, at скважности N (transition through space of a charge Rє), in space Rp will allocate capacity: P = hv (N-1) * (N-1) /Nt, at RУ = Rє * (N-1) * (N-1). In case of periodic transitions of the same form of charges on capacity of space R, in this space the capacity will be allocated: P = hv (4 - 4К) for accounts in the quantum mechanics. In the formula a Rod there are dependences on the attitude(relation) of sizes of the period to sizes длительностей of a rectangular electrical pulse in periodic continuous process of a charge and category of capacity through spaces R. At unsufficient capacity of the condenser and bad pulse it is possible to receive everything. The equations of a conclusion of the formula take into account processes in a general view, but, since the condenser has properties instantly to not change a pressure(voltage) in pulse перезаряде, parameter of a share немгновенности is insignificant in the practical circuit. In the formula the condition of preservation of a pressure(voltage) on the condenser for existence of the formula of EFFICIENCY = 4 - 4К is put. The condenser under certain conditions without leaving a trace absorbs any charge, showing this property, property to not change the instantly @ pressure(voltage), and then to give out from anything the same charge, showing this other property again by property to not change the instantly @ pressure(voltage). The author has lead(carried out) experiment on a hypothesis of improvement of the characteristics of the circuit for transformation of infinite energy of a point, by addition of new capacity in the circuit and divisions of inductance into separate sites on circuits of the circuit. This hypothesis now becomes the next theory, due to increase of effect of transformation of energy from other measurements. It is possible, that the phenomenon open by the author by December 25 2009г. was not known by the famous scientist of the last epoch and is not reflected, therefore in sources of the information in an obvious kind. It is latent from the researcher behind weight of the theories and formulas, though after the assumptions and checks by devices leaves on a surface, causing new effects, which are supposed to be used. Already part of effects is checked up, but now it is necessary new results carefully to process and to create new directions of researches, since to the new phenomenon neither devices, nor circuit, the old theories are not adapted. Probably, the uncertainty of this phenomenon also braked progress of a science and engineering many тысячелетия of mankind. It should be found out later, after additional practical researches with devices, to what now there is an intensive preparation. Charge - object. In the circuit of the author it(he) occurs anywhere and disappears without leaving a trace, i.e. travels on measurements or in time. The disappearance and occurrence of a charge occurs in capacity of the condenser of the circuit concerning the certain meaning(importance) of the standard. The relativity of sizes is determining function for existence of infinity. Now communications(connection) of the formulas are shown by several functions: The presence in all formulas of variable size N, which is скважностью of a rectangular pulse charging the condenser in his(its) continuous periodic process of a charge and the category, speaks about general dependence various on a nature of electromagnetic processes. The formula Qp = Qє * (N-1) demonstrates occurrence of infinite energy in any kinds of movement of space and time, kinds and forms, matter and consciousness, nature and spirit. Such conclusion became obvious, following by a consequence of this formula. At the formula are present variable size of charges. The charge which is turning out at the category of capacity, can be indefinite more or indefinitely less charge charging same capacity, in direct dependence on size скважности of an electrical pulse of a charge charging capacity. The occurrence of any size of a charge shows an opportunity of reception of any energy or any substance. Opportunity of synthesis of a matter - one of general(common) communications(connections) of the formulas. The charge actually is usual object of a point, but his(its) properties are unsufficiently investigated for management as the devices travelling on measurements and bearing(carrying) the necessary information to the researcher. However now there is a sense to engage in his(its) research more more in detail, since knowing his(its) opportunities, it is possible to create models of complex(difficult) devices for research of other measurements. The management of time is a management of kinds and forms of objects or their energy. The movement of objects is expressed by kinds кинетической of energy, and stable condition - potential. The change of time is impossible without change of energy, since without it it is impossible to change a kind and form of object. The intelligence can change time with small own expenses, making management of other energy опосредованно. The training by the mechanism опосредованности is most effective with application of created devices. It is necessary to see the device to begin to work, but it is not enough without knowledge of his(its) functions, circuits, technologies, parameters and others a component. The first works on research of electromagnetic fields of charges have begun to be carried out(spent) by the author in 1965г. at creation of the radioreceiver on transistors created in USSR. A number(line) of magazines and collections let out in that time of clause with the circuits of radioreceivers of direct amplification(strengthening), most simple for their manufacturing, at absence of measuring devices. The signal from radio stations was blocked by handicapes, and it was possible confidently to accept only strongest programs. Супергетеродинные radioreceivers also differed on quality of radioreception. Desire to take possession of knowledge of electromagnetic fields have resulted the author in researches of all variety of sciences connected by a not clear image. At the end this image was by an image - effect of algebraic division. With the help of measurements you receive meanings(importance) of parameters, which need to be substituted instead of the letters in the equations and formula of EFFICIENCY of a charge.. Calculate EFFICIENCY on the equations and formula (using measurement скважности осциллографом) and compare calculation of EFFICIENCY on the equations and осциллограмме. If there will be an inadmissible deviation(rejection), check up the knowledge, devices, design of the circuit of check, technique and technology of check, repeat process of check. The limitlessness of parameters of amplifiers assumes their use for researches of charges in the circuit with бесследным by their disappearance and occurrence from anything. The charges change the parameters at transition in a pulse mode. There is a task of the control of parameters of objects for a filtration of harmonics of his(its) radiation with the purpose of adjustment on points of transition and return.
Нормировка. "... Well, the shiver in hands, has disappeared... Now upward... " В.С.Высоцкий. Yes, come to an end terrible тысячелетия жутких of the inhuman tests which have dropped out on a share of many generations of the people. Исаак Newton has deduced(removed) not clear in the past the third Law. The author has deciphered it(him) and transformed to the electromagnetic form for management with anyone, beforehand by established speed and capacity, electrical energy, as an electrical current and gravitational components. The merits a Rod and scientists, following it,(him,) on development of the concepts of infinite energy электрона are doubtless. However these scientists could not understand Newton and create working models for check of infinite energy on two elementary switchboards, since in their time there was no appropriate electronic component and devices. They also have brought in the contribution to a history of infinite energy of a point, but this energy завуалировали in the theories перенормировкой with indemnification of infinite energy электрона for the unknown reasons. Newton, as against them nothing compensated and not нормировал. It(he) precisely has written presence of infinite energy of a point, expressing its(her) counteraction on any infinite energy working as force, as force without time does not exist. In his(its) definition there are no infinity, but they follow, at aspiration of time to infinity. The force works in time, which infinity it(he) did not consider(examine), Believing логичность of such outcome. Newton did not apply infinity because of them неопределенностей and impossibility of equality, inconsistent logic of mathematics, which is capable to forbid and to permit them to reduce. Recollect, how she(it) dexterously at first will reduce the letters in fractions and equations, and then stayed letters, without conscience and shame, запросто will name as infinity. The letters in mathematics dexterously become final and infinite, as at Джина. Means, all the same infinity can be reduced? If they are equal! Who levels them? Mathematics or жулики in mathematics? Means, the equal infinity exist and are expressed by the equal letters? Usual logic follows further which, probably, any more did not interest Newton in connection with natural underdeveloped productive forces and industrial attitudes(relations) of his(its) epoch. It(he) understood complexities of checks of energy under his(its) theories and did not go deep in a detail. The author has processed all existing information before to reach such conclusion. Modern electronics allows to create miracles in skilful hands.



New history. The infinite energy of a point controlled by intelligence and electronics, opens a new history. The formulas, equation, circuits and working devices submitted by the author, allow to begin the new annals of an infinite level. " A History - public science studying the past of mankind. At study she(it) is necessary on various sources, first of all written (book, documents) and material (structure, subjects of art and crafts, instrument of work, археологические of a find. At study a scientific method first of all is used.) " (. http: // ru.science.wikia.com/wiki /). " The History of a science is a research of a phenomenon of a science in his(its) history. " (http: // ru.wikipedia.org/wiki /). The scientists always operate with the last time, since the present does not exist. Means, they always study and investigate a history!!! The results of experiments confirm the calculations of the author in a history. The interdiction of EFFICIENCY > 1 is an absolute illiteracy consisting in unwillingness to study infinite and inexhaustible opportunities of a point. Where it is easier to forbid that - or and historically, indefinitely to admire infinitesimal with the additives of the decisions of consumer character to the interdictions.
New property of a matter.
The known public academician, and also one of the experts of electronics, physics and power almost three of year back, personally have checked up the device with тридцатикратным EFFICIENCY of energy of a point transformed by the electrical circuit created by the author. The physics of high school and HIGH SCHOOL begins to study electromagnetic fluctuations and waves from the elementary oscillatory contour. In HIGH SCHOOL thus consider(examine) process of free fluctuation in a contour of energy, which be not capable to take, assuming, that she(it) only reserved from the power supply. More profound researches of electronics, physics and other sciences at simultaneous экспериментировании on real designs with application of electronics, have allowed to make serious opening in the field of physics. The property of a matter is open unknown earlier to create other measurements, in which there can be a free energy, passing in them with new qualities allowing her(it) to take. It is absolute break in the future. This opening is made by December 25 2009г. and is confirmed experimentally in the real circuit. The opening has explained the reasons of so long unsuccessful attempts to transfer(translate) vast energy of an oscillatory contour to consumption. She(it) was radiated, not reacting on магнитопровод and other windings. Now road to radiation is closed, as in a poem about Днепрогэсе " the Man has told to Dnieper: " I by a wall shall lock you... ". There is a new painful expectation of results of the further works and experiments on extraction of energy. The charge consists of uncountable quantity(amount) of fields of various density concerning the standard. The principle of a superposition allows to investigate his(its) fields separately. The objectivity of a charge testifies to presence in it(him) of the same processes, as well as in any other object. The relativity and choice of the standard is provided by(with) relative infinity of the various forms and kinds of sizes of a charge. The aspiration of meaning(importance) of one of sizes to zero concerning the kept meaning(importance) of other size conducts to infinite meaning(importance) of the attitude(relation) of the second size to first. The dot charge has capacities, inductance and processes, which can be investigated by effects. The novelty of management of time of ENERGY of a point consists in creation of devices for perfection of intelligence and on the basis of the decision of a task of analog division with the help of an absolute negative feedback for stabilization of absolute meaning(importance) of the certain size through change of the sum before known sizes requiring(demanding) calculation of the attitudes(relations).
The attitudes(relation) in sciences.
The absolute devices require(demand) absolute energy. It is an ideal, to which it is possible to aspire, indefinitely improving devices and intelligence. The new formulas, equation and circuit of the author allow to see directions of infinite perfection of devices and intelligence. The material of the book is novelty, is especial with introduction of the formula: EFFICIENCY = 4 - 4К. The novelty of the formula consists in representation and sanction, with its(her) help, basic contradictions of space and time. Many sciences understood meaning(importance) of a category of the attitude(relation). The mathematics decided(solved) tasks with the help of fractions, логарифмирования, потенцирования, derivative, integrals, differential equations, thus, carrying out operations of the attitudes(relations) entering into all operations, by and large. Even the simple size in arithmetics and algebra is defined(determined) by the attitude(relation) to unit. The physics using mathematical expressions and the theory of a relativity, nor avoids the attitudes(relations). The chemistry, proceeding from a physical structure of atom, can not act(arrive) differently how use the attitudes(relations). The philosophy by definition is the attitude(relation) of love to wisdom. The biology is based on physics, chemistry and mathematics, on relative disciplines. _Другие of a science lean(base) on these sciences and are automatically relative. Occurrence of the general(common) new formula of the attitude(relation) - result of influence of knowledge of all sciences on consciousness of the man.
Technology of measurements of EFFICIENCY.
The technology of measurements of EFFICIENCY follows from materials of the book. It for the experts " children's лепет ". They never simply measured EFFICIENCY of such parameters seriously, did(made) it наспех and inattentively, relying on the learnt traditional techniques and trusting them, did not penetrate into essence Realities at the necessary level. For the beginning open the directory on physics for high school. In it(him) will find, that the majority of devices are graduated in working meanings(importance) of an alternating current and pressure(voltage). Pass necessary preparation. Find such devices (tester) with the appropriate documents. Study and use for work the generator of rectangular pulses with adjustable скважностью. Study measuring engineering. Study, use for calibration and check of parameters осциллограф, suitable for these works. Measure all specified parameters by a tester and осциллографом, closely(attentively) having studied a material of the books concerning these measurements.
Changes of sciences.
The new sciences are based on knowledge of processes which are taking into account infinite functions of relative movement and a relative immovability of a matter. The experiments with devices evidently have shown necessity of introduction of new sciences. The physics of processes of a charge conducts to chemistry, in which the quantum mechanics is a basis of nuclear modeling of substances (the formula a Rod is known: E = hv. P = hv/t, where t - time of transition, v - speed, h const, and Р - capacity). In view of the formulas, during a periodic sequence of such transitions through space of the category Rp the rectangular pulses, at скважности N (transition through space of a charge Rє), in space Rp will allocate capacity: P = hv (N-1) * (N-1) /Nt, at RУ = Rє * (N-1) * (N-1). In case of periodic transitions of the same form of charges on capacity of space R, in this space the capacity will be allocated: P = hv (4 - 4К) for accounts in the quantum mechanics. These formulas need to be applied to accounts энергий of nuclear levels, and the new laws conducting to creation of new chemistry will turn out. Physics and chemistry allow to pass to philosophy, biology and another, following from general(common) communications(connections), sciences. Harmony both periodicity of processes of space and time oblige to take into account the new phenomena, the properties and laws open by the author in all sciences and enable to translate them in the category of new sciences. More than five thousand years back are open the phenomenon of magnetic interaction of subjects. More than two hundred years the theories of an electromagnetic field are created. The general(common) programs of schools and technical HIGH SCHOOLS are the sections of electrodynamics(electrochanges) of physics. However till now in electrodynamics(electrochanges) there are no integrated functional dependences of transfer of a magnetic flow raised in the solenoid, on магнитопроводу of the solenoid, from lengths магнитопровода and perimeter of cross section магнитопровода. The dependence has appeared idle time: Фсол = To * (integrated sum from цi), where Фсол - magnetic flow of the solenoid, To - factor of residual losses of a magnetic flow of the solenoid, цi - magnetic flow of one plate магнитопровода, i - quantity(amount) of plates магнитопровода. Thus цi is directly proportional to length of perimeter of cross section of a plate магнитопровода and back is proportional to length of an average power(force) line магнитопровода. Due to development of sciences of a relativity, the philosophy receives a new direction of research of infinite functions of space and time at direct practical participation of reason, with the help of absolute perfection of electronics. The new electronic amplifiers allow to create absolute systems of communication(connection) of consciousness with processes in a nature. The new power gives boundless opportunities of changes and preservations of functions of processes of a nature, operating them. As a result of such opportunities there is by a reality a continuous functioning of ability to live of the man. The relativity of infinity of processes of a nature is expressed, for example, every possible mathematical operations (in fractions, proportions, division). There are examples of expressions of such relativities, in which the mathematics gets rid of infinity by preliminary reduction of variable sizes without the account of their infinite opportunities, and after reduction such opportunities enters. Now there is no necessity to have such mathematics perverting true essence of a nature and entering the man in error concerning infinite energy of a point. The new results of practical representation of infinite energy relieve sciences of similar distortions and errors reducing ability of human consciousness to the limited areas. It is impossible so illiterately to operate with relative infinity, without consideration their power properties. Relative infinity or infinite relativity of a science of measurements are dialectic воплощенностью неисчерпаемости of transformations, the movements, quantitative - qualitative transitions and jumps of movement of a nature, life, consciousness, space and time. New spatial and temporary measurements. The dreams of the man find an embodiment with the help of the circuits, equations and formulas of the author. Existence in a modern science of the allocated area of physics allow to transfer(translate) language of physics of the attitudes(relations) of management of time to language of physics of the attitudes(relations) taking into account formulation of the author, is especial with occurrence of new amplifiers and conclusion of the formula of EFFICIENCY = 4 - 4К. Physics - science studying cumulative effects of the attitudes(relations) of substance and a field. The substance and field is a matter of the attitudes(relations). The matter exists only in movement (every possible change), i.e. in the attitudes(relations). Movement are the attitudes(relation) of sizes of kinds of objects. The attitudes(relation) of physics are included into maximum and more complex(difficult) attitudes(relations) of chemistry, biology, astronomy, geology, astrophysics, geophysics, physical chemistry, biophysics etc. The mechanics - part of physics studying the mechanical attitudes(relations) and the reason, causing or varying these attitudes(relations). The mechanical attitudes(relations) - attitude(relation) of a mutual arrangement of bodies or their parts. The classical mechanics studies the attitudes(relation) макроскопических of bodies, which speeds are small in comparison with speed of light in vacuum. Релятивистская the mechanics (is based on the special theory of the attitudes(relations)) studies the attitudes(relation) макроскопических of bodies with speeds comparable to speed "с" (by speed of light in vacuum). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- КИНЕМАТИКА of a SOURCE of ENERGY studies the attitudes(relation) of bodies, neglecting the reasons of the attitudes(relations). DYNAMICS(CHANGES) of a SOURCE of ENERGY studies the attitudes(relation) of bodies and reason of the attitudes(relations). THE STATICS of a SOURCE of ENERGY studies effects of balance of system of bodies under the attitudes(relations) of ph. THE PHYSICS USES MODELS. Considering(examining) infinite energy of a point, it is possible to present a point by the machine of time. The consciousness also can functionally be attributed(related) to a point with infinite energy moving in time and space. The superposition (principle of imposing with a positive effect) various kinds of energy is required. But at first they should be considered separately. They взаимопереходящи. It is necessary while them to allocate, to concentrate, then results to generalize. The various sciences try to study the certain kinds of movements of objects, defining(determining) with the help of a relativity of border of the unit of these sciences and стыковки them with other sciences. Up to what - that of the period of development of a science are content with work in the areas, and then there comes the moment of obligatory functioning of knowledge on the basis of relative infinity of the phenomena, properties and laws of a nature, society(community) and man. Movement and energy are the standard categories of all sciences. These categories do not exist without electromagnetic interactions. Such conclusion finally results in result of a recognition of electromagnetic processes by a basis of a nature and all sciences. The attitude(relation) is the most general(common) phenomenon of electromagnetic interactions of space and time. The study of the electromagnetic phenomena allows to recognize an opportunity of management of infinite energy of any point by means of electronic devices and their biological analogues. Energy and movement exist only in time. The formulas of movement and energy include time. The points are components of all objects. The infinite quantity(amount) of points of any object compels to recognize necessity of management infinite энергиями of all points of object for management of his(its) time. Conclusion about an opportunity of management of time only with the help of management of infinite energy of a point from here follows. The object exists only concerning other objects, having relative энергиями and temporary characteristics shown also only rather. The relativity of the temporary characteristics of object attracts a recognition of a relativity of management of his(its) time. Let's consider общефилософски the proof of infinity of energy anyone infinitesimal points and variants of its(her) perception(recognition) by the man: _Из Of physics third is known з-н of Newton, according to which on any force, the opposite force equal on size and works opposite on direction. Let's strike on infinitesimal to a point by the indefinitely large force, or indefinitely large energy in time. On third з-well of Newton in infinitesimal to a point there will be противодействующая an energy of infinite size. Practically all мыслители come in indignation from infinite force, Working on a point. In their opinion, this infinite force should blow up a point. By him(it) does not come in a head, that infinite working Force and force of counteraction can be distributed(allocated) in any measurements and time, not being demonstrated in the data. The proof is simple on a kind in general, and in particulars can To be considered(examined) indefinitely difficultly. _Рассмотрение Of variants of the proof of infinite energy of a point it is possible to continue indefinitely, erasing in anything amateurish questions "откудывания" of energy. The point will answer impact by an infinite pulse of energy by an infinite pulse without everyone "whence". If to beat on a point infinite quantity(amount) of time by final individual pulses, the point will answer with infinite energy on time. Strike once, remove(take off) on the separate channel answer-back energy. Answer-back energy direct by impact on other point and, having received a third, remove(take off) her(it), having kept and просуммировав in separate storehouse first with second. From third receive fourth etc. etc. Strike by all sum энергий, continue to combine impacts, compensate first, make an autonomy.
Charge and communications(connection) of the formulas. October 30 2009г. by the author deduces the same formula (relativity) QУ/Qє = N - 1, or Qp = Qє * (N-1) for two kinds of spaces with the account RУ = Rє * (N-1) * (N-1) in case of transitions of a charge on various spaces of capacity. The formula remains constant in case of a charge and category of capacity through one variable resistance or two constant active resistance of space. The infinite (relative) charge is formed on capacity, since Q = C*U, where With - capacity of the condenser, and U - pressure(voltage) on it(him) обкладках. At N --- > to infinity and aspiration of size of a current of a charge of the condenser to zero, size U --- > to infinity. With = const. Q --- > to infinity. I = dQ/dt - force of a current of an electrical charge in time (I - current, Q - charge, t - time). In view of the formulas (relative) charge Зиновьева В.П.: 1). Current of the category: Ip = d (Qє * (N-1)) /dt. 2). Density of a current: j = d (Qє * (N-1)) / (dt*S), where S - unit of the area of cross section of a conductor. 3). Электродвижущая force (ЭДС): ЭДС = Аст.p/Qє * (N-1), where Аст.p - work сторонних of forces at moving Qє. 4). Law электролиза: m = k * (Qє * (N-1)), where m - weight of substance allocated on an electrode, k - electrochemical equivalent of substance. 5). Magnetic induction: B = Fmax / (d (Qє * (N-1)) /dt) *l, where Fmax - maximal force working on the part of a magnetic field on a site of a conductor with a current of the category Ip = d (Qє * (N-1)) /dt and length of a site l of a conductor. 6). The force, with which works a magnetic field with an induction B on an element l of a conductor with a current which is taking place in it a field: F = d (Qє * (N-1)) *B*l*sin @/dt, where - corner between a direction of an element l of a conductor with a current and magnetic induction В. 7). The force, with which magnetic field works on driven charges: F = Qє * (N-1) *v*sin, where Qє * (N-1) - charge of the category driven with speed v in a magnetic field with an induction In, - corner between v and В. 8) Flow of a vector of a magnetic induction (magnetic flow): Ф = B*S*cos, where - corner between a vector In and нормалью to a surface S. 9) Magnetic flow created by a current Ip = d (Qє * (N-1)) /dt in a contour: Ф = L*d (Qє * (N-1)) /dt, where L - inductance of a contour. 10) ЭДС of an electromagnetic induction (E) in a contour, is numerically equal and is opposite on a mark of speed of change of a magnetic flow which is taking place through a surface, limited by this contour: E = d (L*d (Qє * (N-1))) /dt. A number(line) of the formulas (relativity) connects dependences of sizes for creation of the theories and accounts of concrete devices with the purpose of performance of practical works. 1. EFFICIENCY = Rp / (Rє*N), at RУ = Rє * (N-1) * (N-1); 2. Pвх. = U*U * (N-1) * (N-1) / (N*N*N*RУ), 3. Pr = U*U*(N-1)*(N-1)*(N-1)*(N-1)/(N*N*N*N*Rp), 4. EFFICIENCY = (N-1) * (N-1) /N, It is four formulas of EFFICIENCY for transitions on one capacity and two spaces of a point. 5. EFFICIENCY = 4 - 4К, 6. QУ/Qє = N - 1, Qp = Qє * (N-1) These two formulas of EFFICIENCY for transitions on one capacity and two spaces. In the formulas: Rp - resistor of a circuit of the category of capacity, Rє - resistor of a circuit of its(her) charge, N - скважность of a rectangular pulse, Pвх - power consumption from the power supply during process, Pr - capacity selected on the resistor. U - pressure(voltage) of the power supply. К - factor of filling of pulses, QУ - size of the category of the condenser, Qє - size of a charge of the condenser, * - mark of multiplication. It is known: I = dQ/dt. The author receives the formula for RC - circuit: Qp = Qє * (N-1). For the category of capacity (under the theory the electrical engineers) in RC - circuit now it will be fair: IУ = d (Qє * (N-1)) /dt. The formula a Rod is known: E = hv. P = hv/t, where t - time of transition. In view of the formulas of the author during a periodic sequence of such transitions through space of the category Rp the rectangular pulses, at скважности N (transition through space of a charge Rє), in space Rp will allocate capacity: P = hv (N-1) * (N-1) /Nt, at RУ = Rє * (N-1) * (N-1). In case of periodic transitions of the same form of charges on capacity of space R, in this space the capacity will be allocated: P = hv (4 - 4К) for accounts in the quantum mechanics. In the formula a Rod there are dependences on the attitude(relation) of sizes of the period to sizes длительностей of a rectangular electrical pulse in periodic continuous process of a charge and category of capacity through spaces R. At unsufficient capacity of the condenser and bad pulse it is possible to receive everything. The equations of a conclusion of the formula take into account processes in a general view, but, since the condenser has properties instantly to not change a pressure(voltage) in pulse перезаряде, parameter of a share немгновенности is insignificant in the practical circuit. In the formula the condition of preservation of a pressure(voltage) on the condenser for existence of the formula of EFFICIENCY = 4 - 4К is put. The condenser under certain conditions without leaving a trace absorbs any charge, showing this property, property to not change the instantly @ pressure(voltage), and then to give out from anything the same charge, showing this other property again by property to not change the instantly @ pressure(voltage). The author has lead(carried out) experiment on a hypothesis of improvement of the characteristics of the circuit for transformation of infinite energy of a point, by addition of new capacity in the circuit and divisions of inductance into separate sites on circuits of the circuit. This hypothesis now becomes the next theory, due to increase of effect of transformation of energy from other measurements. It is possible, that the phenomenon open by the author by December 25 2009г. was not known by the famous scientist of the last epoch and is not reflected, therefore in sources of the information in an obvious kind. It is latent from the researcher behind weight of the theories and formulas, though after the assumptions and checks by devices leaves on a surface, causing new effects, which are supposed to be used. Already part of effects is checked up, but now it is necessary new results carefully to process and to create new directions of researches, since to the new phenomenon neither devices, nor circuit, the old theories are not adapted. Probably, the uncertainty of this phenomenon also braked progress of a science and engineering many тысячелетия of mankind. It should be found out later, after additional practical researches with devices, to what now there is an intensive preparation. Charge - object. In the circuit of the author it(he) occurs anywhere and disappears without leaving a trace, i.e. travels on measurements or in time. The disappearance and occurrence of a charge occurs in capacity of the condenser of the circuit concerning the certain meaning(importance) of the standard. The relativity of sizes is determining function for existence of infinity. Now communications(connection) of the formulas are shown by several functions: The presence in all formulas of variable size N, which is скважностью of a rectangular pulse charging the condenser in his(its) continuous periodic process of a charge and the category, speaks about general dependence various on a nature of electromagnetic processes. The formula Qp = Qє * (N-1) demonstrates occurrence of infinite energy in any kinds of movement of space and time, kinds and forms, matter and consciousness, nature and spirit. Such conclusion became obvious, following by a consequence of this formula. At the formula are present variable size of charges. The charge which is turning out at the category of capacity, can be indefinite more or indefinitely less charge charging same capacity, in direct dependence on size скважности of an electrical pulse of a charge charging capacity. The occurrence of any size of a charge shows an opportunity of reception of any energy or any substance. Opportunity of synthesis of a matter - one of general(common) communications(connections) of the formulas. The charge actually is usual object of a point, but his(its) properties are unsufficiently investigated for management as the devices travelling on measurements and bearing(carrying) the necessary information to the researcher. However now there is a sense to engage in his(its) research more more in detail, since knowing his(its) opportunities, it is possible to create models of complex(difficult) devices for research of other measurements. The management of time is a management of kinds and forms of objects or their energy. The movement of objects is expressed by kinds кинетической of energy, and stable condition - potential. The change of time is impossible without change of energy, since without it it is impossible to change a kind and form of object. The intelligence can change time with small own expenses, making management of other energy опосредованно. The training by the mechanism опосредованности is most effective with application of created devices. It is necessary to see the device to begin to work, but it is not enough without knowledge of his(its) functions, circuits, technologies, parameters and others a component. The first works on research of electromagnetic fields of charges have begun to be carried out(spent) by the author in 1965г. at creation of the radioreceiver on transistors created in USSR. A number(line) of magazines and collections let out in that time of clause with the circuits of radioreceivers of direct amplification(strengthening), most simple for their manufacturing, at absence of measuring devices. The signal from radio stations was blocked by handicapes, and it was possible confidently to accept only strongest programs. Супергетеродинные radioreceivers also differed on quality of radioreception. Desire to take possession of knowledge of electromagnetic fields have resulted the author in researches of all variety of sciences connected by a not clear image. At the end this image was by an image - effect of algebraic division. With the help of measurements you receive meanings(importance) of parameters, which need to be substituted instead of the letters in the equations and formula of EFFICIENCY of a charge.. Calculate EFFICIENCY on the equations and formula (using measurement скважности осциллографом) and compare calculation of EFFICIENCY on the equations and осциллограмме. If there will be an inadmissible deviation(rejection), check up the knowledge, devices, design of the circuit of check, technique and technology of check, repeat process of check. The limitlessness of parameters of amplifiers assumes their use for researches of charges in the circuit with бесследным by their disappearance and occurrence from anything. The charges change the parameters at transition in a pulse mode. There is a task of the control of parameters of objects for a filtration of harmonics of his(its) radiation with the purpose of adjustment on points of transition and return.
New sciences The new formulas, equation and circuit allow to create new sciences. These sciences are based on knowledge of processes which are taking into account infinite functions of movement of a matter. The experiments with devices evidently have shown necessity of introduction of new sciences. The physics of processes of a charge conducts to chemistry, in which the quantum mechanics is a basis of nuclear modeling of substances. Physics and chemistry allow to pass to philosophy, biology and another, following from general(common) communications(connections), sciences. Harmony both periodicity of processes of space and time oblige to take into account the new phenomena, property and law, and enable to translate them in the category of new sciences. The empty, unreal abstraction can be unreal objects and subjects, ложью and true, and everything, only not by practical devices, which are necessary to the man for real existence his(its) physical, instead of abstract body. The abstraction of energy, коммунизма and other fantastic creations by consciousness of the man are necessary for the analysis of possible(probable) models of real devices, but do not replace them, but only allow to see possible(probable) variants at creation by someone, real models of the visionaries. Someone should understand these fantastic abstraction, eliminate from them empty stuff, create the real circuits and models. The visionary dreams of a flying carpet, including itself by the theorist, and then tries to appropriate(give) to itself a real flying carpet, низводя of the god who has created this carpet in the dirty silly slave, исполняющего ostensibly will of the visionary and maximum having in itself монаду, but the visionary - say is the present god. The god, were in a human body, operates, through the divine electromagnetic fields certain inhuman functions, creating real objects of spaces, times and measurements, be - that mechanisms, design, machines, devices new movements of environment(Wednesday) of planets and stars, decision of space and planetary tasks etc. The practical machine is necessary to the man and god.
Experiment in new sciences Such experiment consists in revealing new functions, characteristics and parameters in comparison with already known functions, characteristics and parameters, i.e. concerning them. A relativity of new functions, characteristics and parameters - variant of effect of algebraic division at preservation of the standard, change of the certain sizes. The experiments in view of preservation of size of a pressure(voltage) on обкладках of the condenser at pulse process of his(its) charge and category by an electrical current, are fundamental to researches of laws of infinite energy of a point. Variants for research much. It is variations of processes of the information and electrical energy in electronic amplifiers, in the digital electronic circuits, in pulse devices, in electronic systems, in devices etc. More than 30 years the author demonstrates to all world the works on functions of the absolute decision in a nature of analog division, creation on their basis of absolute electronics, components of automatics, power, computer science etc. More than 16 years it(he) demonstrates in Moscow at meetings with the advanced scientists of a planet infinite energy of other measurements from any point. It is a lot of years by him(it) the material on this energy and absolute amplifiers in the Internet and on компакт disks CD is published. Variants of creation of sources of energy from EFFICIENCY of infinite size can be as is wished much. The points, areas, volumes, circuits, sites or other kinds and forms of movement, existence of objects for use of their energy are considered(examined) with the purpose of development of the certain functions, and there is a necessity to have the general(common) formula of infinite EFFICIENCY to reduce time of processing of the information.



The present time is not present!
From materials follows, that the energy exists only either in the past, or in the future time, but is absent in the present. Zero is an absence, i.e. infinite, uncertain size of a kind of energy. This conclusion was confirmed by(with) the known academician at conversation on the phone with the author after short conversation. The academician at first asserted(approved) existence of energy, since scientific, academy and the institutes work with energy, not understanding essence and essence of energy. After representation by the author of the facts of existence of accounts of abstract existence of energy only in the last and future times it(he) unshakably has recognized correctness of the author of representation of energy only as abstraction, and that existing not in the present time. The constantly working simple forces are measured simple динамометрами. The simple way of action of forces is measured by simple measurements. The product of forces on a way is of an energy either last, or future(next), depending on representations of time of actions of forces. (the definitions of "sizes" are absent for brevity statements of a material). " Energy artificial!!! " "... An army взбунтовалось..., Speak, King artificial!!!... " (From к/ф " Иван Васильевич changes a trade ". As now to speak about energy? How many her(it) now is present and how many is planned her(it) to receive under the projects?
Elements in new categories
The elements exist in view of participation in them and around of them of processes concerning the chosen standard. The elements are connected to infinite quantity(amount) of elements, structures, systems, sets etc., i.e. are elements in continuous relative change and preservation with display of energy. The elements are perceived as a result of the attitudes(relations) of sizes of their parameters with sizes of parameters of the observer. The handicapes infinite энергий of an element and observer, as a result of the ideal attitudes(relations) by preservation by change, disappear. The illusion of vacuum is created, in which there are elements and observer, and there are questions connected to an origin of energy and movement. Then there are researches, invention and opening of elements of these attitudes(relations) and attitudes(relations). The periodic table of chemical elements Менделеева and relative sizes of parameters of these elements in atoms, molecules and equations of chemical processes is known. The electronic elements for electronics are created, on the basis of knowledge of chemistry allowed to make devices for realization of opening of the attitudes(relations) by the shown effect.
New categories of the phenomena of the attitudes(relations)
The phenomena of the attitudes(relations) are known from a far antiquity. The attitudes(relations) were operated with the people by centuries in philosophy, physics and mathematics, in all sciences, in life and activity. The new level of definitions and creation of systems with infinite EFFICIENCY enables to consider(examine) these phenomena, with the purpose of management of their parameters, use of the phenomena of infinity in various areas of a science and practice. New measurements - dream of mankind. The creation of models of management of measurements with the help of electronics on the basis of new effect becomes an objective reality. The transition to sensitivity of signals, измеряемых in пикоВольтах and is much higher, something means. As " From materials follows, that the energy exists only either in the past, or in the future time, but is absent in the present. ", the time also is always artificial. Such conclusion should be made by(with) a science right at the beginning of the occurrence in the far past. Time always either past, or future. The space exists always either in the past, or in the future time. The nearest last and future times the man and the sciences consider(count) present, compressing them in fictitious, imaginary and nonexistent instants of meaning(importance). Sciences, from here, too not present, and always last, therefore and always Require(demand) perfection in infinity. The functions of infinity of energy deduce the researcher on new concepts коммунизма, proceeding from his(its) principles of abundance of energy. The known academician С.П.Королев has told: " the not Soluble tasks are not present, is only unsolved ". " Брадобрей shaves those and only those who does not shave itself. Whether it(he) shaves itself(himself)? One of киприотов was told, what all киприоты the liars, whether then by(with) the liar it(he)? " (These formulations are made by one of the lecturers КАИ to the students радиофака at lectures on philosophy and, with the offer to the students them to explain, under condition of a correct explanation, to receive "perfectly" without passing an examination). A relativity in tasks of infinity of fluctuations here works. Has appeared, that there are tasks of infinity, which did not expect С.П.Королев, were engaged designing of flying devices on combustible materials, but all the same felt infinite energy of a point intuitively, asserting(approving) the decision of any tasks of infinity, infinity in an ideal. Then there were no problems with energy. The scientists assumed to use неисчерпаемость nuclear, knowing the theories a Rod, did not understand infinity of energy of a point of Newton in his(its) third Law and relied on the future generation, simultaneously denying infinite energy of a point by restriction of EFFICIENCY < 1 and, following the genetic subconscious memory, spoke about it(her) by words the Queen С.П. Whence inexhaustible energy, if there is a vacuum and the EFFICIENCY of the closed system can not be more unit? The business that vacuum is a conditional environment(Wednesday) for the certain kind (energy, field, substance, information, consciousness etc.), and closed system - conditional space of the certain quantity(amount) of kinds. Practically it is impossible to receive neither absolute vacuum, nor absolutely closed system. The absolute vacuum is an absolute ideal a minus of infinite energy, but nevertheless of energy, in other words - antimatter. That such a minus of the battery, minus of a pressure(voltage) etc. Yes is simply some expressions same conditional, absolute вакуумов. It is impossible to make the absolute screen for all kinds of movements. The energy will penetrate by magnetic, thermal, electrical, inductive, electromagnetic, light or other way and in any quantity(amount). To measure, for example, the constant magnetic flow of infinite capacity is possible only by driven rather system (energy) with the certain speed. This flow can be used as an inexhaustible source of infinite capacity only through driven, concerning a flow, with what that of energy, which will be summarized with energy of this flow. Such energy can be for example oscillatory energy in the condenser or inductance. From works follows, that time does not exist at all really and it only abstractly. The last time is cunning, the future time has not come yet, and present simply be not can, since they are understood as pieces either past, or present of abstract times. Thus, after finding - out of definitions of all sciences, which study movements in time (physics, the chemistry and all sciences, following them,), follows, that all sciences, excepting infinity, are empty abstraction of the past representing from the validity. Try to see on your hours (most completely ideal) the present, past or future time and be convinced in фальшивости of sciences. There is no time. There is no energy. There are no sciences. There is a varied relative, dialectic, uncertain and infinite reality, which is forged by(with) sciences by the fictions, evading from creation of a reality as devices, devices, mechanisms, processes etc. "There is" to no sciences which are not recognizing абстрактности and the absence, an infinity of energy of a point. Абстрактность is necessary, but honour, fair and understanding the role of an appendage of practice of infinity.
Preservation of unit by change of analogues
The effect of algebraic division can be presented as preservation of unit by change of analogues, thus to receive results of modeling with the help of the electronic circuits capable to operate in such parameters of components, as amplitude, phase, frequency, duration, скважность etc. on any speeds of changes and preservations. Any other analogues without electronics will not allow with sufficient accuracy to simulate analogues of objects and them to change for preservation of unit with the purpose of reception next эфалд, since any object contains components with high-speed parameters, ускользающими from supervision without the appropriate devices. For example, warmly is a range of a MICROWAVE of fields, but the result of existence of object is warm -, i.e. without heat is not present neither objects, nor subjects. Heat rather. The object is warmer than one and more coldly than other object. The rough analogues will bring in strong distortions to results of research and experiment. Besides changing analogues, change of their parameters, it is necessary to keep unit in the given place, in which only electronics will allow to lead(carry out) required procedure. Example of procedures of experiment with analogue: To create analogue of unit of size of object. To make or to find out communication(connection) with unit of size of object. To ensure(supply) synchronous management of object at management of parameters of analogue. To keep unit of analogue by change of revolting influences on analogue and object, and to supervise preservation of unit of object, change of parameters of analogue. From results of researches of the author follows, that the electrical charge has the analogues in other measurements of various kinds and forms, which change in the submitted processes of the electrical circuits. These analogues change by management from this measurement and keep size of unit of a pressure(voltage) on the capacities, submitted in the circuits. On the facts of existence of various kinds and forms коммунизма, it is possible to speak and about his(its) abstract kinds and forms, also representing analogues and kept units of sizes of his(its) characteristics and parameters accompanying энергий, since коммунизма without energy does not exist. Коммунизмом is the society(community) with the certain attitudes(relations) controlled infinite энергий of points. This definition is similar to definition коммунизма with the Soviet authority and electrification of all country. The electrification without charges does not exist. Everywhere there are of energy, charges, size, unit, preservation, changes and analogues, with which it is possible to operate and to receive the appropriate attitudes(relations).
Preservation of unit by change in the laws
By consideration of the known laws in sciences, there is obvious a preservation of a unit of measurements of size, for example, in the law of preservation of energy the presence of a unit of measurements of energy at concrete examples is necessary. Without concrete examples of the law of preservation of energy does not exist, it(he) is always concrete. Unit of size can exist only as the relative phenomenon or by effect of algebraic division, that is proved to the formula. Thus, the laws can exist only as effect of preservation of unit with what - that of size by change of the sum of sizes in them. This phenomenon is proved by the law of preservation of infinite energy at apparent his(its) local infringement, i.e. one of his(its) units of infinity changes and his(its) general(common) infinity is kept. It is possible to create infinity and them to operate, not breaking bases. The category of the law of preservation of energy, in application to definitions with infinite энергиями, is a uncertain, abstract category, since infinity несохранима and неуничтожима in any point. The final meanings(importance) энергий, in infinite scales of energy of any point, are infinitesimal by sizes, which are operated with the law of preservation of energy for the existence. It(he) is correct in preservation certain(determined), final and kept units энергий, is conditional and абстрагированием from infinite energy of a point. It is abstractly possible to speak about infinity of energy, as about a standard unit, but no more and to assert(approve) about general, abstract execution(performance) of this law of preservation of energy. The real infinite energy does not allow to exist to the real law of preservation of energy. The abstract reality is only one of the infinite forms and kinds of a reality. The laws infinite quantity(amount) and all of them are objective, are relative and диалектичны, being by the steadiest communications(connections), changing which sizes, it is possible to keep their certain units and to receive the necessary attitudes(relations). The communications(connection) need to be studied with the help совершенствующихся of knowledge of their nature, using modeling of the appropriate functions, that then to operate real communications(connections) with sufficient accuracy and control of results of management. By kept units it is possible to choose reference sizes of parameters of communications(connections) registered by control systems, supervision and stabilization. In result the managing complex of automatic change in the laws turns out. Applying energy of other measurements, the complex increases effect of management of communications(connections) of the laws and, thus, in parameters in the laws. "Н" Comes from other measurement, investigates communications(connection) of a society(community) and nature of a planet, reveals by modeling kept units and, adjusting communications(connection), changes on a planet a steady and natural temperature mode. The power abilities of a point are shown by various ways, which it is necessary to take possession of. From the third law of Newton the evidence of equality of sizes of internal forces of any material point to forces of all environmental world, so also of energy follows. At once there is a contradiction of imaginary equality infinite энергий of a point and environmental space. This contradiction is authorized by uncertainty Гейзенберга. The uncertainty is an infinity, Allowing to carry out all conceivable and inconceivable. Conclusion from here follows, that the energy can be taken practically from any, as much as small point of a SOURCE in infinite quantity(amount), not mentioning environmental space up to any scales, i.e. to exist independently. What kinds of charges, forces, энергий work in the circuit of the author - meaning(importance) has no, if they of any negative influence on an environment do not bear(carry). How to use infinite energy and to not mention an environment? Third з-н of Newton has equated forces of any material point to forces of all environment. The forces of an environment - are infinite, means also forces of any material point - are infinite. From mathematics it is known, that the infinity is a uncertainty, i.e. the infinity is not equal to infinity. Discrepancy of the law of Newton from here follows. The indefinitely large sizes can be measured now, but also again only is abstract, seeing on devices their presence on зашкаливанию of arrows(pointers), on the torn off abrupt fronts осциллограмм of pulses, to combustion of resistors and wires etc. a merit of Newton formulated the third law allowing to prove presence of infinite force and energy in infinitesimal to a point However is immeasurably great. As the FORCE of ACTION INFINITESIMAL of a MATERIAL point IS EQUAL ON the MODULE And IS OPPOSITE DIRECTED to FORCE to an indefinitely LARGE point, ENVIRONMENTAL HER,(IT,) under the third law of Newton, and the sizes of their fluctuations on amplitude and duration also are equal (differently one will break off another, and they exist), also to their energy also are equal. Further: if we can in this indefinitely large point operate with the indefinitely large energy, not mentioning that second infinitesimal point with the same indefinitely large energy, we can operate in infinitesimal to a point with the indefinitely large energy, not mentioning the indefinitely large point. Once again it is necessary to repeat, that, valid неопределенностей of infinity, we always shall have in addition in each infinite energy infinite quantity(amount) final энергий, we can with them abstractly operate in the necessary rough approached variants, were surprised unexpectedly appearing real other processes at application of our abstraction in an infinite reality. So Newton, not understanding that, has allowed to prove presence of infinite energy in infinitesimal to a point, correctly having formulated law of interaction of two abstract final points, simultaneously having made the indefinitely large mistake by this abstraction in a reality, having equated impossible really.
Preservation of unit by change in environment(Wednesday)
The properties, phenomenon and law (laws) exist in the form of natural environment(Wednesday). Therefore preservation of unit occurs in environment(Wednesday). The space and time exists in environment(Wednesday). There are environments(Wednesday) of a field, vacuum, substance as known kinds of presence of energy. Space - extent of object. Vacuum - space, since it(he) is objective and has extent. Vacuum - object. The object consists of environment(Wednesday) and is other environment(Wednesday). Environment(Wednesday) - general view of a matter. A matter - environment(Wednesday) and environment(Wednesday) - matter. Environment(Wednesday) - version of a matter, matter - version of environment(Wednesday). Object in vacuum environment(Wednesday). Vacuum in certain environment(Wednesday), etc. Various variants by preservation (in environment(Wednesday), in the form of a matter...) in the form of environments(Wednesdays) or simply in environment(Wednesday) (matter) by change it is possible to consider(examine) indefinitely.



Preservation of unit by change in function
The preservation of unit of one of two sizes can be made by change in function, for example variable, if thus to carry out conditions of reception of results of changes similar to results of change of the sum of these sizes and to see results on the formulas. In case of detection of function of communication(connection) of units of object, unit can be kept by change of arguments of this function or function. Having divided(shared) conditionally object on functional units, always is an opportunity оперирования by results of his(its) display.
Preservation of unit by change of dependence
Unit can be kept by change of dependence, for example, function from what - or conditions, factors, and т. д. And to receive effect of algebraic division, and also energy under the new formulas. Units of object are connected among themselves functionally, for example by properties of environment(Wednesday) between them, through electromagnetic or other fields etc. Units of object - conditional categories of his(its) fragments. The communication(connection) of units causes their certain dependence among themselves, since they are conditional categories. Thus, changing dependence, it is possible to keep required sizes of unit with the purpose of its(her) preservation. Units can be sizes, arguments, functions, functional objects etc. Having chosen object or their set as unit, it is possible her(it) to keep, changing dependence of this unit on the certain phenomena, properties both laws of space and time. There is a set of questions on many directions of existence of chosen unit, dependence and their interactions in space and time. With a conclusion of law of transitions of charges on other measurements, the quantity(amount) of questions grows indefinitely. The concrete conditions of tasks can limit this quantity(amount) of questions up to the certain limit. It is displays of a relativity, диалектичности of space and time. In the certain period of time the working model of demonstration тридцатикратного EFFICIENCY of energy checked up by the experts in September - October 2009г was created. What has followed further? At first long silence. Then has followed жалкий лепет on the part of the opponents: " the EFFICIENCY always is less than unit. You see energy you whence take? " She(it) is taken by(with) the circuit from the internal space, not touching external environment(Wednesday). Under your classical laws registered in all textbooks and the directories of average and maximum schools of EFFICIENCY = thirty units, that in the laws there is a restriction from external energy. The infinity is not measured, in any units, "sirs" "Откуды". The traditional science limits конечностью internal, infinite energy of system, making absolutely gross blunder, be not capable to find out such energy and with it(her) to operate. She(it) gives definition of internal energy of system as energy of movement and interaction of microparticles of system. Being limited the microworld also be not capable it(him) to overcome, this science finishes the existence. This science gives one of definitions of impossibility of the eternal engine of the first sort as the device making the large work, than informed to it(him) from the outside. She(it) enters EFFICIENCY less or equal to unit and finishes the activity. ........................................................................ ........................................................................ _Автор Represents real systems having infinite internal energy, not consuming her(it) from the outside and destroys the theories of traditional sciences. ........................................................................ ........................................................................ From the outside circuit does not take energy, she(it), on the contrary, outside delivers her(it) from within. Inside energy also is infinite, is inexhaustible and is capable infinite time to be given out in any quantities(amounts). Why the scientists try external energy to present infinite and To it(her) to use indefinitely and independently, and equal under the third law of Newton, internal, infinite energy forbid to touch by an independent image? Units are kept, and the dependences change!!! " From all planet two really conceiving men were found only which have listened to the author on the phone and have arrived to it(him) for examination тридцатикратного EFFICIENCY of energy ". Certainly, still question - how many man really thinks, and how many them can even more really think. " Who has told, what the ground has died? She(it) simply has hidden on time " (В.С.Высоцкий.). " The Best song not спета …. Still ahead ""... All life ahead... ""... Yet evening... " "... Simply you are skilful to wait... " - fragments from songs, favourite and known for all, on motive of infinite energy. _Новые The results of researches of processes of switching by real elements of electrical circuits, result in correction of directions of research, creative and other activity for acceleration of end of creation of an independent source of energy, in простонародье перпетуума мобиле. Коммунизм is a simple society(community), though many try it(him) to present on. Simplicity - гениальность. Simple society(community) - ingenious society(community). Гениальность - ability to use genetic properties of memory and организма, consisting from a complex, with other parts, genetic and introduced in him,(it,) of an environment cooperating with genetic functions. All people are ingenious generically, but not all this understand and are able to use genetic properties, which need to be understood to study and to be able to direct to the purpose. During the life "Н" repeatedly checked opportunities of the "most stupid("blunt") people and was convinced, that stupid(blunt) is not present, and there are persons, not connected to a reality. Working with animal, birds, predators, insects, plants and other elements of the environmental world, "Н" also has checked up their equality of genetic and other opportunities which are not making a concession human and even quite often superior opportunities of the man, superior opportunities, of functions (mental, телепатических, organizational etc.). The teacher, instructors, сверстники and others умники explained destruction of the environmental world of a planet by necessity of a survival of the man for conditions of severe space. All planet from her(it) флорой, фауной and mankind are infinitesimal частичкой uniform коммунизма of all space. Electromagnetism, being by a general(common) basis of energy of all space, is uniform коммунизмом. Ponder! Коммунизм is general(common) for all and all. General(common) for all and all - electromagnetism. Conclusion - коммунизм are an electromagnetism. But how of him(it) to take possession in perfection? В.И.Ленин it understood and made the famous idea aloud: " Коммунизм is Soviet authority, plus electrification of all country ". In some countries try to adjust private(individual) лавочки, ignoring real processes of development on a planet real коммунизма of space with the help of the forms and kinds of electromagnetic movements, энергий of any point. The kinds private(individual) коммунизма, as a primitive community, рабовладельчество, feudalism, крепостничество, autocracy, республиканство, militarian коммунизм, being by unfortunate slices of a general spectrum of energy of space, and trying to come off him(it) by lime borders, nuclear and other weapon, suffer(bear) a pure(clean) defeat in result массированных of impacts of all energy of space, on all spectrum of his(its) electromagnetic frequencies, interactions and movements.
Preservation of unit by change of the law
To change the law with the purpose of reception of effect of algebraic division by preservation of unit it is more complex(difficult), than simple functions or sizes, since the law is steadiest and general communication(connection) of the phenomena and processes and her(it) uneasy to find out and the more so to it(her) to operate. However stability is relative, generality also. Inside one driven system, the subjects seem motionless, rather each other, rough supervision. These subjects can be observed by moving objects concerning other system. In this case speak about unacceptability of the usual laws in a relativity and necessities of their change. Therefore, for example, in the theory of a relativity, the effect of algebraic division will have other kind. There is a new law of definition of EFFICIENCY under the new formulas. This law allows to keep unit of space and time by change of the required law, due to an opportunity to receive any meanings(importance) of EFFICIENCY. The relativity and изменяемость of the law of preservation of energy is shown to works of the author. _Если This law is unchangeable in a general view, in special cases of infinite EFFICIENCY of a point it(he) is considered(examined) differently. At least, his(its) formulation " nothing disappears without leaving a trace and does not arise from anything, and passes from one kind in another " begins to change, requiring(demanding) input Categories of a relativity. Zero is anything, negative infinite energy, concerning any plus. But zero also object, as well as anything. From a zero point it is possible to receive useful infinite energy, using the theories of the author and other sciences. Бесследное the disappearance also is received experimentally. The new kind and term "бесследность" in a real embodiment has appeared. In бесследность also there can leave infinite energy. Бесследность - too object!!! Thus, even the basic law changes by preservation of unit of size of a pressure(voltage) of space (capacity). The law of preservation of energy existed, exists and will exist for final kinds and forms of energy, which were operated physics and after it(her) with all sciences. The mathematics eliminated infinity before operations with them, reducing wrongfully variable sizes before input of operations of infinity. She(it) entered into error scientific, engineers, pupils and практиков, since there was no experimental and theoretical base which has appeared at the end of 20 century, due to development of transistor technologies and allowed to overcome barriers of zero and infinity in sciences without their unsuccessful reductions. Громоздкость, complexity of experiments without such technologies allowed only to build the assumptions and hypotheses about an opportunity of use of infinite energy of a point. The sciences of reductions of infinity stop old existence in the known kinds and get new, due to the new formulas, equations, circuits and theories. Now these sciences can be applied in special cases of the elementary forms of representation of processes with the primitively limited conditions of absence of infinity and zero in elementary practical, and theoretical tasks, in which the conditions of an assumption of such reductions (rather and dialectically) are stipulated. The sciences are kept as abstract units, changing the abstract law of preservation of energy and, receiving uncertainty of the attitudes(relations) to the standards, input in him(it) of definition of uncertainty of infinity. How to check a reality, for example honesty and validity, function организма and people, societies(communities), nature, space, devices, elements, systems, devices etc.? How to check up коммунизм? Than it(him) to check up? Where his(its) source of energy and than it(he) is expressed? The attitude(relation) is born as a result of stabilization of the certain size, adjustment of the sum two others, or similar and similar processes. The general availability of general(common) formation(education) without collection of money is a main principle коммунизма. There is infinite internal and external space of any point, space and time with infinite энергиями, its(her) kinds and forms, everywhere and in all. The infinity of variety of kinds and forms of energy is proved by the new formulas, equations and circuits being general(common) expression of any processes of interactions of points. Nobody can deny infinity these энергий even from a principle of the third law of Newton accepted unconditionally by all mankind and studied at schools and HIGH SCHOOLS. Attempts to attribute(relate) this law only to the mechanics are жалкими intrigues of the fans(amateurs) of a profit for the another's account. The pupils of high SCHOOLS perfectly know, that the electromagnetic phenomena are only mechanical phenomena of the electromagnetic mechanics. It is enough to name the quantum mechanics of electromagnetic particles and waves studied in technical HIGH SCHOOLS. Other HIGH SCHOOLS also study general(common) physics on the first rates and are familiar with principles of the quantum mechanics. Rods, Бор, Дирак and other great recognized persons investigating and who have proved infinity of energy of any point, also show infinity of energy, kinds both forms of all internal and external space of any point. At last, the general information nonconventional and traditional of sciences on information channels of TV, press etc., confirms presence everywhere and in all infinity of the forms of energy and life. It speaks about an absolute and relative generality, life and энергий of all space (internal and external). And it is general коммунизм and it is not necessary to think out home, republican and world(global) коммунизмы. On the contrary, it is necessary to punish any unfair people and their societies(community) for attempts to create коммунизмы, state, republics and other formations for a robbery of the separate people of general space. For this purpose an independent source of energy also is created which will allow to be protected to any man from such самоварных of groups. The individuals can at any time instantly be united on short time for destruction such жуликов and continue to live independently, regularly communicating on information, other channels and ways of communications(connections). The general broken off genetic communication(connection) will be restored, and the problems in general will be stopped. The man will restore destroyed телепатическую communication(connection), and it will promote also general development. "Н" Perfectly remembers, that in childhood all children own this телепатией absolute. Then to them impose other trues, they begin each other to deceive by results of телепатии, and at last, the man ceases to distinguish true and ложь телепатической of the information acting from other people. " The Second postulate Бора (the rule of frequencies) is formulated as follows: At transition of atom from one stationary condition with energy En in other stationary condition with energy Em is radiated or quantum is absorbed, which energy is equal to a difference энергий of stationary condition: hv = En - Em, where h - constant Rod. " (ZQYW1Pd00000000000000000000000000d). In the submitted formula v - frequency of radiation. At infinite frequency of radiation or at infinitesimal the period, the energy of radiation or absorption will be infinite. Thus, Бор in 1913 has deduced(removed) the formula and has confirmed an opportunity of possession by atom of infinite energy. Вернер Гейзенберг has deduced(removed) the theory of infinite energy of a particle in 1927г., i.e. after Бора, and Дирак, Ш. and Томонаги have developed a part of their theories, not paying attention to the instructions(indications) Гейзенбергом of the account of measurement. The author, irrespective of Бора, Вернера Гейзенберга, Дирака, Ш. and Томонаги, has created the theory and practice of infinite energy of a particle and point in view of the requirements to measurements of the theory Вернера Гейзенберга. Weight электрона - abstraction, as well as weight of object in the usual category explaining processes in certain limits. Weight электрона - relative category for a designation of the certain kind of a matter in some environment(Wednesday). The physics defines(determines) only вероятностное a rule(situation) электрона on a prospective orbit of atom. Actually электрон is determined theoretically by results of accounts of interactions of one electrical charges with others. Абстрагирование электрона allows to carry out more effectively practical use of his(its) forces and energy on the basis of the formulas of the author. The relative change измеряемых of parameters of object at his(its) movement occurs in time, i.e. the object does not exist without temporary transitions. After transition the object, having changed the parameters and parameters of the observer, receives new measurements. Weight of units is kept, and the law of preservation changes the forms.
Preservation of unit by change of the laws
If by one communication(connection) to operate difficultly, in weight of communications(connections) it is even more complex(difficult). However principles of management of communications(connections) exist in algorithms. It is possible to consider(examine) any formula as managing system of communications(connections) if correctly to make algorithm. The new amplifiers, on the basis of the circuits, offered the author, with addition of the transistor, will allow to create managing systems having on many(a lot of,much) of the orders higher qualities. Such systems, in aggregate with the appropriate developed power circuits, will be capable better to carry out functions of preservation of unit by change of the laws. The law of preservation of energy existed, exists and will exist for final kinds and forms of energy, which were operated physics and after it(her) with all sciences. Will tell more precisely, that the Law of preservation of energy existed, exists and will exist rather definitely or rather vaguely, depending on a degree of accuracy of the requirement of the decision of a task with his(its) application. Such correction is required for the coordination of the laws of preservation of sizes of energy with the received results of transformations of kinds and forms энергий under the theories of the author, in which the energy of any point can be infinite or final rather. Thus, the firm unambiguity of the laws of preservation of energy, quantity(amount) of movement, pulse etc., becomes relative, rather certain or rather uncertain phenomenon. The infinity энергий of a point brings in uncertainty to these laws, since the infinity is a uncertainty. The laws of preservation stop really absolute existence, becoming relative. Them абсолютность becomes an abstract category in relative display of fragments of infinite energy of a point. Abstracting from it is possible to apply realities in concrete tasks, their various forms to accounts of the abstract attitudes(relations) of sizes of the parameters shown by preservation of certain one units of sizes, change others in the laws connected by functional dependences.
Preservation of unit by change of factor
Factor in the formula is the constant meaning(importance) of sizes varied in conditions of a task, as against variable and constant sizes. The effect of algebraic division can be seen at change of factor. Also it is possible to consider(examine) and other variations of application of efficiency. Specifying and this formulation, it is necessary to add an abstract category of preservation, because of uncertainty in a reality infinite rather диалектичности of a category of energy. The law of preservation of energy existed, exists and will exist abstractly, dialectically, rather definitely or abstractly, rather vaguely, depending on a degree of accuracy of the requirement of the decision of a task with his(its) application. The phenomena, property and law of influence of factors in the formulas representing model of real processes, are studied by many sciences, including mathematics, physics and sciences using formula of mathematics and physics for the researches, and decisions of tasks. The factors enter for a designation of dependences of functions of processes from a number(line) of parameters, which are not included in arguments of these functions, but influencing on them, changing result of processes. Factors is abstract and are rather independent of arguments of functioning of processes. Efficiency of the abstract circuits does not depend on sizes of currents, pressure(voltage) existing in circuits, capacities, being arguments, and энергий of the circuits, but in the real circuits it(he) has dependences. "Н" Uses genetic efficiency, keeping the superiority.
Preservation of unit by change of factors
It is natural, that factor differs from factors by quantity(amount), but the quantity(amount) conducts to new quality of effect of algebraic division new variant of property and phenomenon, and it is clear, that the examples of the formulas and practical circuits are necessary. It is clear to the experts of electronics, electrical engineers, that is possible to apply a principle of a superposition of fields, modulation, a filtration and to create the necessary variant of the circuit. In other areas, where factors are the groups, system etc. phenomena, classes, processes of creations of the circuits, of functions and samples there will be others. In one factor which is included in certain(determined) set of control systems, determined it set simultaneously to receive changes in these systems and, thus to operate set of objects simultaneously. The set of factors shows weight of the new requirements to management of object or objects, requirement of input of set of new functions of management of these factors. There is rather - a dialectic discrepancy of difference of effects of management and preservation of unit, change of factor and factors. The open new measurements and infinity enter them энергий, passing on these measurements, conditional dialectic definiteness and uncertainty of the decisions of tasks of preservation of unit by change of factors and reception of the required attitudes(relations). The infinite changes of functions occurring because of eternal movement энергий of objects, bring in of relative uncertainty at the moment of researches of processes of preservation and change, require(demand) knowledge for more complete representation of the mechanics of management of objects.
Preservation of unit by change of a measure
Measure is the unit of measurements. This category can be considered(examined) by unit of size of measurement, by unit of size of a unit of measurements etc. variants of properties, phenomena of a measure and their display Further follow. For example, there are measures of length, area, volume, weight. These measures can exist only in relation to the standard. Unit also relative category also exists by the attitude(relation) to a measure, and it and means, that in case of change of unit by influence of extraneous forces, she(it) can be kept by change of parameters and characteristics of a measure working опосредованно on extraneous forces and unit, receiving results. The occurrence of categories of infinity, reserves, multiregularities and relative диалектичности, opening of other measurements, enters new categories of measures, which it is complex(difficult) to operate in functions of preservation of units with. The measures new are entered, i.e. the old measures change. The introduction of functions with infinite systems of the equations is required, in which arguments and the factors accept infinite meanings(importance) of the sizes and measures. If the traditional science operated with categories of infinity математически conditionally, making operations of calculations for the proofs of a conclusion of the theorems, formulas and equations, not representing infinity of real physical processes, limiting them конечностями, now such approach becomes relative. The scientists avoided functions of infinity in real devices, believing impossible to carry out with them real operations, but the new formulas, equation and circuit allow to carry out(spend) such operations. Began possible(probable) to measure infinity, applying concepts of infinite time and final capacities энергий, which are fundamental to the decisions of practical and theoretical tasks of new sciences on the basis of unlimited EFFICIENCY and энергий.
Preservation of unit by change of parameter of functions
For functions it is possible to enter definition of parameter. For example, the object has set of functions for existence. If this complex of functions has a general(common) parameter, which can be changed for preservation of required unit of size, with the purpose of reception of the obviously expressed effect of algebraic division, it is possible to speak about preservation of unit by change of parameter of functions and to observe results. The management of infinite energy of a point is carried out with the help of functions of management determined by conditions of a task. The functions are defined(determined) in directions, areas, borders, ranges etc. with the appropriate parameters of these definitions. One of major parameters is the sensitivity in ranges of work of functions. The change of sensitivity of a range carries out change of function of management resulting(bringing) to the appropriate accuracy of preservation of unit on conditions of a task. Other, not less important parameter is, for example speed of reading of the information about a considered(examined) point with controlled energy in directions of definitions. The speed of reading is defined(determined) by ability of a control system to use energy of other measurements for performance of a task.
Preservation of unit by change of parameters of functions
It is possible to receive this variant of the law, property and phenomenon of a point, as the formulas, models etc. after definition of algorithm of change of parameters of functions and reduction it(him) in execution(performance) by a necessary way or technology. Parameters there can be a limited and unlimited quantity(amount), therefore beforehand to deduce(remove) general(common) formula is possible only as the formula of the given variant. The concrete cases of the formulas are simulated as the gravitational, power, electronic circuits etc. The functions are defined(determined) in directions, areas, borders, ranges etc. with the appropriate parameters, for example, properties, abilities, time, phase, duration of their existence in various objects and subjects. The parameters of functions are adjusted with the purpose of preservation of certain unit and creation of the new attitudes(relations). The parameters, their size and unit of preservation, get out by managing object according to the purpose and parameters of the required attitudes(relations) on conditions of a task.
Preservation of unit by change of properties
To change properties and to keep unit, it is possible by uncountable ways. For example, changing the contents of a conductor, semiconductor, диэлектрика, receive other properties of an electronic component. So, shining(covering) the semiconductor, you change his(its) property to carry out(spend) an electrical current by change of the contents in it(him) электронов by a light flow. If, at this time, the semiconductor was cooled in another way and changed units of the certain sizes, by illumination it is possible to keep these units. Changing sizes of a current and the pressure(voltage) in the transformer, receiving гистерезисный process, receive change of property of the transformer of transfer of energy on a secondary winding. To change properties of object it is possible by heating, cooling, by influence of other objects or subjects and to have results.
Preservation of unit by change of environment(Wednesday)
Environment(Wednesday) changes, or her(it) change, but in any case that is kept what - unit of one of sizes of environment(Wednesday). Other size turns to the attitude(relation) of these sizes, if the sum of these sizes, preservation by first changed. Environment(Wednesday) and unit are connected by a field allowing to operate by preservation of unit, change of parameters of environment(Wednesday), by means of a field of environment(Wednesday) and to receive results. Field and environment(Wednesday) exist in movements, changes of kinds and forms энергий, represented and represented by trajectories, in space and time. The existence of objects and subjects in trajectories is possible by relative preservation of units of sizes of parameters and characteristics at change of handicapes from influences of external, internal environment(Wednesday) and environment(Wednesday) of other measurements.
Preservation of unit by change of property
The change of the certain property of a subject, field, substance etc. is connected to recognition of concrete property, for example conductivity, fluidity, resistance, the elasticity etc. Further is followed by(with) processes of change of this property and reception of the phenomenon by preservation of unit of one of sizes. Thus the property in process is obviously expressed does not participate, it varies and exists, the subjects, field, substances, devices and complexes participate. The mathematics includes algebra, in which the abstract division of sizes, numbers, variable and functions really which are not existing because of infinity, диалектичности, relativity of changes and movements, kinds and forms of energy, space and time is used. However, the abstract division in algebra is applied to processing the information acting from objects and the subjects with the various purposes of application of results of division. Because of that the division is an abstract category which is not existing really, the category of effect for a designation of this abstraction in real physical processes, circuits and objects is entered. The degree абстрактности of division is expressed by quality of properties of his(its) effect executed by the real circuits, devices, objects and subjects. Changing quality of effect by adjustment of units, cascades, elements, other components of the circuits and devices of his(its) performance, it is possible to change and his(its) property, keeping certain unit for the purposes of the put tasks. In a nature of space and the time does not exist of absolute sides, breaks, вакуумов, emptiness and others прерывных, phenomena and laws. All is relative, infinite and dialectic. Коммутирование of electrical energy also is relative process or effect real-life as smooth varied process of resistance to an electrical current of elements of the switchboard, but because of high speed of change of process is perceived by the observer by the form of explosive function, is real anything general(common) with breaks not having. The parity(ratio) of parameters of switching currents, sizes of their courses on elements of capacities and индуктивностей, results in effect of occurrence incomparably of greater energy in elements of switched circuits perceived really large energy from anywhere, transformed infinite energy, being a kind, of any point. Receptions of such effect need application of several switchboards, which real designs, and also their rule(situation) in various sites of the circuit of transformation, require(demand) temporary synchronization of all processes of switching of electrical currents which are taking place on switchboards. Besides the switchboards have general(common) nonlinear dependences of change of the properties of switching at course of electrical currents on them, and each switchboard has such dependences. It is possible to change the attitude(relation) of sizes of dependences of properties of switchboards to reference meanings(importance), changing properties of these switchboards, keeping given unit of the form and kind of required energy, to make in result the new attitudes(relations) of space and time necessary for existence and performance of the decisions of tasks of management by infinite energy of a point. These decisions are carried out by the appropriate creation of the circuits with synchronization of parameters, elimination нелинейностей of switchboards and By other works. The complex circuits including every possible elements of management and switching on bipolar, field and other structures will allow to raise(increase) quality линейности of switching and effect of a conclusion of infinite energy of their point. In what the complexities of elimination нелинейностей of switchboards in the circuit of infinite energy of a point and whether cannot work, not eliminating them but only to synchronize all processes? I.e. it is necessary to keep sufficient unit of EFFICIENCY of the circuit, having changed its(her) properties нелинейностей through synchronization. The synchronization of work of the circuit consists in elimination of influence нелинейностей of switchboards, since they work with нестыкуемыми temporary functions. The task consists in reducing to a minimum нестыковку of these functions, which residual part and will dictate units of EFFICIENCY. The nonlinearity of switchboards is astable function dependent, first of all from currents, taking place on switchboards, and pressure,(voltage,) working in them. These currents and pressure(voltage) are stochastic functions from various variable, including temperature, sizes of charges, coming from another(others) measurements, флуктуаций of currents of the circuit, its(her) self-generation, instability of work of elements and other switchboards, etc.
Preservation of unit by change of the sums of factors
The sums of factors are defined(determined) after a filtration of each factor of required function and further, change of their sum, at preservation of certain unit. The opportunity of a filtration is proved гармоническим by the analysis of space and time, i.e. space and time exist in movement, which is represented by harmonics - sine wave functions in infinity. The existence of factors allows to make their summation abstractly or particularly depending on conditions of a task. After calculation of the sum the circuit of its(her) change is created and the preservation of required unit is made. The factors of function influence its(her) meanings(importance). The arguments of function are rather independent of factors. The function is dependent on factors and arguments. The meanings(importance) of factors can be calculated on known meanings(importance) of arguments and functions. Thus, occurs диалектичность and relativity of these cases of consideration and research of dependences of factors, arguments and functions. The independence of separately considered(examined) factors and arguments from each other, is broken at calculation of meanings(importance) of factors from the formula, into which they enter. The relativity of independence and диалектичность of the contradictions in development is shown. There are sets of questions permitted introduction infinite энергий and measurements on the new formulas, equations and circuits. The infinity show properties of relativities, диалектики of space and time. In result the factors and manufacture of the attitudes(relations), their change with the help of preservation of certain units, are abstract effect. The real and constant absolute processes do not exist. Абсолютность of a relativity and relativity абсолютности, in the given example of interdependence and independence of factors, arguments of function, reveal infinity энергий in kinds and forms. The concrete tasks put the admissions, restriction of consideration of processes of transformations of kinds and forms of energy by fragments, and have the appropriate decisions. The decision of tasks in linear algebra is made on the basis of consideration of factors of the equations representing real processes of a nature with the appropriate restrictions, conditions, areas of definitions and other admissions. The consciousness of the individual decides(solves) the tasks by a similar way, using the certain functional dependences of measurements with their arguments and factors. It uses the elementary principles of calculations, alongside with сложнейшими by genetic processes in kinds and forms of instantly varying images in subconsciousness, real consciousness and general(common) consciousness in space, at constant connection to it(him). The principles of training of a society(community) and man are applied in electronics. The every possible models of the mechanisms similar to certain functions human организма are created the various adaptive systems of automatic control and turn out. The principles of similarity are known in a science and practice. The geometry effectively uses similarity of figures for the decision of the tasks. In it(her) the similarity is estimated by the attitude(relation) of the sizes of the parties of figures. The attitude(relation) in similarity is determining for geometrical tasks. The circuits are considered(examined) by other principle of the attitudes(relations) for an estimation of similarity, but all - таки of the attitudes(relations). In the circuits the sizes of the parties are not measured, and the estimation is made on similarity of functional dependences, results of measurements of entrance and target parameters etc. The basic parameters of similarity of the circuits with obvious effect, are the sizes of errors of results of measurements, at use of the formulas of infinite EFFICIENCY, or effect in the circuits. In the book the function chart of the auto guide is shown, in which for management of a sound the rectangular pulses are used. In the circuit there are every possible capacities and resistors, therefore there can be a result similar to results, stipulated by the formulas infinite энергий of a point and preservation of unit by change of the sums of factors.
Preservation of unit by change of the sums of parameter
Parameter of object, space, time etc., is expressed in sizes certain which sum can be used for preservation of one of sizes. The sizes of parameters are measured by every possible devices of objects or subjects. For example structure of an eye is possible to consider(examine) by his(its) device of supervision, measurement and processing in a complex with a structure (device) of parts организма for the decisions of tasks. The sizes of parameters acting in an eye by a modulating signal in a light flow, are deciphered and are summarized by consciousness of the subject, forming the appropriate reaction организма for this sum, using which, the subject keeps necessary unit. The condenser keeps potential by change of any sums and enables to receive EFFICIENCY. The preservation of life on a planet is possible at change of basic parameter of energy expressed by efficiency or EFFICIENCY. Change of parameter - the EFFICIENCY from unit on infinity decides(solves) absolutely all tasks. The infinite energy controlled by the individual, is capable to protect by special fields a body of the man from influences сверхъядерного, laser, biological, chemical, bacteriological and any other kinds of the weapon, to transfer the people to safe spaces and to ensure(supply) existence of life without problems. Separate kinds энергий, the included in complexes of life-support of the man, can have infinite EFFICIENCY, and some - EFFICIENCY less unit. The basic task of complexes is the maintenance of total infinite EFFICIENCY for transformation of energy between components of a complex and creation of conditions of life. If the traditional science a total sum of parameter of energy (EFFICIENCY) of system does not allow to have more units, the new theories change this sum indefinitely and provide an opportunity of preservation of life on a planet.
Preservation of unit by change of the sums of parameters
Each parameter can be defined(determined) by sizes and to receive change of the sums of sizes of parameters at preservation of unit of one of sizes. The sums of sizes of parameters turn out by one of variants - devices, измеряющими and appropriate gauges, summing these size, after a filtration from handicapes, and other variants can have complexes of devices, systems etc. After summation, in devices the signals of managements acting on the appropriate devices of preservation of unit are formed. The basic direction of research of the circuit was a direction of synchronization, which remain by the main decision of a task of reception by infinite energy from a point. The preservation of kinds and forms of life concerning other kinds and forms энергий of an environment with the help of adjustment and change of sizes of the certain sums of parameters энергий of other measurements, becomes the decision on the basis of received results of these researches.
Preservation of unit by change
For reception of effect of algebraic division it is required to change the sum of sizes by preservation of unit of one of them for transformation another Sizes in the attitude(relation) of these sizes existing up to preservation by change. Space are combinations of the subjects and objects in sizes in relation to the standard of units of sizes of the subjects and objects, and time - size of duration of existence of size of the subjects and objects in relation to the certain standard - unit of size of duration. The sum of sizes changes by various ways and variants of processes of management of these changes. For perfection of processes of management it is necessary to investigate existing ways, to lead(carry out) experiments, to create the new theories and devices. This purpose can be reached(achieved), improving организм of the researcher in various directions of development of intelligence, reason, body and spirit by the appropriate trainings, preparation, training, connection of other measurements and clearing организма from slags.
Preservation of unit by change of the sum of sizes
The summation of sizes is the elementary function in a nature representing their addition in arithmetic tasks, but if it is variable sizes dependent on set of parameters, the task can appear impracticable without the certain conditions. The summation has arisen for the first time for calculation of subjects and further developed in process of development of a science and practice, growing in integrated and other complex(difficult) forms. Having decided(solved) a task of the sum and management with its(her) help, preservation of unit, it is possible to make the decisions of any tasks without use of summation, integration and differentiation. Traditional mathematics be not capable to overcome of a barrier of physics in relation to infinity of energy. She(it) touches variants of the infinite sums of sizes, divisions and умножений of infinity only for the abstract decision of the equations. The physics could not consider total influence of sizes of periodic continuous process of a charge and category of the condenser through the resistor by electrical pulses at preservation of a pressure(voltage) on the condenser with the help of traditional mathematics.
Preservation of unit by change of a level
Such function can be considered on an example of stabilization of target parameter of system by change of a level of size of entering energy and to receive noiseproof system. Existing systems in a nature with such function are all objects and subjects. At what level the theories are considered(examined), and up to what sizes they need to be changed to keep a planet as appropriate unit of space? One known scientist has stated an idea, that these all our works look комариным писком on a background of the largest works of other scientists. Having made the review of works of the largest scientists, it is uneasy to be convinced of opposite. Their works submitted by the largest plan in huge volumes to the information, перемалывают of alteration of initial unpretentious works, намешав them with tons by everyone похлебки from out-of-date sciences from EFFICIENCY are less than unit, and are a roar of air. Any similar unpretentious equation from them is not present. Any unpretentious circuit on transistors they do not represent. If these giants to ask about parameters of their models, they, referring on китайцев, are hidden for the mountains of the theories general(common) демагогии about масштабности. Honour кафедральные the scientists and the engineers will confirm, that having received results in unpretentious small-sized models on ширпотребных elements, without problems the experts will create any designs of huge parameters and scales. On small-sized model it is possible instantly to change parameters, elements and units, that it is impossible to carry out in the large scales. If the scientists experiment on the large models, means, at them the abilities of the researchers have run low, and they have turned in the simple workers trying to receive effects by a method "тыка" and "подтык-replacement", creating the clay monsters. Even the sculptor at first creates small-sized model of the future large product. The founders of building structures, mechanical, electrical and other systems also act. In driving schools at first will carry out(spend) training the future drivers on small breadboard models. All large military operations the officers and the generals at first simulate in classes on breadboard models, then on breadboard models of test ranges and repeatedly. The scientist needs to reconsider the positions and to learn to hear писк of a mosquito, if it писк of the god, instead of to rattle by command votes about empty works. Having increased a level of a sound, it is possible to receive a lot of valuable information from weak signals and not поиметь anything from грозного рычания of heavy artillery destroying all and everything, and appropriate food, requiring(demanding) for, of the gods.
Preservation of unit by change of function
The change of function can be made by change of its(her) structure of sizes, elements, components, systems etc., keeping unit of the chosen size. The structure of sizes changes by management by one, several or all sizes, which sizes are calculated by various ways, for example by observer automated or полуавтоматизированной by system, simple device, gauge etc. After calculation, the control system through target devices changes structure of sizes, thus changing function. The changed function forms management of preservation of unit. The functions contain arguments and factors, existing in kinds and forms of various trajectories of transformations of sizes энергий concerning objects both subjects of space and time.
Preservation of unit by change of function of a measure
The same as the other phenomena and properties, the measure can act by function and have own internal functions, which research by the probably obviously expressed function. The quantum mechanics has proved a wave nature of elements. The measures of space and time being the relative characteristics of space and time, have a wave nature. A measure - standard - object - particle both wave. The particles and waves consist of particles and waves. A particle that? Substance that? A wave from what? All waves of a measure in a complex represent function of a measure. The waves of a measure have adjustable parameters - amplitude, phase, frequency etc., changing which, it is possible to change waves, function and to operate preservation of unit.
Preservation of unit by change of functions
Function in a science is understood as process of the phenomenon, property in space and time. For example: trigonometrical functions (sinF (t), cosf (t), etc.) - processes гармонических of the phenomena in a nature, on a paper or in consciousness; functions организма - vital, working... Processes организма. The process exists for the observer (concerning the observer), in the attitude(relation) to other processes and as a result attitudes(relations) of the internal processes. The change of function is considered earlier. If the function can be changed, a number(line) of functions changes by simultaneous change of separate functions with the help of gauges, filters, converters etc. The appropriate signal of managements submitted on system of preservation of unit further is developed.
Preservation of unit by change of the phenomena
The phenomena, as well as вс ё in space, time, change the form, contents and other characteristics under action internal or external энергий. The set of the phenomena, thus, can cope by the certain system and to keep unit. For example, the phenomenon of stabilization has the characteristics of sizes, deviations(rejections), conditions etc. Having changed, for example of energy of stabilization, receive the phenomenon of stabilization in the certain conditions, i.e. change meaning(importance) of size of stabilization and, accordingly phenomenon of stabilization. The simultaneously wave phenomena in control systems and stabilization for preservation of unit, for example parasitic radiations, also change under various conditions. If the preservation of unit is made by size of stabilization and control system dependent on conditions of stabilization and radiations, the regulation them will take place change of the phenomenon of stabilization and wave phenomena, and preservation. The phenomena асинхронности are incorporated in continuous movement and change of space, time, kinds and forms энергий. At the same time, there are relative phenomena of synchronization of temporary parameters of objects, changing which, it is possible to change these phenomena and to keep relative parameters of kinds and forms энергий, tasks, required by conditions. The rather infinite energy of a point can be be to be kept and use by change of the phenomena of handicapes rendering parasitic influence on synchronization of switching processes, closing circuits with индуктивностями and not allowing to deduce(remove) this energy. As a result of synchronization the struggle with handicapes and with negative энергиями is excluded. Negative energy are inverted and are deduced from a point to the consumer.
Preservation of unit by change of the phenomenon
The phenomenon copes internal and external functions, exists as the internal and external attitudes(relations), i.e. preservation of unit, change internal both external functions and attitudes(relations). For example, the size is. The size changes as the phenomenon. The preservation of unit is made by change of size or its(her) phenomenon.
Preservation of unit by change in elements
Elements are the objects of space and time. The elements are exposed to change under the laws of movement and preservation. For example, elements of units of parameters of set - the physical parameters - change the sizes, i.e. change under influence of external and internal forces, keeping one of units of parameters (for example - length of a way). Other parameters will be be possible to expressed by the attitude(relation) to length, as, for example by(with) kg / м - attitude(relation) of a unit of weight to length of a way - measurement of size of work The circuit of a source of infinite energy of a point contains set of elements of management and stabilization, regulation and maintenance in elements of the given modes. Changing modes in elements, it is possible to keep ability of transition of a charge of an electrical current on other measurements as certain units of sizes with the purpose of use of infinite energy of a point for various needs, including for transition of real objects in space and time.
Preservation of unit by change of variants
This case is possible to present easier all in numbers of variants (number of variants of one sizes to change, and number of variants others to keep as unit). Further it is possible to operate with systems, functions etc.
Preservation of unit by change of time
If to consider(examine) time - as duration of process, it becomes clear, that for change of unit of function of time, it is enough to change this duration. At formation of an abstract category it is possible simply to speak in figures about size of time, about unit. It is particularly necessary to create conditions, restrictions etc. and to decide(solve) differently. In the book the general(common) system of the decision of problems is looked through: the analysis, statement of a task, creation of algorithm of the decision, application of algorithm. It is clear, that all is connected гармонически and actually inexhaustible energy in a point of space and controlled variant for the observer is simply necessary for the decision of any task. The controlled variant provides adaptive structure with sufficient speed. Then to keep a time unit it is easier in the rather complex(difficult) circuits. The change of duration of the period, or time of pulses of a continuous and periodic sequence of an electrical current, results in preservation of infinite and uncertain energy taken for consumption her(it) from a point. The uncertainty of energy is a relative category and consequently such energy can be operated at sufficient knowledge of methods, functions, systems, ways, phenomena, processes, properties, laws and other elements of management. By the basic moment, which needs to be acquired - is the possession of the genetic memory and interdiction to it(her) of extraneous objects and subjects. The additional purchase of knowledge is made for memory continuously for existence of the individual in space and time. In this process there are other individuals, and some of them try to take possession of reason of other individuals, their genetic memory, thus subordinating their reason, owning the greater degree of management of space and time. On this planet there was such situation, that the individuals lose the properties of genetic memory after the occurrence from other measurements. The loss of genetic memory occurs at each individual on the laws, than and the unfair persons use, announcing itself is higher on intelligence and other attributes of development for the eminence above other individuals and nature. Occurs дисбаланс of interactions энергий in space and time of a planet resulting(bringing) to destructive processes of available kinds, forms of life of a nature of a planet and space, environmental her(it). How the man gets depending on other people, phenomena, properties both laws of space and time? The answers infinite set, one of which gives библия, explaining purchase by the man of independence with the help simple and absolutely sincere веры on examples of the Christ and other persons of a history of mankind. Other, not less strong answer is the presence of sufficient knowledge and skills on management of infinite energy of a point. _Фактически There is a temporary synchronization of objects and subjects among themselves and to the certain elements of space both time, and change of a rule(situation) of kinds and forms of energy by various ways of switching. The switching is a kind and form of change of interactions of kinds both forms энергий of space and time represented by consciousness of the individual by the various phenomena. Дисбаланс of kinds and forms of energy on a planet results also in attempts to correct interactions энергий by various ways under the available and created theories, including on most acceptable - theory scientific коммунизма, closly synchronization, appropriate to the requirements. Lack of this theory is the absence in it(her) of examples of real devices, which could repeat the workers and ensure(supply) with infinite energy for abundance of consumption by its(her) society(community) of the individuals, organized with this purpose. Such society(community) can or create these devices, or them somewhere to borrow. The borrowing will not result in the sanction of power problems, but only will aggravate a rule(situation) of such society(community) from the suppliers of devices. Единственно the correct decision - accelerated enough formation(education) of all society(community). Whence and how it can receive it(him), if obstinately forbids even to think of infinite energy, deriding the experts in infinite energy and scoffing above their works? The decision on the termination(discontinuance) of life of their homebrew outstanding sciences and children's great opening also has come. The old outstanding sciences and children's great opening disappear in невидимость on a background infinite энергий under the new formulas. To the equations, circuits and theories. The complexity of old sciences, from EFFICIENCY of energy no more unit, more does not involve(attract) the individuals because of simplicity and гениальности of new arising sciences with infinite EFFICIENCY of energy of a point.
Preservation of unit by change of other meanings(importance)
In mathematics and physics the meanings(importance) of sizes are represented, of parameters etc. In consciousness of the man the category of meaning(importance) can accept other forms, for example - meaning(importance) of the invention for a national economy or meaning(importance) of the report for an audience. However force or size of meaning(importance) of one phenomenon influences processes of other objects. Obviously, the force of meaning(importance) is possible is to changed and to received by(with) preservation of unit of other objects.
Preservation of unit by change of meanings(importance) of quantity(amount)
The meaning(importance) of quantity(amount) of the phenomena (for example) can be changed to a condition of object, operating one or several phenomena, keeping unit of size, concerning which the phenomena cope. The meanings(importance) of quantity(amount) of energy from a point, which need to be changed for preservation of unit of meaning(importance) of size required on conditions of a task, change during management of infinite energy of a point, therefore the certain attitudes(relations) of objects both subjects of space and time are established. Practically these functions are carried out at management of infinite energy of a point and achievement of the purposes put by a task. The details are necessary at research of the every possible reasons of infringement of process and occurrence of inadmissible mistakes in the decision of a task. The appropriate model in this case is developed, the research of process of reception of the attitudes(relations) will be carried out(spent) and the reasons of infringements of functions of preservation, change and attitude(relation) come to light. The functions of meanings(importance) of quantity(amount) of infinite energy bear(carry) in themselves uncertain sizes, therefore the result can be also uncertain. The monitoring system of such functions defines(determines) quality of process. Obvious безрассудство of the requirement of exact planning of processes of use энергий, is proved to real practice of the man. Instead of planning it is necessary to carry out synchronization last, present and future time, using the new theories, for what it is necessary at first to create an independent sample of management of infinite energy of a point allowing to operate time by virtue of his(its) unlimited in time of energy.
Preservation of unit by change of meanings(importance) of parameter
The task of changes of meanings(importance) of parameter in the elementary case can be resulted in a task of change of the elementary sizes, if the conditions and requirements of a task allow. For example, if the speech goes about quantitative meanings(importance) of parameter, измеряемых by automatic system (digital codes, pulses etc.) keep necessary unit of parameter the certain structure, specially developed for it, (COMPUTER, automatics, полуавтоматика etc.) can.
Preservation of unit by change of other meanings(importance)
In mathematics and physics there are meanings(importance) of sizes, of parameters etc. In consciousness of the man the category of meaning(importance) can accept other forms, for example - meaning(importance) of the invention for a national economy or meaning(importance) of the report for an audience. However force or size of meaning(importance) of one phenomenon influences processes of other objects. Obviously, the force of meaning(importance) is possible is to changed and to received by(with) preservation of unit of other objects. The meanings(importance) of parameter of energy of other measurements change by every possible ways of management of infinite energy of a point, therefore it is possible to keep unit of the necessary size for the decisions of tasks.
Preservation of unit by change of meanings(importance) of function
The meanings(importance) of function are defined(determined) by area of its(her) allowable meanings(importance) on conditions of a task. The meanings(importance) of function are required to be defined(determined) from conditions of a task, to find a way of their changes at preservation of unit of size of meaning(importance) of one of meanings(importance) of function.
Preservation of unit by change of quality
The change of any unit of structure of object conducts to change of quality of object. Change size of a point of object concerning the standard. Volume of object will change, his(its) quality of movement and concerning unit of the standard of parameter of movement is received by(with) qualities of movement of object.
Preservation of unit by change of quantity(amount) of sizes
Under some conditions of existence, the objects change the characteristics (quantity(amount) of sizes in them) for preservation of the certain parameters of environment(Wednesday) (units - as standards), concerning which the change is made.
Preservation of unit by change of volume
The category of volume is the characteristic of space and time, therefore complex of the attitudes(relations) of the characteristics and parameters of objects in volume with application of known knowledge of sciences in this case is considered(examined). This variation allows to operate with a category of volume for the description of the phenomena and properties of objects top-level, in view of interactions, feedback and operations with infinite sizes. The change of volume of knowledge is necessary for the individual for preservation of his(its) units of sizes protecting from negative influences of environmental and external environment(Wednesday) of points with infinite энергиями, creating every possible kinds and forms of objects. The received results on research infinite энергий of a point with the purpose of their managements through systems on the basis of the created amplifiers with absolute parameters, allow to make the all-round analysis of existence of a planet in last, present and future with a sufficient degree of the assumptions, hypotheses and theories. This analysis will help to change volume of knowledge of the individual, in result to proceed(pass) to the concrete forms and kinds of research works, and then and to practical businesses on improvement of a planet. Most acceptable for the beginning, is the historical review of materials on research works of mankind in the field of electromagnetic fluctuations and waves, therefore these results of researches have appeared.
Preservation of unit by change of the period
The existence of harmony in space and time is an existence of periodic processes. The change occurs to preservation of the standard of the period. To change the period it is possible by a various image, since it(he) can change on size of duration of time of processes. " the PERIOD (from греч. periodos - detour - круговращение, certain circle of time), 1) Interval of time covering any completed process. 2) Stage of public development, public movement. " http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/enc3p/231322 The process can change, and the period to be kept and, on the contrary, period can change, and process to be kept. The sizes of processes and periods can be perceived by a various image, depending on many factors of space and time. The preservation of unit by change of the period - is shown by a relative category because of these factors, but simultaneously it allows to make the new attitude(relation) by the certain decision. The change of the period can be carried out by change of process, volume of space of energy both other characteristics of space and time depending on the requirements of a task. As the man exists in a society(community), the basic question for laws of changes of the period, with the purpose of preservation of required units, will be a question of change of a stage of public development with result of preservation of improvements of vital conditions of the man.


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